easyium is an easy-to-use wrapper for selenium&appium and it can make you more focus on business not the element.
Find the latest version on github: https://github.com/KarlGong/easyium-java or central Maven repository: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/iselsoft/easyium/
- easyium provides unified apis to test on browsers and devices.
- easyium adds a global implicit wait for elements and you rarely need to consider waiting a element to be visible or existing.
- easyium introduces a simple and clear way to build model objects for UI.
- easyium has a better performance, the element will lazily load WebElement reference and reuses it if necessary.
- easyium provides easy-to-use wait method for element. e.g., myElement.waitFor().not().exists()
- easyium provides a simple way to define a locator. e.g., use
instead ofBy.xpath(".//mytag")
- easyium provides a mechanism to avoid StaleElementReferenceException.
If you're using Maven, you will find easyium artifact in the central Maven repository here: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/iselsoft/easyium/
In order to start using easyium in your Maven project, just add the following dependency to your pom.xml
It is a wrapper for selenium&appium's web driver.
DynamicElement is one type of Element in easyium. It refers to the element which is dynamic relative to its parent.
You can get it only by calling WebDriver.findElement(locator)
or Element.findElement(locator)
and you can not create a new instance by yourself.
StaticElement is the other type of Element in easyium. It refers to the element which is static relative to its parent.
You can create a new instance by providing parent and locator.
Here, we want to get the app names in google's home page https://www.google.com/
Firstly, build the model object for google's home page.
import com.iselsoft.easyium.ChromeDriver;
import com.iselsoft.easyium.Element;
import com.iselsoft.easyium.support.FoundBy;
import com.iselsoft.easyium.support.Page;
// This class maps the google page in the browser.
public class Google extends Page{
// The google apps grid button is in the top-right.
// This button is always in the page, so it is StaticElement.
@FoundBy(locator = "class=gb_b")
private Element googleAppsGridButton;
// After clicked the google apps grid button, the google apps list will be shown.
// This list is always in the page, although it is invisible, it is StaticElement.
@FoundBy(locator = "class=gb_ha")
private Element googleAppsList;
public Google() {
// Create a WebDriver instance for chrome.
super(new ChromeDriver());
// Currently the StaticElement does not refer to WebElement in Browser,
// so open url here is fine.
public GoogleAppsList clickGoogleAppsGridButton() {
// It is StaticElement, easyium will wait it to be visible automatically.
// Let's return the GoogleAppsList object.
return new GoogleAppsList(googleAppsList);
public void quit() {
Build model object for the google apps list.
import com.iselsoft.easyium.Element;
import com.iselsoft.easyium.support.Control;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
// This class maps google apps list in the browser.
public class GoogleAppsList extends Control {
protected GoogleAppsList(Element element) {
public void waitUntilReady() {
// Wait for the google apps list visible.
// In most cases we should wait for the mask not existing here .
// But in this case, no mask here.
// loadingMask.waitFor().not().exists()
public List<GoogleApp> getAllApps() {
// We should wait this control until ready.
// Find the elements under google apps list.
// We do not know how many apps in the list, so use find_elements(locator).
// The found elements are DynamicElements.
List<GoogleApp> googleApps = new ArrayList<>();
for (Element ele : element.findElements("class=gb_Z")) {
googleApps.add(new GoogleApp(ele));
return googleApps;
Build model object for the google app.
import com.iselsoft.easyium.Element;
import com.iselsoft.easyium.support.Control;
import com.iselsoft.easyium.support.FoundBy;
// This class maps google app in the browser.
public class GoogleApp extends Control {
// This locator is relative to parent.
@FoundBy(locator = "class=gb_4")
private Element name;
protected GoogleApp(Element element) {
public String getName() {
// get_text() doesn't work here, so use javascript
// return name.get_text()
return (String) name.getWebDriver().executeScript("return arguments[0].innerText", name);
Then we can run our code and get google app names.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Google google = new Google();
GoogleAppsList googleAppsList = google.clickGoogleAppsGridButton();
for (GoogleApp googleApp : googleAppsList.getAllApps()) {
For information and suggestions you can contact me at karl.gong@outlook.com
1.0.5 (compared to 1.0.5)
- Add RemoteWebDriver and PhantomJSDriver.
1.0.4 (compared to 1.0.3)
- Add Focus() for Element.
1.0.3 (compared to 1.0.2)
- Depend selenium 3.0.1 and appium 4.1.2.
- Supporting waiting for WebDriver.switchTo().frame().
- Support webDriver.waitFor().reloaded().
1.0.2 (compared to 1.0.1)
- Remove atLeast argument in Context.fineElements().
- Support FindElement(s)Condition in Context.findElement(s).
1.0.1 (compared to 1.0.0)
- Add example in README.
- No checked exceptions will be thrown.
- Baby easyium.