'MKDesigner' is a tool to design DNA markers for PCR-based genotyping using whole genome resequence data. PCR-based genotyping is the most basic genotyping method, and is still an indispensable method for fine mapping and the like. When performing PCR-based genotyping, it is necessary to identify DNA markers (SSR, InDel, SNP) that are mutated between parental cultivars and design primers to amplify their surroundings. Primer3 is a convenient tool for designing primers against target sequences, available both on the web and on the local command line[1,2]. Primer-BLAST, which is a combination of Primer3 and BLAST, further searches for specificity within the reference genome and provides primers amplifying only the target sequence[3]. However, it can only be used on the web, and manual input is needed one by one. Therefore, it is very laborious when tens to hundreds of DNA markers are required.
'MKDesigner' can solve such troubles of marker design. MKDesigner also uses Primer3 and BLAST but It can deal NGS data to design all possible markers and its primers at once. As long as you have the whole genome resequence data of the parent cultivars, MKDesigner generates a list of primers that amplify your desired DNA marker in just 2 steps.
2024-10-23 v0.5.1
- '--limit' option was implemented to 'mkprimer'.
- Time for PCR specificity search was reduced.
- Comming soon.
We recommend that you install the MKDesigner in a dedicated environment.
conda create -n mkdesigner mkdesigner
- python >=3.8
- pandas >=2.0.2
- blast >=2.14.0
- gatk4 >=
- picard >=2.18.29
- primer3 >=2.6.1
- samtools >=1.6
- bcftools >=1.5
- matplotlib-base
- timeout-decorator
Tools above are installed automatically.
We have a dataset for test.
git clone https://github.com/KChigira/mkdesigner.git
cd mkdesigner/test
├── lineA_sorted_reads.bam
├── lineB_sorted_reads.bam
├── test_ref.fasta
└── ...
mkvcf -r test_ref.fasta \
-b lineA_sorted_reads.bam \
-b lineB_sorted_reads.bam \
-n lineA -n lineB \
-O test --cpu 4(appropriately)
Then, you will get the directory named 'test_mkvcf/'
├── test_mkvcf
| ├── test_ready_for_mkprimer.vcf
| ├── command.txt
| └── intermediate/
└── ...
- 'test_ready_for_mkprimer.vcf' -----Output VCF file This file will be input file of 'mkprimer'
mkprimer -r test_ref.fasta \
-V test_mkvcf/test_ready_for_mkprimer.vcf \
-n1 lineA -n2 lineB \
-O test --type SNP \
--mindep 5 --maxdep 120 --mismatch_allowed 5 --cpu 8(appropriately) \
--min_prodlen 150 --opt_prodlen 180 --max_prodlen 280 \
--search_span 140 --primer_min_size 24 \
--primer_opt_size 24 --primer_max_size 24
Then, you will get the directory named 'test_mkprimer/'
├── test_mkprimer
| ├── test_primer_added.vcf
| ├── for_draw.fai
| ├── command.txt
| └── intermediate/
└── ...
- 'test_primer_added.vcf' -----Output VCF file
- 'for_draw.fai' -----Fasta index file (For drawing the positions of markers) These files will be input file of 'mkselect'
mkselect -i test_mkprimer/for_draw.fai \
-V test_mkprimer/test_primer_added.vcf \
-n 10 -O test
Then, you will get the directory named 'test_mkselect/'
├── test_mkselect
| ├── test.vcf
| ├── test.png
| ├── test_primer_data.tsv
| └── command.txt
└── ...
- 'test.vcf' -----VCF with only selected markers
- 'test.png' -----Figure of indicates the positions of selected markers
- 'test_primer_data.tsv' -----Useful information of primers and its anpllicons
If you want to get the figure for all markers...
mkselect -i test_mkprimer/for_draw.fai \
-V test_mkprimer/test_primer_added.vcf \
-n 10000 -O test_all
mkvcf -h
usage: mkvcf -r <FASTA> -b <BAM_1> -b <BAM_2>... -n <name_1> -n <name_2>... -O <STRING>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r , --ref Reference fasta.
-b , --bam Bam files for variant calling.
e.g. -b bam1 -b bam2 ...
You must use this option 2 times or more
to get markers in following analysis.
-n , --name Variety name of each bam file.
e.g. -n name_bam1 -n name_bam2 ...
You must use this option same times
as -b.
-O , --output Identical name (must be unique).
This will be stem of output directory name.
--cpu Number of CPUs to use.
