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Source Code: Measuring the Interventional Robustness of Reinforcement Learning Agents



Running everything for this repo sequentially involves these bash scripts

First make them all executable so they run as bash and not alternative shells

chmod +x scripts/*

Training requires conda and a cluster with SLURM, but can be modified if SLURM is not available


Then agents must be organized from the runs/ directory into the storage/models/{env}/{family} folders accordingly. Then interventions and performance estimates can be run:


And finally plots and tables found in the paper and supplementary materials can be generated:


This will produce plots in storage/plots/sampled_cemat/ and storage/plots/performance/ for the environments and agents used. It will also print the tables found in the Appendix of the interventional robustness measure values.


Our reproduction relies on an installation of Anaconda or Miniconda to create virtualenvs and install appropriate packages in an isolated fashion.

Training the agents and conducting the intervention experiments requires a CUDA capable GPU with pytorch compatibility.



We provide a reproduction script to reproduce the environment as follows:


Steps in

All experiments were conducted on linux systems (CentOS and Ubuntu) using CUDA capable GPUs. Using one of these systems is recommended for reproducibility.

To make everything reproducible, use Python 3.7.4 and install packages according to the requirements: Use a virtualenv or conda environment to encapsulate these installations.

Key packages are torch==1.8.1, ctoybox==0.4.2, autonomous-learning-library (local version), and toyxbox.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

We used a fork of ALL, which can be found here: After cloning the ALL repo locally, install it using the following commands:

cd ..
cd autonomous-learning-library
pip install -e .


Everything is written to be run with via python with the -m flag from the root directory.


python -m runners.src.evaluate_performance

Typically results will be found in storage/results.

Training Agents

Once setup is complete, you can train the agents using:


This presumes that you are running this on a SLURM system, and attempts to create SLURM batch jobs to parallelize compute.

Environment Setup

To set up the environments, we have to initialize the start states as follows:

python -m envs.wrappers.space_invaders.interventions.interventions
python -m envs.wrappers.amidar.interventions.interventions
python -m envs.wrappers.breakout.interventions.interventions

Now we can begin training.


To see available commands, run

python -m runners.src.run_experiment --help

Example: To train a single a2c agent on SpaceInvaders, run the following command.

python -m runners.src.run_experiment --env SpaceInvaders --family a2c

When this is done, make sure that the out/*.err file created for that Slurm job did not error with CUDA error. Error: RuntimeError: CUDA driver initialization failed, you might not have a CUDA gpu.

Repeat as necessary until 11 agents are successfuly training.

Don't worry if there are rm: missing operand. Try 'rm --help' for more information. errors in the *.err files, this is expected and not a problem. It's clearing out unused data so we don't run out of storage.

Sometimes there are CUDA errors unless you run this command from a slurm interactive node (if using slurm):

srun --pty bash

Slurm GPU compute cluster instructions (if applicable)

Running jobs GPU compatible interactive nodes, use

srun --pty --gres=gpu:1 bash

and execute whatever code you want to.

Running batch jobs, use

sbatch runners/scripts/

or for training, run

python -m runners.src.run_experiment

Removing events* files produced by ALL that take up a lot of storage:

rm $(find -name events*)

this is found in the scripts/ script.


Experiments for XAI Interventional Robustness paper






No releases published


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Contributors 3
