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RP 1 Installation for 1.9.1

Peter-JY edited this page Feb 16, 2021 · 1 revision


Welcome to the installation instructions for RSS, RO, and RP-1 on KSP 1.9.1.

RSS/RO/RP-1 is complex and fragile. Please carefully read and follow every word of this detailed guide.

Not following this guide to the letter will break things and make you very frustrated. Unlike previous guides, this is a complete guide to install not only core RO/RP-1 but also the essential extra mods used alongside it. As a result, it is LONG. Don't be intimidated by the length; the extra words are to better hold your hand through the process.

Table of Contents

Method 1: via CKAN (automatic installation)

  1. Main Installation Instructions

Method 2: via GitHub (manual installation)

  1. Preparing for installing

  2. Install Real Solar System

  3. Install Realism Overhual

  4. Install Realistic Progression One

Additional Mod Installation (via CKAN. If you want to install these without CKAN, you can search for its download link)

After Installation

Method 2: via GitHub (manual installation)

§1. Preparing for installing

  1. Install a new copy of KSP 1.9.1. Do not try to install on top of your old modded KSP.
  • NOTE: If this is a Steam controlled copy, rename or move the game directory (in Steam/steamapps/common/) so that Steam cannot find your modded installation and attempt to overwrite or change it.
  1. Delete all files out of the Ships folder and subdirectories (including those inside @thumbs), but leave the folders.

§2. Install Real Solar System

  1. Download the following hard dependancies and install them accordingly:
  • Kopernicus Planetary Modifier

  • Module Manager (included in Kopernicus)

  • KSCSwitcher - adds many many more launch sites to choose from via the tracking station view

  • RSSDateTimeFormatter - corrects the display of Real Solar System's time scheme starting in 1950 and makes the default calendar show the correct year, month and day.

4.Download and install the latest RealSolarSystem itself:

5.Download and install the texture pack for RealSolarSystem from the texture repository. Available packages include 2k, 4k or 8k resolution - you only need one!

§3. Install Realism Overhual

6.Install these dependencies of Realism Overhual:

  • Advanced Jet Engine v2.15.0

  • Ferram Aerospace Research Continued v0.15.11.3 ~ v0.16.0.1 (here is latest)

  • Module Manager (included in Kopernicus)

  • Modular Flight Integrator (included in Kopernicus)

  • Solver Engines Plugin v3.7.5~v3.8.0 (here is v3.8.0)

  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Continued v3.4.0~v3.5.0 (here is latest)

  • Real Chute v1.4.7.6~v1.4.8 (here is v1.4.8)

  • Real Fuels v12.8.5 (here is latest)

    • NOTE: Real Fuels v12.8.5 will warn that it is incompatible with KSP 1.9.1, but we can use it normally in KSP 1.9.1.
  • Community Resource Pack v1.4.1.0~v1.4.2 (here is all)

    • NOTE: According to CKAN and CRP.version (in GameData\CommunityResourcePack), Community Resource Pack v1.4.2 is compatible with KSP 1.9.1, but its GitHub page doesn't say that there is a version that is compatible with KSP 1.9.1, v1.3.0.0 is compatible with KSP 1.8, v1.4.1.0 is compatible with KSP 1.10, v1.4.2 is for KSP 1.11. You should choose what version you would install. Besides, v1.4.1.0~v1.4.2 all can work normally under KSP 1.9.1.
  • Real Heat v5.1 (here is latest)

  • Real Plume v13.2.0~v13.3.2 (here is latest)

  • SmokeScreen

  1. Download these dependencies of Realism Overhual, but don't install them now:

  2. Follow these steps to install dependencies in Step 7:

1, Copy\Ships into KSP root directory.

2, Just copy\GameData\FerramAerospaceResearch into GameData folder, don't copy any other document.

3, Just copy\GameData\RealFuels into GameData folder, don't copy any other document.

  1. Download Realism Overhual, and copy all folders in into KSP root directory.

§4 Install Realistic Progression One

The steps from here are not necessarily done step by step. The next steps are based on the installation steps of RP-1 1.8.1, the Mod list of RP-0, the column of two Up Zhu (identity similar to Youtuber) on Bilibili, and my own experience. I will write a brief introduction to these Mods.

  1. Then, install these Mods (Mods in step 10~12 are Dependencies of Realistic Progression Zero):
  • Community Tech Tree v1.3.4.1~ (here is latest)

    The Community Tech Tree is a mod designed to extend the stock technology tree to accommodate many community mods in an inclusive and extensible manner. It provides new and extended branches for command pods, thermal management, ion engines, nuclear power and propulsion, and many more useful nodes.

  • Retractable Lifting Surface v0.2.0~ (here is latest)

    This is a small module which allows you to have a folding wing or other retractable lifting surface. It allows for an integrated control surface (only one at this time).

