Application to generate Bitcoin wallets using wallets (HD). It creates Bitcoin addresses and private keys from a randomly generated mnemonic phrase. The application supports both the main Bitcoin network (mainnet) and the test network (testnet).
: Library for working with HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) keys.bip39
: Library to generate and manipulate mnemonics (recovery phrases).bitcoinjs-lib
: Library for Bitcoin operations, such as creating addresses and transactions.
Clone the repository and install the dependencies with the following command:
git clone <REPOSITORY_URL>
npm install
To generate a new Bitcoin wallet, navigate to the src folder "cd .\src", and run the following command:
node .\createWallet.js
This will generate a new mnemonic phrase, a private key and a corresponding Bitcoin address, which will be displayed in the console.
Private Key: <PRIVATE_WIF_KEY>
Mainnet: To generate addresses on the Bitcoin mainnet, uncomment the line const network = bitcoin.networks.bitcoin.
Test Network (Testnet): To generate addresses on the Bitcoin test network, use the line const network = bitcoin.networks.testnet (default setting).
Security: Keep your private key and mnemonic phrase in a safe place and never share it with third parties. Control over the private key implies control over the funds associated with the address.
Testnet vs. Mainnet: Use testnet for development and testing without financial risk. Mainnet must be used for real transactions and with real funds.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request with improvements or corrections. If you find a bug or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to contribute to the project.