A simple Nushell plugin that shows an alias when you use a command that has an alias defined. Useful for remembering previously set aliases.
Written as a pure Nushell script for speed. Extremely simple (directly looks
up the command in aliases
> ls -a
"Alias Tip: la"
│ # │ name │
│ 0 │ CHANGELOG.md │
│ 1 │ LICENCE │
│ 2 │ README.md │
│ 3 │ alias-finder │
│ 4 │ nupm.nuon │
Clone the repository and source the module in your config.nu
overlay use /path/to/alias-finder.nu
Once sourced, you'll see a tip about using an alias for the command if you haven’t used it.
Issues and pull requests are welcome! Feel free to contribute improvements or new features.
All changelogs can be found in the CHANGELOG.md file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This plugin is based on zsh-alias-finder, originally created for Zsh. It has been adapted for Nushell to provide the same functionality
- Add option to ignore certain commands
- Add option to show the tip in different format