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Contamination in skimming data (CONSULT)

Kamil S. Jaron edited this page Mar 22, 2024 · 1 revision

3. Contamination Filtering

There are two ways to remove contamination:

  • inclusion filters when you know what you are looking for and you have a reference genome.
    • Here, you can use any tool, like BLAST, bowtie, etc.
  • exclusion filters when you do not know what to exactly look for but you know what you do not want (e.g., bacteria)
    • We typically use one of two tools:
    • Both are computationally intensive.

Exclusion filters

We have bacterial/archaeal libraries available for both CONSULT and Kraken.

  • GTDB is the most comprehensive library.
    • Consult DB is here
    • Kraken-II DB is here.
  • All links to all of our reference libraries are available on our raw data github for CONSULT.


To query sequence reads against reference database we ran

mkdir consult
cd consult/

# Let's use as query a bunch of Drosophila genome skims (already on cluster) 
ln -s /cluster/projects/nn9458k/oh_know/teachers/smirarab/Drosophila/ .

# I have already copied the reference dataset; let's link to it
ln -s /cluster/projects/nn9458k/oh_know/teachers/smirarab/all_nbrhood_kmers_k32_p3l2clmn7_K15-map2-171_gtdb/ .

consult_search -i all_nbrhood_kmers_k32_p3l2clmn7_K15-map2-171_gtdb -c 1 -t 2 -q Drosophila/ 2>&1 |tee consult.log &

This runs for 5-10 minutes. While it runs, we can monitor it a bit:

top -u smirarab
tail -f consult.log
watch -n 10 wc -l ucseq_* Drosophila/*

After it finishes, now inspect the results.

less consult.log

wc -l ucseq_* Drosophila/*

Here are the arguments to CONSULT:

  • -i - the name of the reference database
  • -c - the lowest number of k-mers required to mark sequencing read as classified. For instance, if at least one k-mer match is enough to classify a read, "c" should be set to 1. If at least two k-mer matches are required to call read a match, "c" should be set to 2.
  • -t - number of threads
  • -q - the name of the folder where queries are located


  • CONSULT is a bit less of a professional-looking tool at the moment.
  • We will improve it.

Instruction for kraken:

We suggest using the default value for alpha option which is 0. This recommendation is based on our empirical findings from a previous paper.

To query kraken DB we use:

kraken2 --use-names --threads 24 --report REPORT_FILE_NAME --db DATABASE_NAME --confidence alpha --classified-out CLASSIFIED_FASTQ_FILE --unclassified-out UNCLASSIFIED_FASTQ_FILE QUERY_FASTQ_FILE > KRAKEN_OUTPUT_FILE

Table of content


k-mer spectra analysis

Separation of chromosomes

Species assignment using short k-mers


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