This is intended only for the Creatella's use. It is done has a test project, to show my abilities to Creatella. The application is built using the library React JS.
- Products are displayed in a grid.
- The user has an option to sort the products by "size", "price" or "id". The products list reloads when a new sorting option is chosen.
- Each product has a "size" field price field and date.
- The font-size (in pixels). The "price" is formatted as dollars like
. The "date" field, displays relative time (eg. "3 days ago") ,unless they are older than 1 week. - The product grid automatically load more items as you scroll down.
- An animated loading ("loading..." if CSS not wokring) message is shown while the user waits for the data to load.
- Data is fetch whenever the user scroll, a loading animation is displayed to improve the user's experience.
- When the user reaches the end and there are no more products to display, the message "~ end of catalogue ~" is shown.
- After every 20 products a modal pops up with an advertisement from a sponsor. The same markup as the advertisement in the header shown in
,was used and?r
query param is used to randomly generate a new image each time an ad is displayed. - The Ads are randomly selected, A user never sees the same ad twice in a row.
- Responsive website
- Sign In and Sign up buttons.
- The user can add items to the cart.
- Total Items and prices are displayed
- Side drawer for mobile (<768px).
Using window onscroll method along with other window objects to calculate the screen size for infinte scrolling.
Using { responseType: "arraybuffer" } to received images form a server in binary data. Then you can convert back that data to be displayed on your website.
- Add state manager sucher as redux.
- Add missing pages and links to complete the application (e.g:Directory link and checkout page).
- Form validation
- Test for bugs and fix.
clone the repository-
Use terminal to browse to the repository -
cd creatella-ecommerce-site
Run the command -
npm install
Start the application -
npm start
yarn start
npm install/ yarn start Runs the app in the development mode.
Set to be open on http://localhost:3005 to view it in the browser.
- git clone creatella-ecommerce-server
- At any location on your computer in a folder, extract the SERVER files.
- Oper your terminal and move to the folder creatella-ecommerce-server -
cd creatella-ecommerce-server
. - Run the command -
npm install
. - Start the server -
npm start
yarn start
The server will now be up and running.