Common interface for different linear programming and (mixed-)integer programming solvers.
This library uses a polymorphic interface in order to allow seamless interchange of linear programming solvers in application code.
- Gurobi
- SoPlex
The code is tested in Travis against:
- GCC 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
- Clang 3.6, 3.7, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0
In your CMakeLists.txt: add_subdirectory(path_to_lpinterface)
. Then simply
link to the library:
target_link_libraries(${TARGET} lpinterface)
#include "lpinterface.hpp"
#include "lpinterface/gurobi/lpinterface_gurobi.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
using namespace lpint;
struct Wrapper {
std::unique_ptr<LinearProgramSolver> solver;
Wrapper(std::unique_ptr<LinearProgramSolver>&& s) : solver(std::move(s)) {}
template <typename Solver>
Wrapper create_solver() {
return Wrapper(std::make_unique<Solver>());
int main() {
// Create the polymorphic solver backend.
// Switch out the type parameter to change
// solver backends.
auto wrapper = create_solver<GurobiSolver>();
// Retrieve a handle to the linear program from
// the solver
auto& lp = wrapper.solver->linear_program();
// Set the objective function; see the documentation for a list of
// supported variable types per solver backend.
// NOTE: the objective function should be set before
// adding constraints, so the solver knows how many variables
// there are in the program.
lp.set_objective(Objective<double>{{1, 2, 3, 4}});
// Add constraints; these represent the constraint equations.
// These constraints are equivalent to the equations
// -inf <= x + 3y + 3z <= 1
// -inf <= 4y + 5z + 6w <= 4
// The Row<T> objects are sparse matrix rows in CSR format.
std::vector<Constraint<double>> constraints;
constraints.emplace_back(Row<double>({1, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 2}), -LPINT_INFINITY, 1.0);
constraints.emplace_back(Row<double>({4, 5, 6}, {1, 2, 3}), -LPINT_INFINITY, 4.0);
// set solver parameters, see Param documentation for all
// possible parameter settings.
wrapper.solver->set_parameter(Param::TimeLimit, 10.0); // max 10 seconds duration
wrapper.solver->set_parameter(Param::Verbosity, 0); // don't output anything
wrapper.solver->set_parameter(Param::PrimalOrDual, 0); // use primal simplex
// solve the LP.
const Status status = wrapper.solver->solve();
// check the solution status
switch (status) {
case (Status::Optimal):
std::cout << "Optimal objective: "
<< wrapper.solver->get_solution().objective_value
<< std::endl;
const std::vector<double> primal = wrapper.solver->get_solution().primal;
const std::vector<double> dual = wrapper.solver->get_solution().dual;
// do something with the primal/dual solution
case (Status::Unbounded):
std::cerr << "LP was proven unbounded\n";
case (Status::Infeasible):
std::cerr << "LP was proven infeasible\n";
// more cases, see documentation of Status
return 0;
See examples