This application has samples for different kafka stream operations/concepts like :
- Filter/FilterNot
- Map/MapValues
- FlatMap/FlatMapValues
- Peek
- Foreach
- GroupBy
- GroupByKey
- SelectKey
- Repartition
- Merge
- Branch
- Cogroup
- Aggregate(Windowed/Non Windowed)
- Reduce(Windowed/Non Windowed)
- Count(Windowed/Non Windowed)
- Join
- Interactive Queries
This is developed in Java 8 and Kafka Streams 2.7.0
Kafka cluster is prerequisite to run these applications. Follow Kafka Cluster Setup
section to set it up.
Download Kafka from
Extract it somewhere by executing tar command on Terminal
i.e. tar -xvf kafka_2.13-2.6.0.tgz
Go to that extracted Kafka folder
i.e. cd kafka_2.13-2.6.0/
Start zookeeper
bin/ config/
This will bring up zookeeper on default port 2181 configured in
file -
Start first broker/node
bin/ config/
This will start broker with below default broker id, log directory and port configured in
config/ log.dirs=/tmp/kafka-logs port=9092
Create a copy of
file for second broker/nodei.e. cp config/ config/
Change broker id, log directory and port in
config/ log.dirs=/tmp/kafka-logs-1 port=9093
Start second broker/node
bin/ config/
Create one more copy of
file for third broker/nodei.e. cp config/ config/
Change broker id, log directory and port in
config/ log.dirs=/tmp/kafka-logs-2 port=9094
Start third broker/node
bin/ config/
Check what brokers are up and running
bin/ localhost:2181 ls /brokers/ids
will give you below output
Connecting to localhost:2181 WATCHER:: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null [0, 1, 2]