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
mkprimer -h
usage: mkprimer -r <FASTA> -V <VCF> -n1 <name1> -n2 <name2>
-O <output name> --type <SNP or INDEL>
[--target <Target position>]
[--mindep <INT>] [--maxdep <INT>]
[--min_prodlen <INT>] [--max_prodlen <INT>]
[--margin <INT>] [--max_distance <INT>]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r , --ref Reference fasta.
-V , --vcf VCF file without filtering.
Recommended to use VCF made by "mkvcf" command.
VCF must contain GT and DP field.
-n1 , --name1 Variety name 1.
Must match VCF column names.
This parameter can be specified multiple times to design common markers for multiple varieties.
-n2 , --name2 Variety name 2.
Must match VCF column names.
This parameter can be specified multiple times to design common markers for multiple varieties.
-O , --output Identical name (must be unique).
This will be stem of output directory name.
-T , --type Type of variants.
SNP or INDEL are supported.
-t , --target Target position where primers designed/
e.g. "chr01:1000000-3500000"
If not specified, the program process whole genome.
This parameter can be specified multiple times.
-l , --limit The upper limit of the number of primer design attempts.
A large number will take a long time to calculate,
but a small number may miss useful markers.
default: 10000
--blast_timeout If the process of primer specificity checking by BLAST
took time more than this parameter,
the variants considered to be non-specific.
default: 60.0 (sec)
--mindep Variants with more depth than this
are judged as valid mutations
default: 2
--maxdep Variants with less depth than this
are judged as valid mutations
default: 200
--mismatch_allowed Primers with more mismatch than this
are ignored in specificity check.
default: 5
Primers with more mismatch than this
in 5 bases of 3' terminal end
are ignored in specificity check.
default: 1
Primer pairs producing unintended PCR product which is shorter than this
are ignored in specificity check.
default: 4000
--min_prodlen Minimum PCR product length.default: 150
--max_prodlen Maximam PCR product length.
default: 280
--opt_prodlen Optical PCR product length.
default: 180
--margin Minimum distance from 3' terminal of primer to variant.
default: 5
--search_span Intervals to search for primers upstream and downstream variants.
default: 140
Primer number considering in primer3 software.
default: 3
--primer_min_size Minimum primer size
default: 18
--primer_max_size Maximum primer size
default: 26
--primer_opt_size Optical primer size
default: 20
--cpu Number of CPUs to use.
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
mkselect -h
usage: mkselect -i <FASTA Index file>
-V <VCF with Primer> -n <INT>
[-t <Target position>]
[-d <TSV with marker density infomation>]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i , --fai Index file (.fai) of reference fasta.
-V , --vcf VCF file with primers.
This file must be made by "mkprimer" command.
-n , --num_marker Number of markers selected.
-O , --output Identical name (must be unique).
This will be stem of output directory name.
-t , --target Target position where primers designed
e.g. "chr01:1000000-3500000"
This parameter can be specified multiple times.
-d , --density TSV file with marker density infomation..
This file must be formatted as "test/density.tsv".
--mindif Set minimum differences
of PCR product length between alleles.
For SNP marker, this must be 0.
--maxdif For indel marker, set maximum differences
of PCR product length between alleles.
--avoid_lowercase Select only primers written by uppercase.
Lowercase may mean repeat sequence.
-v, --version show program's version number and exit`
Dependent packages often get errors about shared libraries. Please check errors of packages below.
bcftools --version
samtools --version
If you got error like below...
bcftools: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
you can try a solution like below.
cd /home/[USER NAME]/(ex.)miniconda3/envs/(ex.)mkdesigner/lib
ls -l libcrypto.so*
For example,
lrwxrwxrwx ... libcrypto.so -> libcrypto.so.3
-rwxrwxr-x ... libcrypto.so.3
Then, you can make symbolic link to the new version of the shared library.
ln -s libcrypto.so.3 libcrypto.so.1.0.0
[1] Untergasser A, Cutcutache I, Koressaar T, Ye J, Faircloth BC, Remm M and Rozen SG. Primer3--new capabilities and interfaces. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Aug 1;40(15):e115. [2] Koressaar T and Remm M. Enhancements and modifications of primer design program Primer3. Bioinformatics 2007;23(10):1289-1291. [3] Ye, J., Coulouris, G., Zaretskaya, I. et al. Primer-BLAST: A tool to design target-specific primers for polymerase chain reaction. BMC Bioinformatics 13, 134 (2012).