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HBT2 is a hybrid subhalo finder and merger tree builder for cosmological simulations.

It comes with two editions:

  • MPI edition that can be run on distributed clusters or shared memory machines. It is MPI/OpenMP parallelized.
  • OpenMP edition that can be run on shared memory machines. It is only OpenMP parallelized. This version is more memory efficient than the MPI branch on shared memory machines, and is more suitable for analysing zoomed-in simulations that are difficult to balance on distributed clusters.

Both editions support hydro simulations with gas/stars.


  • a c++ compiler with c++11 and OpenMP 3.1 support (e.g., gcc 4.8.1 above)
    • if you use intel compilers, they still have to be built with a recent gcc to be able to support c++11. You can check the version of your compiler by icc -V or gcc -v for example.
    • if you have to install gcc from source, read the official installation guide from the gcc website and you will find that it's not as difficult. You can easily download all the prerequisites of gcc with a script provided in the source and you can compile in parallel (with make -j).
  • HDF5 C library (1.8.0 and above)

For the MPI edition, you also need

  • a MPI library (e.g., OpenMPI, MPICH, PlatformMPI, IntelMPI)

Optional dependence

  • GNU Scientific Library (GSL). Only needed if you want to output the shapes and orientations of subhaloes. To enable or disable GSL support, uncomment or comment out the GSL block in (especially the -DHAS_GSL line). When enabled, HBT will do eigenvalue decomposition of the inertial tensor of each subhalo, and output the eigenvalue and eigenvectors describing the shape and direction of the subhalo. Without GSL, only the inertial tensors will be output.

Once the prerequisites are met, you may need to modify the to set the correct compiler and library paths.


To produce single-precision HBT (internal datatypes are 4byte int and 4byte float), do


. If you need double-precision, do

make HBTdouble

Customize the compilation

You can enable some macro definitions to customize the behaviour of the code. These include:

  • HBT_INT8 : use 8 byte integer (i.e., C long int) as default integer type (for particle IDs etc.)

  • HBT_REAL8: use 8 byte float (i.e., C double) as default float type (for particle position/velocity)

  • DM_ONLY : compile the code for dark matter only simulations, or only process the DM particles while disregarding other types of particles. You do not have to turn this on for DM-only simulations, but doing this saves some memory (without DM_ONLY, HBT records one mass for each particle).

    • For the openmp edition, enabling this flag assumes DM particles have the same mass. If this is not the case, do not enable this flag.
    • For the MPI version, it's ok even if the DM particles have individual mass and this flag can always be used if you want to process only the DM particles.
  • SAVE_BINDING_ENERGY: output the binding energy of each particle

For unbinding gas particles:

  • UNBIND_WITH_THERMAL_ENERGY: include thermal energy in unbinding (only relevant for hydro simulations). If this is not defined, the code does not read in or use the thermal energy at all.
  • HAS_THERMAL_ENERGY: read in the thermal energy of each particle from the snapshot. Automatically defined if UNBIND_WITH_THERMAL_ENERGY is defined. If SaveSubParticleProperties is 1 in the config file, then the thermal energy will also be saved (so that you can use it to redefine the binding energy of each particle).

Simply add these macro definitions to the CXXFLAGS of your target in the Makefile. For example, adding this line to the Makefile


will define HBT_INT8 when you compile HBT.

Note that OpenMP is not enabled in the MPI edition by default. If you want to use hybrid OpenMP/MPI parallelization, please uncomment the OMPFLAGS lines in The communication time for descendant finding and tree building can become a hotspot when using a very large number of MPI processes (say ~1000 and above), and load imbalance may also be a problem if the box is divided into too small pieces by MPI. In such cases, using hybrid parallelism by enabling OpenMP could help. The tree building time can become negligible with a small number (say ~100 and below) of MPI threads.

Compile using CMAKE

It's now possible to compile using CMake for the MPI-Hydro version. See this.


FoF halos

HBT needs simulation snapshots and halo catalogues (e.g., fof halos) as input. If you do not already have halo catalogues for your simulation, you can use the FoF program in HBT as detailed here. You have to run it before running the main program of HBT.

Subhalos and merger trees

The main function of HBT is to produce subhalos and their evolution histories.

For the Hydro edition:

./HBT configs/Example.conf [snapshotstart] [snapshotend]

For the MPI edition:

mpirun -np 2 ./HBT configs/Example.conf [snapshotstart] [snapshotend]

Check configs/Example.conf for a sample parameter file.

If snapshotend is omitted, only process snapshotstart. If snapshotstart is also omitted, will run from MinSnapshotIndex (default=0) to MaxSnapshotIndex (specified in config file). If snapshotstart>MinSnapshotIndex, HBT assumes the previous run stopped at snapshotstart-1, and will load the SrcSnap_($snapshotstart-1).hdf5 and continue the run from snapshotstart.

To submit to a batch queue, check HBTjob.bsub

Notes on processing Hydro simulations

Depending on how star formation is implemented in the simulation, the user may need to modify the code to track newly formed stars in subhalos. For the EAGLE simulations currently supported by HBT+, star formation fully converts a gas particle into star particle, so no particle creation is needed. In some other simulations, star formation may only convert part of a gas particle into star. In this case, one need to modify src/subhalo.h SubhaloSnapshot_t::UpdateParticles() in MPI-Hydro (or src/subhalo.h Subhalo_t::ParticleIdToIndex() in the Hydro edition) to specify how to add new star particles. These functions update the source (or precursor) subhalo particle list from the previous snapshot to match the current snapshot.


Detailed descriptions about the algorithm and discussions about the performance of the code can be found in the following papers. If you use HBT+ in your research, please kindly include references to them: