Add framework for extensions in API spec #950
Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch
Mar 20, 2024 in 8m 9s
Build Passed
The build passed, just like the previous build.
This is a normal build for the adoc branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.
Jobs and Stages
This build only has a single job.
You can use jobs to test against multiple versions of your runtime or dependencies, or to speed up your build.
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Ruby |
Operating System | Linux (Focal) |
Ruby Version | 2.7.1 |
Build Configuration
"language": "ruby",
"os": [
"dist": "focal",
"git": {
"depth": 200
"rvm": [
"before_install": [
"sudo apt-get install -y libpango1.0-dev ghostscript fonts-lyx jing libavalon-framework-java libbatik-java python3-pyparsing",
"gem install asciidoctor -v 2.0.16",
"gem install coderay -v 1.1.1",
"gem install rouge -v 3.19.0",
"gem install ttfunk -v 1.5.1",
"gem install hexapdf -v 0.27.0",
"gem install asciidoctor-pdf -v 1.5.0",
"gem install asciidoctor-mathematical -v 0.3.5",
"pip install pyparsing"
"script": [
"git describe --tags --dirty",
"make -C xml validate",
"python3 makeSpec -clean -spec core OUTDIR=out.core -j 5 api c env ext cxx4opencl",
"python3 makeSpec -clean -spec khr OUTDIR=out.khr -j 12 html manhtmlpages"
"deploy": [
"provider": "releases",
"file_glob": true,
"file": [
"skip_cleanup": true,
"on": {
"tags": true
"edge": true,
"token": "$GH_TOKEN"