R code for the project Cardiac resynchronization therapy practice in heart failure vs. electrophysiology settings/clinics in Europe
The aim of this R code is to be transparant and document the data handling and statistical analyses performed for the project Cardiac resynchronization therapy practice in heart failure vs. electrophysiology settings/clinics in Europe.
The data consists of individual patient data and is not public, and therefore no data is stored in this repository.
The project uses the R package projectTemplate, http://projecttemplate.net/ and is structured (and run) accordingly. Renv, https://rstudio.github.io/renv/articles/renv.html, is used for management of package dependencies.
Since the data is not available the code can not be run as is.
Run src/load_munge_cache.R or set loading and munging options in ProjectTemplate::reload.project() to TRUE in reports/Statistical_report_XX.Rmd
Knit reports/Statistical_report_XX.Rmd