Note from the contributor
- this was my capstone project which I was required to finish within 12 days. Vue was the unfamiliar environment I chose for this task. Any commit after 02/07/2018 are fixes after the initial time allotted to me for this project.
Project Description Project Ten is an application that provides the user a template to create challenges lasting ten days. The challenges can then be shared with the user’s friends(online or in real life) and family. The challenges could be related to health and well being, or something trivial (like binge watching all Marvel movies for ten days straight!). It’s completely up to users to come up with the content; sky’s the limit
What problem does your project solve? The application provides a platform for the users to do joint activities with their friends and family. The app would have the ability to track user’s activities, that way users can track each other progress.
Who has this problem? This app targets people who like to get involved in social activities with their friends and family but doesn’t have an app that will help them organize, track, and personalize these activities.
How will your project solve this problem? The project will solve this problem by letting the users personalize their activities down to the tee. We will give the user the option to add a digital diary, tracker(tracking weight, blood pressure, etc),videos & audios, and quizzes.
What inputs does it need? digital diary, tracker(tracking weight, blood pressure, etc),videos & audios, and quizzes.
What outputs does it produce? Output would include user created challenges with their “effective” rating(as in accumulation of a straight up and down vote). Users can find out for themselves which challenges works for them.
What technologies do you plan to use? Vue, Postgres, Javascript, and Node.js.
Prioritized Feature list (Label stretch features with STRETCH) Fully customized Challenges. Youtube and Sound Links. Graphs for tracking purpose. Up and Down vote for challenges. Group chat option. (STRETCH) Award system depending on their performance and completion rate. (STRETCH) Also a feature involving peer review. (STRETCH)
A Vue.js project
Please make sure you have NPM installed.
# install Vue-Cli
npm install --global vue-cli
# install dependencies within the directory
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
Backend Link