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Demo Submission: Infrastructure as Software with Pulumi #1496

merged 1 commit into from
May 11, 2021


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@hassbring hassbring commented May 10, 2021

Demo Submission - Infrastructure as Software with Pulumi

Proposal PR: #1483.


Name: Isak Hassbring (
Github: hassbring


Infrastructure as Code is great. There's just one problem - it's usually not code, but static files and domain-specific-languages that for large projects could be thousands and thousands of repetitive lines. E.g. Terraform requires HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), and Kubernetes' yaml-files does not leverage neither the power of traditional programming languages, nor the corresponding wide-spread know-how already out there.

Entering Pulumi! Pulumi is a cloud agnostic solution where you can use programming languages like Python, Go, and JavaScript to generate the static file infrastructure. You hence get access to familiar constructs like for loops, functions, and classes. This reduces boilerplate and enforce best practices. Instead of creating a new ecosystem of modules and sharing, Pulumi lets you leverage existing package management tools and techniques. Plus, you can automate and simply stuff in a cool way. Infrastructure as real code - or software.


  • Pulumi:
    • what is it, why should I bother, how can I use it
  • How-to:
    • Setting up and deploying a simple web server using different IaC solutions cloud agnostic through Pulumi, such as AWS S3, Kubernetes cluster, etc.


Youtube (with subtitles):

Grading criteria aim

This is the grading that is aimed for.

Yes No Remarkable
Demo is clearly motivated Yes No Relates to a hard problem✅
The demo is difficult to do Yes No Relies on a non trivial infrastructure✅
The demonstration is original Yes✅ No The are less than 10 demos on the topic on Internet
The video is sublime (eg visually appealing) Yes No Excellent narrative ✅
The video contains an easter egg Yes No Related to demo ✅ (Pulumi Mascot shows up in slides + is submitted in K8 guestbook)
There is a code repo to run the demo Yes No Code repo with a solid readme✅ (step-by-step in this readme file with all code snippets copyable)
The video must contain subtitles which are clear and in proper English Yes No Clearly understandable voice over✅
The video includes a take-home message Yes No Actionable takeaway ✅ (always clean up w pulumi destroy!)

Step by step with all code and setup needed (corresponding to "Code repo" - a better format in this particular case)


Hi! In this demo, I'll show you how to use Pulumi to deploy a cloud agnostic project using infrastructure as REAL code. Infrastructure as Code is great. There's just one problem - it's usually not code, but static files and domain-specific-languages that for large projects could be thousands and thousands of repetitive lines. E.g. Terraform requires HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) and Kubernetes YAML-files does not leverage neither the power of traditional programming languages, nor the wide-spread know-how already out there. Entering Pulumi! Pulumi is a cloud agnostic solution where you can use programming languages to generate the static file infrastructure. This reduces boilerplate and enforce best practices. Instead of creating a new ecosystem of modules and sharing, Pulumi lets you leverage existing package management tools and techniques. Plus, you can automate and simplify stuff in a cool way. Infrastructure as real code - or software.

Setting up

  • We can install Pulumi with

    brew install pulumi
  • And login with

    pulumi login


  • We'll start out with provisioning an AWS S3 bucket, add a simple web app to the bucket and serve the bucket as a website.

  • Configure AWS:

    1. First we need an IAM AWS user. You can set that up on

    2. Then we need the AWS CLI.

    curl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg"
    sudo installer -pkg AWSCLIV2.pkg -target /
    1. Configure the CLI with your IAM credentials found in the AWS Console.
    aws configure
  • Now lets make a project folder

    mkdir pulumi-aws && cd pulumi-aws
  • and use the pulumi new command to create a new Pulumi AWS project.

    pulumi new
  • We can use several programming languages. We'll go with Python and select aws-python.

  • Lets check out the Pulumi program file. It creates a new S3 bucket and exports the name of the bucket. Simple as that!

  • We update and deploy using pulumi up. Pulumi tells us which resources have been updated. We move on with yes. Now our bucket is provisioned.

  • Lets modify it and add an html file.

    cat <<EOT > index.html
            <h1>Hello, Pulumi!</h1>
  • We add a new bucket object to our Pulumi program.

    echo "
    # Bucket obj that adds index.hmtl to our S3 bucket "bucket".
    bucketObject = s3.BucketObject(
        )" >>
  • We run pulumi up and select yes.

