Live DEMO: Library Service - homepage
Swagger: Swagger-UI
Project Wiki: Library Service - Wiki
- JDK 15
- Spring boot 2.3.4
- Spring boot security
- Spring boot JPA
- Hibernate
- Maven
- MySql
- Lombok
- Swagger-UI 2.9.2
- JWT Token
- JUnit 5
- Mockito
- Heroku deployment
- JWT authentication
- Role authorization
- Custom and basic Exception handlers
- Email and password validation via regex
- User and Admin Panel
- Borrow management
- Custom searching with JPA Queries
- Password encoding via BCryptPasswordEncoder
- Management of favorite
- Swagger
- Unit tests with coverage
- React Redux
- React Router Dom
- Styled Component
- Prettier
- ESLint
- Axios
- Hight Order Component
- Action Creator
- Redux Thunk
- Storybook
- Bulma
- React Icons
- Formik
- Postman - API Development Environment (Testing Documentation)
- Git - Version control system (For better cooperation)
- MySql Workbench - Unified visual tool for database
Collection from postman with all endpoints: Download