I'm Jesús Huerta Aguilar, a dedicated student with a profound enthusiasm for technology and creativity. Currently, I'm advancing through my eighth semester at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Computación (FCC) at the Benemérita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla.
My primary focus revolves around the captivating realms of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Continuously driven by a thirst for knowledge, I am committed to both learning and contributing to the evolution of these fields. I find immense excitement in exploring the boundless possibilities that AI and ML present, and I am deeply intrigued by their transformative impact on our society.
Beyond my dedication to technology, I harbor a vibrant creative spirit. In my leisure time, I delve into the realm of music production. Music serves as an outlet for my artistic expression, enabling me to strike a harmonious balance between my passion for computer science and my creative inclinations.
Follow my artistic project "KEYGLAZZ":
These are my main social media profiles. If you want to know more about me and my other projects, you can check out my Linktree.
Currently, I am dedicating time to deepen my knowledge in Python and R. These are the technologies with which I have extensively experimented.