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IPro - Intranet Communication Test Tool

The tool runs as a Windows service (for now) on two or more servers. It can measure networking quality parameters and log communication failures on detection of disruption of existing Erlang cluster.

Local Build

$ rebar3 compile


A powershell script is included to build deployable for two nodes (minimum number of nodes for an effective iPro setup). The script can be used as follows.



./config/test_node1.config and ./config/test_node2.config MUST be present otherwise the script will fail.

For writing a ./config/nodeX.config use ./config/dev.config as template.

Deploy build script (Works only with GitBash shell)

# WARNING _build and deploy folders are deleted/cleaned before proceeding
$ powershell.exe -F make_deploy.ps1

Steps executed:

  1. rm -rf _build deploy/node*
  2. rebar3 as node1 tar
  3. tar xvzf _build/node1/rel/ipro/ipro-X.Y.Z.tar.gz -C ./deploy/node1-ipro-X.Y.Z
  4. rebar3 as node2 tar
  5. tar xvzf _build/node2/rel/ipro/ipro-X.Y.Z.tar.gz -C ./deploy/node2-ipro-X.Y.Z
  6. [PS] Compress-Archive -Path deploy\node1-ipro-X.Y.Z -CompressionLevel Fastest -DestinationPath deploy\
  7. [PS] Compress-Archive -Path deploy\node2-ipro-X.Y.Z -CompressionLevel Fastest -DestinationPath deploy\

Deployable package (.zip) are created in ./deploy folder.



  1. Unzip into a folder
  2. Start Powershell
  3. Execute <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\ipro.ps1 add to install iPro as windows service
  4. Execute <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\ipro.ps1 list to verify is iPro is installed as windows service correctly

Start / Stop as Windows Service

Start : <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\ipro.ps1 start Stop: <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\ipro.ps1 stop


  1. Start Powershell
  2. Execute <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\ipro.ps1 remove to un-install iPro from windows services
  3. Execute <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\ipro.ps1 list to verify is iPro is un-installed from windows services correctly

Start as console (when Windows service is NOT running)

  1. Start Powershell
  2. Change directory to folder where ipro is unzipped
  3. Execute <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\ipro.ps1 console to start iPro node in erlang windows console


The runtime configuration of iPro can be found at : <IPro Unzip Directory>nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\releases\X.Y.Z\ipro.config Current configurations are:

	{kernel, [
		{inet_dist_listen_min, 8000}, % cluster traffic TCp port range minimum
		{inet_dist_listen_max, 8020}, % cluster traffic TCp port range maximum
		{error_logger, {file, "./ipro_kernel.log"}}
	{ipro, [
		{other_nodes, ['ipro@...']}, % name of the other ipro node(s) to test the cluster health with
		{idle_check_period, 10000}, % check interval when cluster is healthy
		{error_check_period, 1000} % check interval when cluster is split
	{sasl, [
		{sasl_error_logger, {file, "./ipro_sasl.log", [append]}} % path to detail erlang debug logs

Command Line Options

> <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\ipro.ps1
Usage: ipro.ps1 [add | remove | start | stop | list | console | epmd-start | epmd-names | epmd-kill]


Log files path : <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\log Log Files: iPro.debug - console logs are redirected here when run as service ipro_kernel.log - Service crash log (usually empty) ipro_sasl.log - Erlang verbose debugging logs

iPro.debug log sample on start

Executing: <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\erts-9.2\bin\beam.smp.dll
    <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\erts-9.2\bin\beam.smp.dll
    -- -root <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z -progname erl
    -- -home C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile -epmd_port 7999
    -- -service_event ErlSrv_iPro -nohup
    -name ipro@nodeN -setcookie ipro
    -boot <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\..\releases\X.Y.Z\start
    -config <IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\bin\..\releases\X.Y.Z\ipro.config

2019.01.21 16:30:06.006000 [ipro:init:37] <0.75.0> supervisor starting...

2019.01.21 16:30:06.022000 [ipro_worker:init:38] <0.76.0> 
====== [ipro_worker starting] ======
    ERLSRV_EXECUTABLE   : "<IPro Unzip Dir>\nodeN-ipro-X.Y.Z\erts-9.2\bin\erlsrv.exe"
    ERL_EPMD_PORT       : 7999
    IdleCheckPeriod     : 10000
    ErrorCheckPeriod    : 1000
    OtherNodes          : ['ipro@OTHER_NODE']
    kernel env          : [{included_applications,[]},
    sasl env            : [{sasl_error_logger,
Eshell V9.2  (abort with ^G)

iPro.debug log lines pattern with healthy cluster

2019.01.21 16:30:16.037000 [ipro_worker:handle_info:60] <0.76.0> all nodes ['ipro@OTHER_NODE']
    are reachable, next check after : 10000 ms
2019.01.21 16:30:26.037000 [ipro_worker:handle_info:60] <0.76.0> all nodes ['ipro@OTHER_NODE']
    are reachable, next check after : 10000 ms
2019.01.21 16:30:36.036000 [ipro_worker:handle_info:60] <0.76.0> all nodes ['ipro@OTHER_NODE']
    are reachable, next check after : 10000 ms

iPro.debug log line patterns on cluster split

2019.01.21 16:50:47.642000 [ipro_worker:handle_info:60] <0.76.0> all nodes ['ipro@OTHER_NODE']
    are reachable, next check after : 10000 ms
2019.01.21 16:50:57.704000 [ipro_worker:handle_info:64] <0.76.0>
=============== analyze_report ===============
2019.01.21 16:50:57.704000 [ipro_worker:analyze_report:86] <0.76.0> OTHER_NODE (
    epmd is reachable at port 7999
2019.01.21 16:50:57.704000 [ipro_worker:net_info:97] <0.76.0> FQDN host (from node) OTHER_NODE
2019.01.21 16:50:57.719000 [ipro_worker:net_info:98] <0.76.0> 
--- inet : gethostname ( ) --->
<--- inet : gethostname ( ) ---
2019.01.21 16:50:57.719000 [ipro_worker:net_info:99] <0.76.0> 
--- inet : getifaddrs ( ) --->
<--- inet : getifaddrs ( ) ---
2019.01.21 16:50:57.719000 [ipro_worker:net_info:102] <0.76.0> 
--- erl_epmd : names ( ) --->
<--- erl_epmd : names ( ) ---
2019.01.21 16:50:57.719000 [ipro_worker:net_info:104] <0.76.0> 
--- erl_epmd : names ( IpAddr ) --->
<--- erl_epmd : names ( IpAddr ) ---
2019.01.21 16:50:57.719000 [ipro_worker:handle_info:66] <0.76.0> ==============================================
2019.01.21 16:50:57.719000 [ipro_worker:handle_info:67] <0.76.0> [ERROR] ['ipro@OTHER_NODE']
    nodes were un-reachable, next check after : 1000 ms


date version remark
2019-01-21 0.0.1 first release