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kth-node-configuration Build Status

Configuration module for Node.js projects.


node-api projects

In node-api projects you only have a single settings file called serverSettings.js. Create your configuration by adding the following code:

'use strict'
const { generateConfig } = require('kth-node-configuration')

// These settings are used by the server
const serverConfig = generateConfig([require('../../../config/serverSettings')])

module.exports.server = serverConfig

All options are available in this object.

node-web projects

In node-web projects your settings are split in three files:

  • commonSettings.js -- settings shared by browser and server (i.e. don't store any secrets here)
  • browserSettings.js -- settings passed to the browser (i.e. don't store any secrets here either)
  • serverSettings.js -- settings that are specific to the server

If you use LDAP you will also want to add default LDAP settings to your server config.

'use strict'
const { generateConfig } = require('kth-node-configuration')
// The ldapDefaultSettings contains ldapClient defaults object
const ldapDefaultSettings = require('kth-node-configuration').unpackLDAPConfig.defaultSettings

// These settings are used by the server
const serverConfig = generateConfig([

module.exports.server = serverConfig

// These settings are passed to the browser
const browserConfig = generateConfig([

module.exports.browser = browserConfig

Helper methods

There are a couple of helper methods available to allow your settings files to be a bit more concise.

The env-vars should be on the same form as the default URI.

Options override any settings you pass through env-vars or defaults.

NOTE: the helper methods obey standard URI syntax. Any get params you add will be set as properties on the config object.


Don't forget to escape special characters such as:

  • '&' in keys to '%26'
  • '/' in usernames or passwords to '%2F'

unpackApiKeysConfig(ENV_VAR_NAME_URI, defaultURI)

This call returns an array of api access key objects.

const defaultUri = '?name=devClient&apiKey=1234&scope=write&scope=read'
unpackApiKeysConfig('API_KEYS', defaultUri)

To define multiple API_KEYS you name each key as if it was a reference to an array. The unpacker will iterate from 0 and add each item until it comes across a value that is undefined:

API_KEYS_0 = '?name=devClient&apiKey=1234&scope=write&scope=read'
API_KEYS_1 = '?name=devClient&apiKey=1234&scope=write&scope=read'
API_KEYS_2 = '?name=devClient&apiKey=1234&scope=write&scope=read'

unpackKOPPSConfig(ENV_VAR_NAME_URI, defaultURI [, options])

const defaultUri = 'http://[hostname][:port][/path]?defaultTimeout=60000'
unpackKOPPSConfig('KOPPS_URI', defaultUri)

unpackLDAPConfig(ENV_VAR_NAME_URI, ENV_VAR_NAME_PASSWORD, defaultURI [, options])

// Never hard code defaults to LDAP in settings, always pass through env-vars
// LDAP_URI = 'ldaps://[username]@[hostname]:[port]
// LDAP_PASSWORD = 'yadayada'

NOTE 1: Some default settings are always applied and can be overridden by passing options. Check source for defaults.

NOTE 2: Having a separate config.ldap and config.ldapClient configuration is deprecated, everything should be in config.ldap.

NOTE 3: upackRedisConfig supports Azure connection string

unpackMongodbConfig(ENV_VAR_NAME_URI, defaultURI [, options])

const defaultUri = 'mongodb://[hostname][:port][/path][?ssl=true]'
unpackMongodbConfig('MONGODB_URI', defaultUri)

unpackNodeApiConfig(ENV_VAR_NAME_URI, defaultURI [, options])

const defaultUri = 'http[s]://[hostname][:port][/path][?required=true&defaultTimeout=10000]'
unpackNodeApiConfig('NODE_API_URI', defaultUri)

unpackRedisConfig(ENV_VAR_NAME_URI, defaultURI [, options])

const defaultUri = 'redis://[hostname][:port]/'
unpackRedisConfig('REDIS_URI', defaultUri)

unpackSMTPConfig(ENV_VAR_NAME_URI, defaultURI [, options])

// Never include username or password in default SMTP-config
const defaultUri = 'smtp://'
// SMTP_URI = smtp[s]://[username][:password]@[hostname]:[port]
unpackSMTPConfig('SMTP_URI', defaultUri)

unpackSequelizeConfig(ENV_VAR_NAME_URI, defaultURI [, options])

// Never include username or password in default SMTP-config
const defaultSQLiteUri = 'sqlite://path/to/db.file'
// DB_URI = sqlite://[path/to/file]
const defaultSQLServerUri = 'mssql://'
// DB_URI = mssql://[username][:password]@[hostname]:[port]/[DbInstance]/[DbName]
unpackSequelizeConfig('DB_URI', 'DB_PWD', defaultUri)

Examples of usage can be found int the node-api and node-web template projects.


Use the npm package dotenv to set environment variables during development. Take a look at the unit tests for example usage.

