Electrified Stone on a Frozen Lake (v0.2.1)
Change log
TLDR: In this version, frozen periods are now available and outputs expiration type of access token.
🚀 Enhancements
- frozen period: Make routes (ae4dd6c)
- frozen period: Make account statements per currency (c805547)
- frozen period: Expose route to dry run the creation (0500603)
- Change supported API specification (07d94f0)
🩹 Fixes
- cast: Correct the name of rational number (2bc81df)
- frozen period: Validate time fields (edb95e1)
- validation: Correct reference to utility method (fe989b7)
- frozen period: Allow setting zero balances (bba3aa5)
- frozen period: Create summary calculations properly (18f55cf)
- frozen period: Access method to make raw calculations (4e84944)
- frozen period: Correct variable to search linked modifiers (0bfcda4)
- frozen period: Correct condition to add new entry group (211a874)
- frozen period: Use native function to group calculations (c6eb314)
- frozen period: Correct identifier for raw summary calculations (b942989)
- frozen period: Correct access and calculation of amounts (66a25f2)
- frozen period: Differentiate total amounts (4aafb22)
- exception: Correct used namespace to make custom exception (a4d9124)
- controller: Retain transaction existence (0b42c38)
- frozen period: Enable transactions for frozen periods (e47b58a)
- controller: Handle transaction errors manually (b2f18a0)
- controller: Commit immediately (1ca3401)
- exception: Correct implemented interface name (2b17e9e)
- exception: Hint the return type for compatibility (0915f19)
- exception: Use missing trait from the framework (6304e92)
- frozen period: Use previous period as basis of raw calculation (ac26db1)
- frozen period: Correct variable name (82597cf)
- frozen period: Correct the status code of dry run create (dd20b9f)
- exception: Correct identifier to previous validation (9866379)
- exception: Set status code to handle errors (df35587)
- exception: Send the filtered response (2b76f00)
- frozen period: Show related resources for dry run (24d9e06)
- validation: Specify the time zone in rules (8374eed)
- exception: Correct returned handler (52eb9e6)
- frozen period: Include user ID in creation (a16a43e)
- exception: Use the code from the HTTP exception (e2ca752)
- modifier: Limit update of modifier to name and description (3fc6c18)
- account: Limit update of account to name and description (8c03360)
- authentication: Get current user to revoke or grant access token (64369a6)
- authentication: Use missing classes for access token generation (d172160)
- authentication: Remove existing user ID (d82827f)
- authentication: Remove missing message (4ca3186)
- authentication: Respond with raw token (0122392)
- authentication: Correct function to get separator index (6ba140f)
- authentication: Receive authorization value and respond properly (93f3fb7)
- authentication: Correct mechanism type (1d28fd3)
- frozen period: Relax checks on checking (393f307)
- filter: Return authentication exceptions (a678a17)
- model: Remove type-hints about the return type (b5fd654)
- controller: Correct the method to sort the index (9614daa)
- controller: Retain the state of modifiers (36716bb)
- controller: Place limit and offset directly on model method (04ed801)
- model: Correct the translation of user input (dd430a2)
- financial entry: Prevent empty matches (50af3fd)
- financial entry: Set the main document regardless of matches (26df56f)
💅 Refactors
- constant: Generalize required date time format (f0ed230)
- frozen period: Separate statement creation (08ec074)
- frozen period: Make raw summaries as entity (fa01ffb)
- exception: Separate server failure (17007a8)
- model: Correct casing of search mode (e5a2779)
📖 Documentation
- blueprint: Correct the misspelling of the credit (37a6677)
- Add instruction to sync application space (3a3bd1b)
- Update installation instructions (c550419)
- instructions: Note database host name (3a4c96a)
- instruction: Add another instruction for updates (9aa2e91)
- instruction: Add step to install dependencies (8cabe82)
- instruction: Note the instructions are not yet clear (797e998)
📦 Build
- Ignore certain files in build (0a99222)
- Make image (eceb577)
- Make container (b32d0d2)
- Change the name of the container (bfefd72)
- Run migration only after starting the container (f6431d5)
- Rename server network (ff0959f)
- Run the HTTP server after migrations (f77a71a)
- Correct the mapping of networks (1e997aa)
- Remove unknown users (d58ee1a)
- Run migrations every build only (3673746)
- Restart HTTP service to ensure applied changes (f053b28)
- Remove variable to mount the directory (e912667)
- Correct the casing of program command (096fdc0)
- Specialize domain name (d374a21)
🏡 Chore
- feature: Prepare test for frozen period routes (c410f5f)
- Include lock file for successful tests (59f9e19)
- Update the files from template (947a7b3)
- Ignore custom container file (cd29732)
- Change the glob to ignore some special container environment file (f588950)
✅ Tests
- feature: Scale rational numbers (3826701)
- feature: Specialize test to ensure index frozen period works (9fb0490)
- feature: Specialize test to ensure show frozen period works (a82b579)
- feature: Correct asserted values (009fe49)
- feature: Remove extra fabricators (8871edd)
- feature: Specialize test to ensure create frozen period works (0d0d620)
- feature: Specialize test to ensure update frozen period is missing (e3d68c6)
- feature: Specialize test to ensure delete frozen period is missing (558df6b)
- feature: Specialize test to ensure missing restore frozen period (b5f8b9c)
- feature: Specialize test to ensure delete frozen period works (59fc98b)
- feature: Merge overrides for frozen period tests (0dd7590)
- feature: Handle errors properly (a73c0b2)
- feature: Add frozen period ID in creating summary calculations (e00f380)
- feature: Use the assertion methods in the context class (8cf7a9a)
- feature: Expect empty array on frozen period index (80821cb)
- feature: Make test to ensure prevention of imbalanced creations (b30d471)
- feature: Expect distinguished totals (67a1329)
- feature: Expect thrown exception for imbalanced frozen period (8a633c0)
- feature: Expect use native class to match all exceptions (15b33c0)
- feature: Reform tests for currency routes (52a5da6)
- feature: Reform tests for account routes (9943cac)
- feature: Reform tests for modifier routes (60a5e30)
- feature: Reform tests for financial entry routes (d2ec2f6)
- feature: Reform tests for frozen periods (4164724)
- feature: Add test if frozen period can continue on another period (3aa8a19)
- feature: Expect correct summary calculations (8700fab)
- feature: Expect a route to do dry run for creation (a772380)
- feature: Correct order of expected summary calculations (df16ed4)
- feature: Expect currencies to be part of check (cc6730c)
- feature: Expect statements to be calculated in dry run (fe129d7)
- Make directory for stage database (4a261e1)
- feature: Ensure checking open frozen periods is allowed (0c19406)
- feature: Update currency index tests (89eab0b)
- feature: Update account index tests (75f03c2)
- feature: Update modifier index tests (011f83a)
- feature: Update financial entry index tests (abc7f54)
- feature: Update frozen period index tests (0b02d68)
🤖 CI
- Update setup (f7fe825)
- Remove cache temporarily (51d1d8f)
- Re-cache dependencies but with lock file (8059d76)
❤️ Contributors
- Kenneth Trecy Tobias web.kennethtobias@gmail.com