  • Ven's Stock Part Revamp v1.15.1 (here is latest)

    This part pack replaces several of the stock textures and models, hopefully making them more beautiful in the process.

  • Contract Configurator v1.29.0~1.30.5 (here is latest)

    A config-file based solution for creating new contracts!

  • Custom Barn Kit

    A small plugin to change a bunch of parameters related to career, science, the buildings upgrade cost and when various features are unlocked.

  1. Download these Mods, but don’t install them now:
  • SXTContinued v0.3.29.3~ (here is latest)

    SXT -Stock eXTension: "I'm aiming to make a memory light 'Stock-a-like' expansion pack that relies solely using the MODEL{} to reference Squad's textures and get a lot of 'bang for buck'. Which means that the RAM usage is as low as you can get."(from Forum)

  • Firespitter Core & FiresPitter Resource Config v7.17 (here is latest)

    Propeller plane and helicopter parts for Kerbal Space Program. Feature rich plugin used in numerous mods.

    • Note: Firespitter Core & FiresPitter Resource Config are 2 parts of Firespitter Mod, so you just need to download one document (that is
  1. Follow these steps to install Mods in step 11:

1,Just copy\GameData\SXT folder into GameData folder, don’t copy any other document.

2,Just copy\Firespitter\Plugins\Firespitter.dll into GameData\Firespitter\Plugins folder, don’t copy any other document.

3,Just copy\Firespitter\Resources folder into GameData\Firespitter folder, don’t copy any other folder.

  1. Nest, install these Mods (These are Recommendations of Realism Overhaul, and are Requirements of Realistic Progression Zero):
  • B9 Procedural Wings v1.00(v1.0.0) (here is latest)

    Find the parts in the Aero section in the editor; Press "j" to bring up the part settings; On the sliders left clicking the buttons on either side will do a large increment change, right click for a small increment change and fine tuning; An alternate texture is provided. You can also overwrite the texture if you wish; A test aircraft is supplied with control surfaces setup including spoilers, levcons, canards, flaps etc. This aircraft functions in stock aero and with FAR use it as a guide or to test if the mod is functioning.

  • Deadly Reentry Continued v7.8.0 (here is latest)

    Deadly Reentry balances part thermal properties; If parts get too hot then they may catch fire. (or begin to melt; depends on if they are logically flammable or not); Parts and Kerbals that experience excessive G forces for excessive periods of time may fail/die.

  • Hangar Extender v3.6.0 (here is latest)

    This plugin extends the usable area when building in the SPH or VAB, so you can build outside or above the building. Useful for building large aircraft carriers or tall rockets.

  • MechJeb 2 v2.9.2 (here is v2.9.2)

    Anatid Robotics and Multiversal Mechatronics proudly presents the first flight assistant autopilot: MechJeb

    The famous MJ, don’t need me to say anything.

  • Procedural Fairings v1.8.1~1.8.3 (here is latest)

    Procedural Fairings is a mod that creates fairings that can automatically reshape for any attached payload.

  • Procedural Fairings - For Everything v0.3.0 (no version for 1.9.1) (here is latest)

    Procedural Fairings For Everything (PFFE) replaces / adds to fairings and fairing bases in mods to use Procedural Fairings instead of the stock fairings, or the various other means that mods have come up with to add fairings to their packs. The more recent versions support the stock part variants as well as coloring from Textures Unlimited.

  • Procedural Parts v2.0~2.1.2 (here is latest)

    Procedural Parts allows you to procedurally generate a number of different parts in a range of sizes and shapes. The parts are fully tweakable with multiple options for customization of the shape, surface texture, and other parameters.

  • RemoteTech or RealAntennas

    RemoteTech v1.9.6 (here is v1.9.6)

    RemoteTech is a modification for Squad’s ‘Kerbal Space Program’ (KSP) which overhauls the unmanned space program. It does this by requiring unmanned vessels have a connection to Kerbal Space Center (KSC) to be able to be controlled. This adds a new layer of difficulty that compensates for the lack of live crew members.It also adds Signal Delay.

    RealAntennas v1.1~1.3.0 (here is latest)

    The primary driver for this mod is to replace the KSP notion of an individual antenna having a "range" as a singular value that presumably derives from its gain and its transmission power. KSP's stock CommNet doesn't expose enough to change this behavior without replacing a few layers of classes.

    • Note: RemoteTech is not a dependency of RP-1 (although it's in Recommendations of Realism Overhaul). you can use RealAntennas instead of RemoteTech.
  • TestFlight or Test Lite

    Read this biased comparison and decide if you'd rather play with TestFlight or TestLite. Do NOT install both.