This code snippet loads env-vars with dotenv during development. In production it checks for the availability of SERVICE_PUBLISH which is always set in a KTH Docker environment. If it isn't found it will require localSettings.js which is the standard settings file in the KTH Ansible environment. There you can set env-vars by process.env.ENV_VAR = 'value'

// Load .env file in development mode
const nodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV && process.env.NODE_ENV.toLowerCase()
if (nodeEnv === 'development' || nodeEnv === 'dev' || !nodeEnv) {
} else if (!process.env.SERVICE_PUBLISH) {
  // This is an ANSIBLE machine which doesn't set env-vars atm
  // so read localSettings.js which we now use to fake env-vars
  // because it already exists in our Ansible setup.


  • vi fimpar local-/prod-/ref-/devSettings.js

    • läggs i commonSettings.js, serverSettings.js, browserSettings.js
  • fimpa full, safe och secure

När vi skapar nya settings-objektet

  • vi mergear commonSettings.js + serverSettings.js till servern
  • vi mergear commonSettings.js + browserSettings.js till browsern
    • returneras på endpointen ./browserConfig som javascript TODO: - lägg till script-tag i början av all layout-filer

Migrating from <= 1.0.1

  • convert ...Settings.js files to:

    • commonSettings.js -- shared by browser and server
    • serverSettings.js -- server specific settings that should NEVER be sent to a browser
    • browserSettings.js -- browser specific settings that are passed to browser
  • Search and replace:

  require('../**/configuration') => require('../**/configuration').server
  • config.full => config

  • => config

  • [xxx].secure => [xxx]

  • server.full => server

  • What are these used for (kth-node-configuration)

    • module.exports.getEnv = _env
    • module.exports.getEnvString = _str
    • module.exports.getEnvBool = _bool
    • module.exports.getEnvInt = _int
    • module.exports.devDefaults = _str
  • Update tests

    config.full => config

  • change how we start server:


    server.setConfig(config) => server.setConfig({ full: config })


  pfx: config.ssl.pfx,
  passphrase: config.ssl.passphrase,
  key: config.ssl.key,
  cert: config.ssl.cert,
  port: config.port,
  logger: log // Your logging service, could be console or kth-node-log
  • change in adldap.js (only if we use ldap)

    • attributes: config.ldapClient.userattrs => attributes: config.ldap.userattrs
    • config.ldapClient.filterReplaceHolder, kthid => config.ldap.filterReplaceHolder, kthid
  • change configuration.js (examples for node-web and node-api apps)

app.js Edit app.js to look like this:

'use strict'

const server = require('./server/server')


'use strict'
const { generateConfig } = require('kth-node-configuration')

// These settings are used by the server
const serverConfig = generateConfig([

module.exports.server = serverConfig

// These settings are passed to the browser
const browserConfig = generateConfig([

module.exports.browser = browserConfig

In adldap.js you need to change:

  • config.ldapClient => config.ldap

And move any config settings from ldapClient object to ldap object.


'use strict'
const { generateConfig } = require('kth-node-configuration')

// These settings are used by the server
const serverConfig = generateConfig([require('../../../config/serverSettings')])

module.exports.server = serverConfig
  • add dependency to dotenv and have it load your .env-file on startup. server.js should start like this:
const server = require('kth-node-server')
// Load .env file in development mode
const nodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV && process.env.NODE_ENV.toLowerCase()
if (nodeEnv === 'development' || nodeEnv === 'dev' || !nodeEnv) {
// Now read the server config
const config = require('./init/configuration').server
  • make sure configuration/index.js has the following export:
module.exports = require('./configuration')

The following steps only for frontend

  • Add endpoint .../browserConfig to staticFiles.js (earlier name: routing.js)
const paths = require('../routing/paths')
const browserConfig = require('../configuration').browser
const browserConfigHandler = require('kth-node-configuration').getHandler(browserConfig, paths)


// Expose browser configurations
server.use(config.proxyPrefixPath.uri + '/static/browserConfig', browserConfigHandler)
  • add a line of code to load handlebars-helpers in server.js
// Register handlebar helpers
  • Remove the handlebars helper if you have one
  • remove /buildConfig.js

  • remove npm script "buildConfig" and also remove call to it from "postinstall"-hook

  • Change config imports in js-files

    	var config = require('config') => var config = { config: window.config, paths: window.paths }
  • include config in head, should look like this

{{prefixScript '/static/js/vendor.js' 'head-scripts'}}
{{prefixScript '/static/browserConfig' 'head-scripts'}}


TODO - add test for decodeUri.js

TODO - add test for utils.js

TODO - add test for unpackLDAPConfig.js

TODO - add test for generateConfig.js

TODO - add test for getHandler.js


DONE - add test for unpackNodeApiConfig.js

DONE - add test for unpackMongodbConfig.js

DONE - add test for unpackRedisConfig.js