The essense of the project is to make students all ages exercise English in a fun, easy and interesting way. The app has multiple functions, from which the user can choose in the main menu.
- NPBrankov19 - Scrum trainer
- Email:
- GitHub profile: NPBrankov19
- RGIvanov19 - Code Checker
- Email:
- GitHub profile: RGIvanov19
- KNTaligadzhiev19 - Q&A engineer
- Email:
- GitHub profile: KNTaligadzhiev19
- MCBerberov19 - Developer Backend
- Email:
- GitHub profile: MCBerberov19
- VNStoyanov19 - Developer Frontend
- Email:
- GitHub profile: VNStoyanov19
- After we input 1, which is linked to "Practise English Tenses" it will show a menu which the user will be able to choose from what English tense they want to practise. When they have made up their mind, some exercises will pop up from different types to practise the language. For every tense, there are 4 different types of exercises with 10 examples for each. After the user has finished the last question, the end result is shown on the screen
- Our app includes a game (hangman), in which the user has to choose a word with a few letters shown. the system counts the failed attempts and when they reach 3, the game ends and the points are shown on the screen.
- The project also includes a table with the irregular verbs. The idea is to exercise and to help to remember the tenses easier. When the given game mode is chosen, it shows the first column of the table, and the others have to be inputted by the user. You can also add, remove and hide the rows in the table
The technologies we used for our work are Microsoft Teams for communication, Git and GitHub for code storage and teamwork on the code, Visual Studio for the code editor, PowerPoint for preparing a presentation, Word for preparing documentation, and OneDrive for sharing files.
Paste this in cmd:
git clone
Name | Action | Line |
displayLogo(); | Shows the logo in the console „LET” | 12 |
displayStartPage(); | Prints out the main menu | 36 |
displayTheTable(); | Table with the tenses | 72 |
displayTheDeadBoyHead(); | Displays the head of the figure | 84 |
displayTheDeadBoyBody(); | Displays the body of the figure | 101 |
displayTheDeadBoyLegs(); | Displays the legs of the figure | 114 |
playGuessTheWord(); | Starts the game | 129 |
displayTheResultOfGuessTheWord(); | Result - points of the game | 201 |
displayMenu(); | Displays a menu with the options of the tenses | 245 |
answerCheckEx(); | Checks the answer | 275 |
answerCheckExMultipleChoice(); | Checks answer | 292 |
displayTheUsagePresentSimpleTense(); | Rules for using the present simple | 311 |
displayTheUsagePresentContinuousTense(); | Rules for using the present continuous | 427 |
DisplayTheUsagePastSimpleTense(); | Rules for using the past simple | 548 |
DisplayTheUsagePastSimpleTense(); | Rules for using the past continuous | 656 |
displayTheUsageFutureSimpleTense(); | Rules for using the future tense | 770 |
displayTheUsagePresentPerfectTense(); | Rules for using the present perfect | 883 |
Practise…TenseEx1(); | Displays the missing word | - |
Practise...TenseEx2(); | Displays the optional answer | - |
Practise…TenseEx3(); | Corrects the mistakes | - |
Practise…TenseEx4(); | Transforms a sentence into a question | - |
displayTheResultOfTheExercises(); | Result - points from the tests | 999 |
IrregularVerbsCommandTable(); | Shows and hides the table with the commands | 1053 |
IrregularVerbsCommandFunctions(); | Performs the command | 1073 |
practiseIrregularVerbs(); | Starts a table for irregular verbs | 1170 |
startProgramme(); | Main function | 1268 |
processMenu(); | Output function | 1381 |