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Kyle Westfall edited this page May 3, 2018 · 4 revisions


The updated program is below. Please note that we've moved the start time to 10am.

10:00-10:30     KG Lee          FOBOS: Initial Concept and Existing Design
10:30-10:45     Nick MacDonald  The fiber-WFOS design for TMT
10:45-11:10     Kyle Westfall   Goals for the workshop and discussion

11:10-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-11:45     Zheng Cai       Use the Keck/FOBOS to Study High-z Galaxy Protoclusters
11:45-12:00     KG Lee          IGM Tomography at z=2-5
12:00-12:15     Tobias Schmidt  Mapping quasar light echos in three dimensions with HI
                                Lyman alpha forest tomography
12:15-12:30     Dan Masters     Photo-z calibration for WFIRST with FOBOS

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-13:45     Kyle Westfall   Galaxy-evolution science with IFUs on Keck
13:45-14:00     Anson Lam       Optical Spectroscopy of WISE-selected galaxies and AGNs
14:00-14:15     Mike Rich       Stellar populations in the Bulge and Local Group

14:15-15:15     Breakout Working Groups

15:15-15:30 Coffee Break

15:30-16:30     Round-table discussion
16:30-17:00     Closing summary and next steps

For Discussion:

Even if you're not presenting a science case for FOBOS, we'd like to encourage everyone to think about the capabilities of FOBOS as it relates to your science. Specifically, we're thinking of:

  • Target density (number per arcmin^2)
  • Target size (diameter in arcsec)
  • Do you want resolved (integral-field) spectroscopy?
  • Spectral range
  • Spectral resolution

as well as any others that you'd like to add. We've asked the science presenters to think about these details for their talks, as well. We'll collect these during the morning session and use them as points for discussion of the instrument capabilities during the afternoon. As a reminder, the baseline design yields the following:

  • Max target density: ~2.5 per arcmin^2 (~400 objects over a 160 arcmin^2 patrol field)
  • Target size: point source (0.6 arcsec FWHM at Keck)
  • Resolved spectroscopy?: No, will use integral collectors with ~1.7 arcsec aperture
  • Spectral range: 0.35-1 micron
  • Spectral resolution: 2500 (blue) to 4500 (red)


  • The venue is the UCLA Faculty Center (480 Charles E. Young Dr. East, Los Angeles, CA, 90095) located south of Murphy Hall and across the street from the Schoenberg Music Building.
  • Visitor parking is available in Lot 2, which is at Westholme and Hilgard.
  • Lunch will be provided.
  • Remote attendees should connect via the Zoom link below. We'll initiate the connection at 9am or soon thereafter.

Zoom link:

Topic: UCLA FOBOS Workshop
Time: May 4, 2018 9:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :
    US: +16465588656,,549519346#  or +16699006833,,549519346#
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    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 900 6833
    Meeting ID: 549 519 346
    International numbers available:

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    Meeting ID: 549 519 346

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