- Unique count and total amount for each transaction type?
- Average total historical deposit counts and amounts for all customers?
- Closing balance for each customer at the end of the month?
- Percentage of customers who increase their closing balance by more than 5%?
- For each month - how many Data Bank customers make more than 1 deposit and either 1 purchase or 1 withdrawal in a single month?
- If the annual interest rate is set at 6% and the Data Bank team wants to reward its customers by increasing their data allocation based off the interest calculated on a daily basis at the end of each day, how much data would be required for this option on a monthly basis?
- Using the outputs generated from the customer node questions, generate a few headline insights which Data Bank might use to market it’s world-leading security features to potential investors and customers.
- With the results of the transaction analysis - I prepared a 1 page presentation slide which contains all the relevant information about the 3 options for data provisioning so the Data Bank management team can make an informed decision.
- PostgreSQL
- Excel
- MS Power Point