    TestFlight Core v12.0.0 (here is latest)

    TestFlight is an add-on for Kerbal Space Program that simulates the effect of increasing the reliability of your space hardware through flight testing.

    • Note: You ONLY NEED to download TestFlight Core! NOT Stock Config! Rocket Engines in RP-1 has its own config.

    Test Lite

TeatLite is a lightweight replacement for other part-failure mods like TestFlight, limiting configurability and extensibility in exchange for simplicity and (hopefully) better performance. It is designed for use with the Realism Overhaul suite of mods.

  • Note: The installation method of Test Lite is slightly different from other Mods. If you want to install, this tutorial may be able to help you: How to Install a Mod From Github

  • Textures Unlimited v1.5.10.25 (here is latest)

    The Textures Unlimited addon brings the Unity 5 Standard shader functions to KSP along with a suite of utilities for loading shader and model asset bundles, and a host of shader and texture-related functions to support them. It does not add any new part or textures by itself, but is intended to be used and distributed by other mods who do not wish to develop their own plugin code or shaders.

  • Principia (latest version) (this link is the link of its forum thread)

    This mod aims to replace KSP's unstable physics integration with a higher-order symplectic integrator, adding n-body Newtonian gravitation in the process.

    • Note: This Mod is also not a dependency of RP-1. Principia and Persistent Rotation conflict, as Principia provides & implements a more realistic model for rotation during timewarp.

    • WARNING: Principia is a complete modification of KSP, changing fundamentally how the game works. It may induce some bugs, and even when it works perfectly it makes learning the RP-1 mechanics even more difficult. Think twice or thrice before installing it if you never played both RP-1 and Principia.

    • What is Principia and why should I care? If you're a hardcore orbital mechanics enthusiast and have lamented that KSP doesn't properly simulate orbital perturbations and Lagrange points, then Principia is for you. If you're either new to RP-1 or are scratching your head and asking "What's a Lagrange point?" then you should probably pass on Principia and focus on mastering all the other the game mechanics. Only few orbits around the moon are stable, building comms network around moons is possible only for couple of months. Read this overview (also linked in the sidebar) for more info.

  1. Then, Install Realistic Progression One.

Note: KCT(Kerbal Construction Time) is now integrated into RP-1 and doesn't need to be installed as a separate mod.

Now, you've installed Realistic Progression One, but maybe it isn't enough for you. Just RO/RP-1 is never enough. You probably want some more mods. This section contains detailed installation instructions for the most essential ones.

If you don't want to read this list, you should continue the installation steps from After Installation

Essential Extra Mods

NOTE: This part is write for KSP 1.8.1, but Mpds in this part is compatible/has version(s) to KSP 1.9.1. To make sure you see them in CKAN, Tell CKAN to allow Compatible KSP Versions of 1.8, 1.7, and 1.6.

  1. Open CKAN and go to Settings → CKAN Settings.

  2. Locate the list of Metadata Repositories and press New.

  3. Select the one called MechJeb2-dev and confirm it is added to the list.

  4. Close settings and press the refresh button.

  5. Select the following mods:


  • Kerbal Engineer Redux

  • Kerbalism - RealismOverhaul Config

  • KSP Wheel

  • Mechjeb 2 - DEV RELEASE ( )

  • Persistent Rotation (do not install if you intend on using Principia)

  • ROCapsules

  • ROEngines

  • ROSolar

  • ROTanks

  • Optional: Atmospheric Autopilot

  • Optional: Editor Extensions Redux

  • Optional: Filter Extensions

  • Optional: Kerbal Alarm Clock

  • Optional: Kerbal Renamer

  • Optional: Kerbal Wind (From GitHub)

  • Optional: Precise Maneuver

  • Optional: RCS Build Aid

  • Optional: Trajectories

  • Optional: WASD Camera Editor (version

  1. Install the selected mods. Ignore the suggestions & recommendations for now.

  2. Optional Visual & Sound Mods

NOTE: For the visual pack of EVE/RSSVE/Scatterer it is important to install the specific versions specified below, even if a new version is available, as these are known to work properly together.

After Installasion

  1. Launch KSP to verify that the game runs. Go into a new Sandbox or Career mode and just check that nothing looks obviously wrong or explodes.

  2. Maybe install even more mods from our Recommended Extra Mod List. Note that page is a mix of KSP versions and some of the information there might not be as up to date as this page. Consider this page to be correct if the two contradict each other.

  3. Proceed to New Career Setup if you are playing RP-1.

  4. Consider some thoughtful musings about your new installation.

  5. Finally, scroll back up and locate the wiki sidebar. The "Getting Started" section contains a wealth of information for help and instruction. It is recommended that you start by reading through the FAQs and then work your way down through the tutorials and resources.

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