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A simple way to handle showing modals with react-router version 4.

Component docs:



Install using yarn or npm.

npm install react-router-modal --save


yarn add react-router-modal

You will also need to install some other modules as peers.

TBH, if you are looking at this package you probably already have these, but you might want to check for version compatibility.

react-router-dom version 4

react & react-dom, version 15 or higher

For ex: yarn add react-router-dom react react-dom.

Getting started

To add react-router-modal to your app:

  1. Include the CSS for react-router-modal, found in this package at css/react-router-modal.css

If you are using webpack, you can do this:

import 'react-router-modal/css/react-router-modal.css';

Note that you can also copy this file or create your own css and specify your own class names.

  1. Add a <ModalContainer /> to your react application. This is where any shown modals are added to the DOM.

See also:

  1. Add a <ModalRoute /> to test your setup:
<ModalRoute path='/modal-test' parentPath='/'>
  1. Navigate to /modal-test in your app. You should see a Modal with the contents "Hello".


My modals are not showing at all

  1. Did you render a ModalContainer?

  2. Did you include the CSS to style the modals and their backdrops?

I see my modal content but the component "behind" it is not rendering.

To display a modal component "on top" of another component, both routes (the ModalRoute and the Route that renders the other component) must match.

If you are seeing modal content but the component that you expect to see "behind" the modal is not rendering, you should check for the following:

  1. Did you put both routes inside a <Switch />, so only one of them matches?

  2. Did you use exact on the <Route /> that contains the component that is meant to render "under" the modal?


TL;DR Example

import { ModalContainer, ModalRoute } from 'react-router-modal';
import { BrowserRouter, Link } from 'react-router-dom';

// assumes webpack loader for css
// ... or include this css however you do that in your project ...
import 'react-router-modal/css/react-router-modal.css'

function FooModal() {
  return <div>FOO</div>;

function BarModal() {
  return <div>BAR</div>;

function Example() {
 return (
       <Link to='/foo'>show foo</Link>
       <Link to='/bar'>show bar</Link>

       <ModalRoute component={FooModal} path='/foo' className='test-modal test-modal-foo'/>
       <ModalRoute component={BarModal} path='/bar' className='test-modal test-modal-bar'/>

       <ModalContainer />


Container for rendered modals.

This should be included in your react app as one of the last elements before the closing body tag. When modals are rendered, they live inside this container. When no modals are shown, nothing is rendered into the DOM.


  • props Props
    • props.modalClassName String class name to apply to modals (optional, default react-router-modal__modal)
    • props.backdropClassName String class name to apply to modal backdrops (optional, default react-router-modal__backdrop)
    • props.containerClassName String class name to apply to the container itself (optional, default react-router-modal__container)
    • props.bodyModalClassName String class name to apply to the when any modals are shown (optional, default react-router-modal__modal-open)
    • props.onFirstModalMounted Function? handler invoked when first modal is shown
    • props.onLastModalUnmounted Function? handler invoked when last modal is hidden
    • props.autoRestoreScrollPosition boolean Automatically restore the window scroll position when the last modal is unmounted. This is useful in cases where you have made the body position fixed on small screen widths, usually to work around mobaile browser scrolling behavior. Set this to false if you do not want this behavior. (optional, default true)


Using default class names

<ModalContainer />

Overriding the default class names


DOM structure

// Note that modals are made "modal" via CSS styles, and end up rendered like the following in the DOM (with two modals, for example):
<div className={containerClassName}>
    <div className={backdropClassName} />
    <div className={modalClassName}>
      .. bottom-most modal contents ..
    <div className={backdropClassName} />
    <div className={modalClassName}>
      .. top-most modal contents ..


A react-router Route that shows a modal when the location pathname matches.

The component rendered in the modal will receive the following props:


  • _ref
  • parentPath string Either the parentPath specified in the ModalRoute, or a calculated value based on matched url
  • closeModal string A convenience method to close the modal by navigating to the parentPath
  • props Object
    • props.path String path to match
    • props.exact Boolean If set, only show modal if route exactly matches path.
    • props.parentPath String path to navigate to when backdrop is clicked
    • props.onBackdropClick String Handler to invoke when backdrop is clicked. If set, overrides the navigation to parentPath, so you need to handle that yourself.
    • props.className String class name to apply to modal container
    • props.children Children modal content can be specified as chld elements
    • props.component ReactComponent modal content can be specified as a component type. The component will be passed parentPath and closeModal props, in addition to the specified props, and the withRouter props.
    • props.props Object Props to be passed to the react component specified by the component property.When the route matches, the modal is shown. If multiple routes match, the modals will be stacked based on the length of the path that is matched.


Renders its contents in a modal div with a backdrop. Use Modal if you want to show a modal without changing the route.

The content that is shown is specified by either the "component" prop, or by child elements of the Modal.


  • props Object
    • props.stackOrder Number order to stack modals, higher number means "on top"
    • props.className String class name to apply to modal container
    • props.children Children Modal content can be specified as chld elements
    • props.component Component React component to render in the modal.
    • props.props Object props to pass to the react component specified by the component property
    • props.onBackdropClick Function handler to be invoked when the modal backdrop is clicked


Modals using a component and props, vs. child elements

const Hello = ({ who }) => (<div>Hello {who}!</div>);

// component and props
const ComponentExample = () => (
   props={{ who: 'World' }}

// using child elements
const ChildrenExample = () => (
    <Hello who='World' />

Specifying stack order

    props={ { foo: 'bar'} }
    props={ { bar: 'baz'} }


Link and ModalRoute in one convenient component Renders a link that, when clicked, will navigate to the route that shows the modal.


  • props Object
    • props.path String path to match
    • props.exact Boolean If set, only show modal if route exactly matches path.
    • props.parentPath String path to navigate to when backdrop is clicked
    • props.linkClassName String class name to apply to
    • props.modalClassName String class name to apply to modal container
    • props.children Children Link contents. Note that Modal content must be specified by the component property.
    • props.component ReactComponent Component to render in the modal.
    • props.props Object Props to be passed to the react component specified by the component property.


Example ModalLink

<ModalLink path='/hello' component={HelloComponent}>
  Say Hello


Simple modals for react-router 4






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  • JavaScript 97.6%
  • CSS 2.4%