Available on NuGet
dotnet add package Nexd.MySQL --version 1.0.2
// import using
using Nexd.MySQL;
MySqlDb MySql = new MySqlDb("localhost", "root", "password", "database");
These functions are not safe in the context of SQL injection. Make sure to escape your values correctly before executing. (MySqlHelper.EscapeString(value);)
MySql.ExecuteQuery($"SELECT * FROM `Players` WHERE Name = '{name}';", name); make sure that the name is escaped.
MySql.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE * FROM `Players`;");
MySqlQueryCondition conditions = new MySqlQueryCondition()
.Add("ID", ">", "1002")
.Add("ID", "<=", "1008");
MySqlQueryResult result = MySql.Table("players").Where(conditions).Select();
for(int i = 0; i < result.Rows; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"{result.Get<int>(i, "ID")} {result.Get<string>(i, "Name")} {result.Get<string>(i, "Identifier")}");
MySqlQueryResult result = MySql.Table("players").Where("ID > 1002 AND ID <= 1008").Select();
for(int i = 0; i < result.Rows; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"{result.Get<int>(i, "ID")} {result.Get<string>(i, "Name")} {result.Get<string>(i, "Identifier")}");
MySqlQueryValue values = new MySqlQueryValue()
.Add("Name", "Player Name #1") // DB column is 'Name', insert data 'Player Name #1'
.Add("Identifier", "uniqueidentifier"); // DB column is 'Identifier', insert data 'uniqueidentifier'
// assume there is a table named 'players'
MySqlQueryValue values = new MySqlQueryValue()
.Add("Name", "Player Name #2");
// with wrapper classes
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where(MySqlQueryCondition.New("Identifier", "=", "uniqueidentifier")).Update(values);
// without
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where("Identifier = 'uniqueidentifier'").Update(values);
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where("Identifier = 'uniqueidentifier' AND ID > 0").Update(values); // random example that shows you can define your where statement just as you like
// with wrapper classes
MySqlQueryResult result = MySql.Table("players").Where(MySqlQueryCondition.New("Identifier", "=", "uniqueidentifier")).Select();
// without
MySqlQueryResult result = MySql.Table("players").Where("Identifier = 'uniqueidentifier'").Select(); // you can specify the fields (columns) you want to select, also LIMIT the amount of results by passing them to the .Select() as parameters
// then
int playerId = result.Get<int>(0, "ID"); // 0 is the row, "ID" is the column name in the results
DateTime registeredAt = result.Get<DateTime>(0, "CreationDate"); // 0 is the row, "CreationDate" is the column name in the results
// with wrapper classes
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where(MySqlQueryCondition.New("Identifier", "=", "uniqueidentifier")).Delete();
// without
int rowsAffected = MySql.Table("players").Where("Identifier = 'uniqueidentifier'").Delete();
Note: that every method has its Async
version implemented
Documentation is currently unavailable, but its self explanatory and has the same syntax with the sync version, just with Async
method names.
- Joins
- Subqueries
- Group by?
- Order by?