- KantanBot Core API Backend - Backend which utilizes the twitch API to provide functionality
There is no application documentation. However, there is a REST documentation for developers below.
A MariaDB server is required.
For the default local profile there is a development database configured in application-dev.properties.
You cannot run the application without a profile (--spring-profiles.active)
In order to modify code in your IDE, please make sure that "annotation processing" is enabled.
Verify that the option check-box File->Setting –> Build, Execution, Deployment –> Compiler–>Build project automatically is selected.
Press SHIFT+CTRL+A for Linux/Windows users or Command+SHIFT+A for Mac users, then type registry in the opened pop-up window. Scroll down to Registry... using the down arrow key and hit ENTER on Registry.... In the Registry window verify the following option: compiler.automake.allow.when.app.running = true.
- DATABASE_CONNECTION: Full string for database connection
- DATABASE_USERNAME: Username for the sql database
- DATABASE_PASSWORD: Password for the sql database
- JWT_SECRET: JWT secret
- SERVICE_DOMAIN: devapi/api, version to deploy via CI/CD
- OAUTH_ID: Twitch oauth id
- OAUTH_SECRET: Twitch oauth secret
- OAUTH_CALLBACK: Twitch oauth callback url
- --spring.profiles.active=production
- --spring.profiles.active=dev
- Default - Never use on a production system!
- Production - Changes authentication, variables in properties and possible some other classes. Don't use locally!
See application-dev.properties and application-production.properties
You can find the REST documentation at http://localhost/swagger-ui.html.
The REST documentation is not available with the production profile.
The Error codes may vary due to internal spring error checks.
- See build.gradle
- Lombok