  • Finally verify that the object was created in the bucket.

    aws s3 ls $(pulumi stack output bucket_name)
  • And thats it for AWS! Let's clean up and destroy our resources.

    pulumi destroy
    pulumi stack rm
    cd .. && rm -r pulumi-aws


Next up is Kubernetes with Minikube.

  • Prerequisites:

    • Install the kubernetes cli
      brew install kubectl 
    • Install minikube
      brew install minikube
  • Create a new folder

    mkdir pulumi-k8 && cd pulumi-k8
  • Start your cluster and check that kubectl is configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default.

    minikube start
  • Get the cluster state. If you see a URL-response, kubectl is configured correctly.

    kubectl cluster-info
  • and a new project, select default values and then yes.

    pulumi new kubernetes-python
  • Deploy the stack and select yes. This will create resources in Kubernetes.

    pulumi up
  • Let’s examine the Pulumi program that defines our stack resources. This Pulumi program creates an NGINX deployment and exports the name of the deployment.

  • We run pulumi up to instruct Pulumi to determine the resources needed to create the stack. First, a preview is shown of the changes that will be made. Select yes to create the resources in Kubernetes. Then, the name of the deployment that we exported is shown as a stack output.

    pulumi up
  • Now lets go ahead and deploy some changes.

    """A Kubernetes Python Pulumi program"""
    import pulumi
    from pulumi_kubernetes.apps.v1 import Deployment
    from pulumi_kubernetes.core.v1 import Service
    # Minikube does not implement services of type `LoadBalancer`; require the user to specify if we're
    # running on minikube, and if so, create only services of type ClusterIP.
    config = pulumi.Config()
    is_minikube = config.require_bool("isMinikube")
    app_name = "nginx"
    app_labels = { "app": app_name }
    deployment = Deployment(
            "selector": { "match_labels": app_labels },
            "replicas": 1,
            "template": {
                "metadata": { "labels": app_labels },
                "spec": { "containers": [{ "name": app_name, "image": "nginx" }] }
    # Allocate an IP to the Deployment.
    frontend = Service(
            "labels": deployment.spec["template"]["metadata"]["labels"],
            "type": "ClusterIP" if is_minikube else "LoadBalancer",
            "ports": [{ "port": 80, "target_port": 80, "protocol": "TCP" }],
            "selector": app_labels,
    # When "done", this will print the public IP.
    result = None
    if is_minikube:
        result = frontend.spec.apply(lambda v: v["cluster_ip"] if "cluster_ip" in v else None)
        ingress = frontend.status.apply(lambda v: v["load_balancer"]["ingress"][0] if "load_balancer" in v else None)
        if ingress is not None:
            result = ingress.apply(lambda v: v["ip"] if "ip" in v else v["hostname"])
    pulumi.export("ip", result)
  • Tell kubernetes to only create services of type ClusterIP

    pulumi config set isMinikube true
  • Deploy the changes

    pulumi up
  • We now have an ip stack output that we can curl to get the output from the service. We can normally run curl $(pulumi stack output ip) since Minikube does not support type LoadBalancer we have to take a little detour.

    • Get <your-service-name>
      kubectl get service
    • Forward it (replace <your-service-name> in the command below)
      kubectl port-forward service/<your-service-name> 8080:80
    • Curl corresponding to curl $(pulumi stack output ip) in a separate shell or open in browser.
      curl http://localhost:8080
  • We're done! Lets now destroy the stack.

    pulumi destroy
    pulumi stack rm dev
    cd .. && rm -r pulumi-k8
  • Finally, stop minikube

    minikube stop

Pulumi managed Kubernetes cluster on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine).

Let us create the standard Kubernetes Guestbook manifests in Pulumi using the Guestbook YAML manifests. We take the additional steps of transforming its properties to use the same Namespace and metadata labels that the NGINX stack uses, and also make its frontend service use a LoadBalancer typed Service to expose it publicly.

  • Prerequisites:

    • GCP stuff

      • If you don't have a GCP user, create one and accept the terms here.

      • Install the Google Cloud SDK

        curl | bash
      • Press Y to update your $PATH and enable shell command completion. Then restart the shell

        exec -l $SHELL
      • Authenticate with the Google Cloud SDK.

        gcloud auth login && gcloud auth application-default login
      • Come up with a unique project name and replace <proj-id> with your project name below.

        gcloud projects create <proj-id> && gcloud config set project <proj-id>.
      • Config account

        gcloud config set account <>
      • If you haven't installed it, install the kubernetes cli as part of the Google Cloud SDK

        gcloud components install kubectl
      • Go to the GCP Console API Library and enable the Kubernetes Engine API to your project. You will need a credit card but it won't cost anything.

