Twitter Deployed Live Link
Backend Server Code Link
- Reactjs for frontend
- Tailwindcss for ui designing
- Reduxjs-toolkit & redux saga for state managment
- axios for making http api calls
- ExpressJS for creating backend server
- Both Frontend & Backend is written Purely in Typescript with modularized & Optimized Code
- User Signup with email verification
- User can login using email or username
- Jwt token in cookie is being used for authentication
- Post Tweet (Image with captions)
- Like Tweets
- update current authenticated user's information
- View Users profile
- Follow / UnFollow People
- View Peoples Follower & Following List (Mutual Followers)
- Integrate Socket-io for realtime notifications
- show notifications on tweet like & on follow
- Implement comment feature on tweet post
- Implement Signin with google
- Implement Forgot Password
- Option to delete user's own posted tweet
- Some optimizations & Refactoring of code is needed