Releases: KWB-R/ v.0.5.0
Offical release for AQUANES
- Haridwar (site 5): completed
- Berlin (sites 1 & 12): integrated with performance optimisation (but without analytics)
- Basel (site 6): integrated operational and analytical data for Wiese/Rhine sites (with new
metadata for analytics)
Berlin performance
optimise the performance (e.g. import/export, temporal aggregation) for both Berlin sites.
still open: integration of analytics data
Adapt to new Autarcon "analytics.xlsx" style
adapted "analytics" import routine to new Autarcon spreadsheet style (for details,
check the documentation):-
All sheets, which are not excluded explicitly will be imported
Lab data import starts in row 70 (i.e. 69 rows are now skipped, formerly: 10 rows)
add ERROR messages for all sheets with lab data that should be imported to
identify sheets with data values not statisfying the requirements for the
following two variables:-
DateTime: non-date-time compliant format of first column raises an error
ParameterValue: non-numeric parameter values are not allowed!
Version as presented on GA in Greece
v.0.3.0 correct ignore folder
Add first report parameterisation & generation in app (for Haridwar site)
How to use:
Install the R package "" in R(Studio) with:
devtools::install_github("kwb-r/", ref = "v.0.2.0-alpha") -
Check the installation folder of the package in R(Studio) with:
system.file(package = "") -
The app only works if the following two additional files are copied into the package subfolders:
Valid ".my.cnf" file to the R package subfolder "\shiny\haridwar" folder
Valid EXCEL file named "analytics.xlsx" to the subfolder "\shiny\haridwar\data"
Subsequently the following function needs to be run in R at least once with "use_live_data = TRUE": = TRUE)
This downloads the latest operational data from the mySQL database and saves the resulting data frame (which is combined with the analytics data in the package subfolder ("data/haridwar_raw_list.Rds)
First offline/online shiny app for Haridwar (pre-alpha version)
How to use:
Install the R package "" in R(Studio) with:
devtools::install_github("kwb-r/", ref = "v.0.1.0-pre-alpha") -
Check the installation folder of the package in R(Studio) with:
system.file(package = "") -
The app only works if the following two additional files are copied into the package subfolders:
Valid ".my.cnf" file to the R package subfolder "\shiny\haridwar" folder
Valid EXCEL file named "161101Monitoring_AquaNES_4014_Haridwar_KWB.xlsx" to the subfolder "\shiny\haridwar\data"
Subsequently the following function needs to be run in R at least once with "use_live_data = TRUE": = TRUE)
This downloads the latest operational data from the mySQL database and saves the resulting data frame (which is combined with the analytics data in the package subfolder ("data/haridwar_raw_list.Rds)