Tasklytic is a simple task management app where users can create, view, edit, delete, and manage their tasks. The app allows users to mark tasks as complete or incomplete, view pending and completed tasks separately, and offers an intuitive task management experience. This app was built to help users stay organized with their tasks, offering a seamless way to manage to-do items.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Passport.js (for authentication)
- EJS (templating engine)
- CSS (for styling)
This project also uses third-party libraries and tools. Special thanks to the following:
- Express.js: The web framework used to build the server.
- Mongoose: For object modeling and managing MongoDB data.
- Passport.js: For authentication strategies, specifically Passport-local.
- bcrypt.js: For securely hashing passwords.
- connect-flash: For flash messages.
- connect-mongo: For MongoDB session storage.
- Body Parser: For parsing incoming request bodies in Express.
For more information on these tools, visit their respective documentation pages.
- Implement user-friendly CSS for a more polished and responsive UI.
- Add task prioritization features (high, medium, low).
- Enable task reminders via email or notifications.
- Integrate OAuth for social media login options.