Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm passionate about coding, technology, and collaborating with talented individuals. Here you'll find information about me, my skills, and my projects.
- 🥰 Taken by an amazing girl
- 🔭 Currently working on my shoe shop
- 🌱 Learning Java and HTML 5
- 👯 Looking to collaborate with Post Malone
- 🤔 Seeking help with W3Schools
- 💬 Ask me about my family
- 📫 Reach me at: @sergiooramos_05 on Instagram
- 😇 Fun fact: I like playing video games
- Description: A project focused on [brief description of the project's purpose or functionality].
- Technologies Used:
- Live Demo | Read More
- Instagram: @sergiooramos_05
- LinkedIn: Your LinkedIn Profile
- I like playing video games
- I enjoy hiking and exploring new places
- I'm a coffee enthusiast
- JavaScript
- Vue.js
- Storybook
- Angular
- TypeScript
- Python
- Looking to collaborate with Post Malone
- Open to collaborating on interesting projects
- Looking for help with W3Schools
- Seeking mentorship in advanced Java programming