    • Node

      • We need Node.js and npm (npm is installed with Node).
        brew install node
      • Install typescript
        npm install -g typescript
  • Create a new project and press enter three times.

    mkdir pulumi-gcp-demo && cd pulumi-gcp-demo && pulumi new typescript
  • Add required dependencies

    npm install --save @pulumi/pulumi @pulumi/gcp @pulumi/kubernetes
  • Configure Pulumi with GCP project and location zone. Replace <proj-id> with your project name. You can run gcloud info to see it.

    pulumi config set gcp:project <proj-id> && pulumi config set gcp:zone europe-west2
  • Now we'll declare the resources we want in GCP to provision the GKE cluster as well as the kubeconfig file to access the cluster, and lastly the initialization of a Pulumi Kubernetes provider. To do this, we replace the contents of index.ts, the main entrypoint of our Pulumi program, with the code below.

    // A Pulumi TypeScript program
    // Kubernetes Guestbook manifests in Pulumi, using the Guestbook YAML manifest
    import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";
    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const name = "pulumi-gcp-demo"; 
    // Create a GKE cluster
    const engineVersion = gcp.container.getEngineVersions().then(v => v.latestMasterVersion);
    const cluster = new gcp.container.Cluster(name, {
        initialNodeCount: 2,
        minMasterVersion: engineVersion,
        nodeVersion: engineVersion,
        nodeConfig: {
            machineType: "n1-standard-1",
            oauthScopes: [
    // Export the Cluster name
    export const clusterName =;
    // Manufacture a GKE-style kubeconfig. Note that this is slightly "different"
    // because of the way GKE requires gcloud to be in the picture for cluster
    // authentication (rather than using the client cert/key directly).
    export const kubeconfig = pulumi.
        all([, cluster.endpoint, cluster.masterAuth ]).
        apply(([ name, endpoint, masterAuth ]) => {
            const context = `${gcp.config.project}_${}_${name}`;
            return `apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority-data: ${masterAuth.clusterCaCertificate}
        server: https://${endpoint}
      name: ${context}
    - context:
        cluster: ${context}
        user: ${context}
      name: ${context}
    current-context: ${context}
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
    - name: ${context}
            cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json
            cmd-path: gcloud
            expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}'
            token-key: '{.credential.access_token}'
          name: gcp
    // Create a Kubernetes provider instance that uses our cluster from above.
    const clusterProvider = new k8s.Provider(name, {
        kubeconfig: kubeconfig,
    // Create resources for the Kubernetes Guestbook from its YAML manifests
    const guestbook = new k8s.yaml.ConfigFile("guestbook",
            file: "",
            transformations: [
                (obj: any) => {
                    // Do transformations on the YAML to use the same namespace and
                    // labels as the NGINX stack above
                    if (obj.metadata.labels) {
                        obj.metadata.labels['appClass'] = namespaceName
                    } else {
                        obj.metadata.labels = appLabels
                    // Make the 'frontend' Service public by setting it to be of type
                    // LoadBalancer
                    if (obj.kind == "Service" && == "frontend") {
                        if (obj.spec) {
                            obj.spec.type = "LoadBalancer"
            providers: { "kubernetes": clusterProvider },
    // Export the Guestbook public LoadBalancer endpoint
    export const guestbookPublicIP =
        guestbook.getResourceProperty("v1/Service", "frontend", "status").apply(s => s.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip);
    const ns = new k8s.core.v1.Namespace(name, {}, { provider: clusterProvider });
    // Export the Namespace name
    export const namespaceName = ns.metadata.apply(m =>;
    // Create a NGINX Deployment
    const appLabels = { appClass: name };
    const deployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(name,
            metadata: {
                namespace: namespaceName,
                labels: appLabels,
            spec: {
                replicas: 1,
                selector: { matchLabels: appLabels },
                template: {
                    metadata: {
                        labels: appLabels,
                    spec: {
                        containers: [
                                name: name,
                                image: "nginx:latest",
                                ports: [{ name: "http", containerPort: 80 }]
            provider: clusterProvider,
    // Export the Deployment name
    export const deploymentName = deployment.metadata.apply(m =>;
    // Create a LoadBalancer Service for the NGINX Deployment
    const service = new k8s.core.v1.Service(name,
            metadata: {
                labels: appLabels,
                namespace: namespaceName,
            spec: {
                type: "LoadBalancer",
                ports: [{ port: 80, targetPort: "http" }],
                selector: appLabels,
            provider: clusterProvider,
    // Export the Service name and public LoadBalancer endpoint
    export const serviceName = service.metadata.apply(m =>;
    export const servicePublicIP = service.status.apply(s => s.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip)
  • Running pulumi up will deploy the GKE cluster, which takes a couple of minutes.

