Experiments for the article titled: Factual and counterfactual explanations in fuzzy classification trees
The datasets used in the experiment are the following ones:
Beer | beer |
Breast | breast |
Compas | compas |
Heloc | heloc |
Pima | pima |
For the illustrative example of Section VII refer to the Jupyter Notebook illustrative_example.ipynb
For the experiment carried out in Section VIII.D.1 and Section VIII.D.2, the experiments are run by the file lambda_beta_study.py
as follows:
$ python lambda_beta_study.py db -q?
Where db
can take any of the values of the datasets previously explained and -q
is an optional parameter to make a small sample of the database for quick results. The flag -q
has not been used to generate the tables of the article and it is included for debugging purposes only.
This program will generate a file lambda_beta_study/db.csv
that has the structure:
kwargs | length | q_multiple | nr_fact |
lambda and beta arguments | length of the factual | more than a single rule | non robust factual percentage |
In order to generate the plots for Table II and Fig. 2, refer to the Jupyter notebook generate_multiplots.ipynb
For the experiment carried out in Section VIII.D.3, the experiments are run by the file factual_study.py
as follows:
$ python factual_study.py db -q?
Where db
can take any of the values of the datasets previously explained and -q
is an optional parameter to make a small sample of the database for quick results. The flag -q
has not been used to generate the tables of the article and it is included for debugging purposes only.
This program will generate a file factual_study/db.csv
that has the structure:
fact_name | length | q_multiple | nr_fact |
Name of the factual method | length of the factual | more than a single rule | non robust factual percentage |
In this case, each db.csv
represents a different column of Tables III and IV, where if nr_fact > 0
the column is in italics.
For the experiment carried out in Section VIII.E, the experiments are run by the file cf_study.py
as follows:
$ python cf_study.py db -q?
Where db
can take any of the values of the datasets previously explained and -q
is an optional parameter to make a small sample of the database for quick results. The flag -q
has not been used to generate the tables of the article and it is included for debugging purposes only.
This program will generate a file cf_study/db.csv
that has the structure:
cf_name | n_changes | n_rules |
Name of the factual method | Number of changes made to the instance | Number of rules tested by the algorithm |
With a last row that represents the number of counterfactuals.
In this case, each db.csv
represents a different column of Table V, where the last row of the file represents the NumCF