The purpose of this package is to provide a convenient way to connect to the Keiser Metrics server. It does not provide any interface representing the routes/models of the server.
If you are looking for our SDK which contains convenience functions & models mapped to all of our server routes, please refer to keiser_metrics_sdk.
NOTE - This package is a dependency of
- Websocket
- Primary method of communication with server.
- HTTP Fallback (if websocket is not enabled).
- Request Queue
- Will start queueing requests after a certain amount within a short time period.
- Request Retry
- Will automatically retry failed requests a certain number of times.
- Keep Alive
- Will automatically make
requests when authenticated
- Will automatically make
- Event Based
- Exposes several streams for you to keep track of the following:
- websocket connection status
- server status
- authentication status
- Exposes several streams for you to keep track of the following:
dart pub add keiser_metrics_connection
flutter pub add keiser_metrics_connection
import 'package:keiser_metrics_connection/keiser_metrics_connection.dart';
final connection = MetricsConnection(
shouldEnableWebSocket, // default: true
socketTimeout, // default: 30 seconds
concurrentRequestLimit, // default: 5
requestRetryLimit, // default: 5
shouldEnableErrorLogging, // default: false
// Listen for state changes
connection.onConnectionStatusChange.listen(event => {/* websocket connected || websocket disconnected */});
connection.onServerStatusChange.listen(event => {/* server online || server offline */});
connection.onAuthenticationStatusChange.listen(event => {/* authenticated || unauthenticated || unknown */});
connection.onRefreshTokenChange.listen(event => {/* new refresh token */});
// You must call this method before making a request to any authenticated routes.
// You can obtain a refresh token by signing in via our website.
await connection.initializeAuthenticatedSession(token: myRefreshToken);
// Use the `action` method to make requests to desired routes.
final response = await connection.action(/* route, params */);
// Dispose of the instance when you are done with it.
await connection.dispose();
class MetricsApiError implements Exception {
// ...
String? explanation;
int code; // internal api codes
int status; // standard server status codes (e.g. 200, 500, etc)
String name; // e.g. "TokenInvalid", "UnauthorizedResource"
String message;
// ...
enum ConnectionState { disconnected, connected } // websocket
enum ServerState { online, offline }
enum AuthenticationState { unauthenticated, authenticated, unknown }