This Visual Studio project is my coursework for CMP 202
at Abertay University, Scotland.
Using a Value at Risk approach we try to make a statement similar to this: I am X percent certain there will not be a loss of more than V dollars in the next N days. (Hull, 2012) So X is the confidence level, where V is the loss and n is the holding period.
dS = μ S dt + σ S ds
S = stock price
μ = exp. return
σ = volatility
repeat n times
repeat t times
generate normal distributed number
update end price
save end price to path array
extract the 0th quantile
print results
- Assuming a stock without dividend payments
- single stock portfolio
- using C++ AMP
- extents that don't require padding
- optimized for a NVIDIA GeForce 940MX
- Commandline parsing is handled through TCLAP
- Concurrency Visualizer Marker through Visual Studio Extension
- Random number generation through amprng
Using the program is simple:
cd path
REM access help for explanation on cl arguments
C:\path>ConsoleApplication3 --help
REM sample usage of calculation with a tile size of 16 and 512k paths
C:\path>ConsoleApplication3 -x 16 -p 524288 -i 10 -r 0.05 -v 0.04 -d 300 -t 300
- Prepare proposal
- Implement MC kernel
- Implement path array to value at risk functionality
- Optimize memory access,
loop unrollingetc. - measure performance
- Prepare presentation
- Enhance to a multi stock portfolio (optional)
- Download historical data from quandl (optional)
- Calculate volatility using EWMA method (optional)
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