Welcome to the Air Reservation System project! This system allows you to manage airline ticket reservations, featuring models for airplanes like Airbus A380 and Boeing 737 Max. It includes functionalities such as passenger seat allocation and ticket printing.
- Airplane Models: Airbus A380, Boeing 737 Max
- Seat Allocation for passengers
- Ticket Printing functionality
python = "^3.12"
mypy = "1.14.1"
pytest = "8.3.4"
To get started with the project, follow these steps:
(a recommended way to manage Python tools):sudo apt install pipx pipx ensurepath
Install Poetry using pipx:
pipx install poetry
Install Mypy using Poetry:
poetry add mypy
Install Jupyter Notebook using Poetry:
poetry add 'pytest==8.3.4'
Run the application:
python -m Air_reservation_system
poetry update
The Air Reservation System is designed to manage airline ticket reservations, featuring different airplane models like Airbus A380 and Boeing 737 Max. It allows for functions like passenger seat allocation, flight details, and ticket printing.
The project is divided into three main directories: flight
, helpers
, and planes
The entry point of the system. It sets up the airplane models and flight, then allocates passengers to seats and prints tickets.
from helpers import card_printer
from planes import AirbusA380, Airplane, Boeing737Max
from flight import Flight
def main():
plane = Airplane()
airbus = AirbusA380()
boeing = Boeing737Max()
f = Flight('LO127', airbus)
f.allocate_passenger(passenger='Lech K', seat='12B')
f.allocate_passenger(passenger='Donald T', seat='12C')
f.allocate_passenger(passenger='Jaro K', seat='13C')
f.relocate_passenger('13C', '25G')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Contains airplane models and their seating plans.
# Airplane Model Base Class
class Airplane:
def get_seats_no(self):
rows, seats = self.get_seating_plan()
return len(rows) * len(seats)
class AirbusA380(Airplane):
def get_airplane_model():
return 'Airbus 380'
def get_seating_plan():
return range(1, 31), 'ABCDEGHJK'
class Boeing737Max(Airplane):
def get_airplane_model():
return 'Boeing 737 Max'
def get_seating_plan():
return range(1, 46), 'ABCDEGHJK'
Contains the ticket printing function.
def card_printer(passenger, seat, airplane, flight_number):
message = f'| Passenger: \033[91m{passenger.title()}\033[0m, Seat: {seat}, Airplane: {airplane}, {flight_number} |'
frame = f'+{'-' * (len(message) - 2)}+'
empty_frame = f'|{" " * (len(message) - 2)}|'
banner = [frame, empty_frame, empty_frame, empty_frame, message, empty_frame, empty_frame, empty_frame, frame]
Handles the flight operations such as allocating passengers, relocating them, and printing tickets.
class Flight:
def __init__(self, flight_number, airplane):
self.flight_number = flight_number
self.airplane = airplane
rows, seats = self.airplane.get_seating_plan()
self.seating_plan = [None] + [{letter: None for letter in seats} for _ in rows]
def allocate_passenger(self, passenger, seat):
row, letter = self._parse_seat(seat)
if self.seating_plan[row][letter] is not None:
raise ValueError(f'Seat is already taken: {seat}')
self.seating_plan[row][letter] = passenger
def relocate_passenger(self, seat_from, seat_to):
row_from, letter_from = self._parse_seat(seat_from)
if self.seating_plan[row_from][letter_from] is None:
raise ValueError(f'Seat_from is not occupied: {seat_from}')
row_to, letter_to = self._parse_seat(seat_to)
if self.seating_plan[row_to][letter_to] is not None:
raise ValueError(f'Seat_to is occupied: {seat_to}')
self.seating_plan[row_to][letter_to] = self.seating_plan[row_from][letter_from]
self.seating_plan[row_from][letter_from] = None
def get_passenger_list(self):
rows, seats = self.airplane.get_seating_plan()
for row in rows:
for letter in seats:
passenger = self.seating_plan[row][letter]
if passenger is not None:
yield passenger, f'{row} {letter}'
def print_tickets(self, printer):
for passenger, seat in self.get_passenger_list():
printer(passenger, seat, self.get_model(), self.flight_number)
def _parse_seat(self, seat):
rows, seats = self.airplane.get_seating_plan()
letter = seat[-1]
if letter not in seats:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid seat letter: {letter}')
row_text = seat[:-1]
row = int(row_text)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid row number: {row_text}')
if row not in rows:
raise ValueError(f'Row number is out of range: {row}')
return row, letter
📑 Summary
The project uses object-oriented programming to represent airplanes and flights.
It supports seat allocation, passenger management, and ticket printing.
The system is highly modular, with separate components for planes, flight management,
and helpers for ticket printing.
💬 Thank You!
Thank you for your interest in the Air Reservation System! Feel free to give feedback or ask any questions. Your input is highly appreciated. 😊