    pulumi up
  • Click the FQDN listed in guestbookPublicIP and behold - the guestbook! Try using another device!

  • ACTIONABLE TAKE AWAY: As allways when we're done, destroy the stack and clean up.

    pulumi destroy
    pulumi stack rm dev
    cd .. && rm -r pulumi-gcp-demo

@github-actions github-actions bot added demo One of the task categories listed in final_submission The final submission of a task labels May 10, 2021
@khaes-kth khaes-kth self-assigned this May 11, 2021
@khaes-kth khaes-kth merged commit 32939d6 into KTH:2021 May 11, 2021
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hassbring commented May 11, 2021

Feedback for myself

  • Speed: Talking a bit too fast in the first ~20 seconds.
  • Voice sound quality: Sound was recorded with a Zoom H1 audio recorder. Unfortunately recorded in 44.1 khz and then converted/interpreted to/as 48khz. Hence - sounds a bit like an airplane captain talking to the cabin.
  • Misinterpreted remarkable requirement on subtitles vs. voice over. Video has only voice over, no subtitles. Will upload on youtube instead of vimeo and fix it.

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glidfeldt commented May 11, 2021


Overall impression

Great work! You've chosen a project of which I have no prior knowledge. Still, you were able to explain the purpose of Pulumi that made your video being self-contained.


  • The video is self-contained.
  • You demonstrate clearly what you do and the helps if you want to do it yourself.


  • Posting it on Vimeo might not be ideal if you want people to discover it.

Actionaable feedback

  • As you say yourself, a little bit fast in the beginning and the sound quality could be better. Additionally, removing the background music might make it easier to hear your voice.
  • You should add the GitHub repo to the video description so that people who find the repo on Vimeo can access it as well.
  • Consider posting it on youtube instead.


I agree with the grading criteria aim that you state above

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sfkwww commented May 11, 2021

Overall very nice demo! I especially liked the visuals and the way sections were split up. The step-by-step instructions are very comprehensive and easy to copy-paste. The actionable takeaway message would be a bit more clear if it had its own slide or a visual representation in the video.

On a side note, I wasn't able to find any subtitles for the video, not sure if this is intentional or if they are just hard to find.

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Overall: The Demo is visually appeally and easy to follow. Also learnt about Pulunmi as an Infrastructure as code tool.

Strength: The demonstration is original.

Weakness 1. Would like to see a clear takeaway message. 2. Would prefer if the video is on youtube for easier access for others not participating in this course.

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The video sounds and appears very good. It summaries a more complex workflow in a short time and motivates me to try more. Your voice is very clear, sounds motivating and is never too fast.

  • You want the viewer/listener to focus on what you say. Even though background music seems nice and fancy, it is distracting and should be removed.
  • I am not that used to Vimeo and I cannot find an option to enable the subtitles. I do not need them as you sound very clear. However, the grading criteria seem to need it.
  • The text accompanying the demo should be in an own repo. Then, you can also structure the text a little bit more. Also, the text/repo should be linked in the video description that the text can easily be found when needed.
  • The video length seems to be perfectly 3 minutes. However, before loading the video, it shows that the video demo is one second longer. This should not be made relevant for grading the video (I do not see any difference as a viewer). Anyway, you might find a solution for this.

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@glidfeldt @sfkwww @IfyUrama @felix-seifert thank you for great feedback!

  • I've updated the submission with a youtube link, added subs, fixed length preview from 3:01 to 3:00.

  • Will take care of code repo and link to it.

  • Will clarify the takeaway message, I've got room for it within the fade out of the video.

  • As for the background music, I agree 100%. I think it was a previous requirement or stated within the description of the task - it is the only reason I used it. Will look this up and if possible - remove/reduce it.

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