"Todo List Application" helps keep track of your pending and completed task. The application allows users to do perform the following functions:
- Add new todo item.
- Edit existing item(s).
- Mark/Unmark item as completed.
- Delete completed items.
- Save item. The application was built using Javascript, React, SASS.
- Basic Language - JavaScript
- Framework - React
- Other technologies/tools:
> create-react-app
> webpack for bundling files
> Babel for code transpiling
> Git for version control
> Eslint for JavaScript linting
> Stylelint for style linting
> Jest for testing
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- You should have basic knowledge of HTML.
- You should have basic knowledge of JavaScript.
- You should have basic knowledge of CSS.
- You should have basic knowledge of webpack.
- Also, a basic knowledge of git and github.
- A code editor: I used VScode for this project but you can use any code editor of your choice.
- follow steps on this link to set up VScode code editor: setup vscode
- download VScode. Watch this video on how to install VScode on windows.
- Git
- Node
Clone project, run in your terminal:
$ git clone https://github.com/KingsleyIbe/react-todos-app.git
Open the cloned project in your code editor and run:
$ cd react-todos-app
Install npm packages, run:
$ npm i or npm install
Then run the server:
$ npm start
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse
This project is MIT licensed.