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This app is a demo version of a Ping Pong score tracking application

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This app is a demo version of a Ping Pong score tracking application. This app has the abilities of:

  • letting people register name for competition
  • Letting people increase their points to represent real scenerios
  • Tracking points of both players for each games and announcing the winner at each game.
  • Terminating game or continuing game
  • Ranking people by their performance


Please make sure your local computer has installed Node.js environment. If not, download it here: . Please clone the github repo, after that go in "client" folder and run "npm install" with your terminal, go in "server" folder and run "npm install" with your terminal.


In "client" folder, with your terminal run "npm start". In "server" folder, with your terminal run "npm run dev".

Running Documentation Live:

In "client" folder, with your terminal run "npm run docz:dev"


There are 4 components in this application, the App.js component, the Registration component, the GamePlay.js component and the LeaderBoard.js component. Each has its own functionalities and it will be explain gradually.


Purpose: The App component is the parent component that wraps around the remain components, holding global states to pass down to its children components

States in App.js:

  • player1Name |string|: stores name of the first person who register name.
  • player2Name |string|: stores name of the second person who register name.
  • server |number|: show who is the first to serve the ball, 0 denotes the first person, 1 denotes the second person.
  • isGamePlaying |boolean|: determine whether there is a game playing or not, to prevent game play errorness.


Purpose: The Registration.js is the preperation step to start the game. It lets players register their names. Randomly picking the server and announces the server. Error detection is provided to guide the player follow the correct path

Props in Registration.js

You can navigate to App.js to read more about the states that got passed down to props.

  • player1Name |string|: passed down by the App.js. It stores name of the first person who register name.
  • player2Name |string|: passed down by the App.js. It stores name of the second person who register name.
  • server |number|: passed down by the App.js, show who is the first to serve the ball

Functions in Registration.js

  • handleRegesterPlayer1NameClick() -> void

When invoked, the name that is written on the player 1 input is going to be registered as player 1 name. Error message appears when the name is empty or they are similar to the player 2 name.

  • handleRegesterPlayer2NameClick() -> void

When invoked, the name that is written on the player 2 input is going to be registered as player 2 name. Error message appears when the name is empty or they are similar to the player 1 name.

  • chooseWhoServeFirst(number) -> number

When invoked, the function return a random number in the range of 0 to number. By default, there are 2 players so (0 or 1) are expected to be return.

  • nameOfTheServer() -> string

When invoked, based on the server _(0 or 1) _, return the name of player
0 for name player 1, 1 for name player 2.


Purpose: this is the place where the score tracking is happenned. It followed few rules

The ping pong game will follow the 10 point system, where a player wins when he exceeds 10 points If both players reach 10 points, the players need to win by 2 points to win Serving switches every 2 points

Addition: GamePlay.js encompassed the point management system that followed few rules

The point management system will allow the players to update their points per round and the point management system will also denote the server per round The point management system will also announce the winner and update the players position on the leader board

States in GamePlay.js:

  • player1Score |number|: stores the player 1 score in the most current game.
  • player2Score |number|: stores the player 2 score in the most current game.
  • isPlayer1Server |boolean|: indicated whether player 1 is the server for graphical purpose
  • totalRoundPoints |number|: stores the summation of player1Score and player2Score
  • result |array of string|: stores the score ratio for game report.

Props in GamePlay.js:

You can navigate to App.js to read more about the states that got passed down to props.

  • player1Name |string|: passed down by the App.js. It stores name of the first person who register name.
  • player2Name |string|: passed down by the App.js. It stores name of the second person who register name.
  • server |number|: passed down by the App.js, show who is the first to serve the ball
  • isGamePlaying |boolean|: passed down by the App.js, determine whether there is a game playing or not, to prevent game play errorness.

Functions in GamePlay.js:

  • checkGameCanPlay() -> void:

Will be automatically invoked whenever player not follow the game instructions such as _ not registering, not choose server _

  • handleIncreasePlayerPointClick(number) -> void:

Increase the score of a player by 1 point. It also increase the total game point and may switch the server as the result

  • determineTheServer() -> void:

when invoked, based on the total round point to decide player1 or player2 is the server.

  • passConditionsForWinner(number, number) -> boolean:

When invoked, based on pingpong rules, comparing the score of 2 player to determine who is the winner.

  • updatePlayerRecordOnDatabase(string, number) -> void

Send request to server to update player record.

  • determinePlayer1IsTheWinner() -> boolean:

When invoked, using passConditionsForWinner function result, to update the record of the winner on database, and the record of game report


Purpose: Showing the top players based on few rules

The leaderboard should be visible at some point in the flow. Leaderboard should order leaderboard position by wins primary, and lowest cumulative secondary. Cumulative points only get counted for the winner

States in LeaderBoard.js:

  • players |array of objects|: stores the list of players records from server.

Functions in LeaderBoard.js:

  • renderResult() -> jsx:

Ranking the players based on their statistic. Return the list of players visually


This is the first version created by Bao Tran


This app is a demo version of a Ping Pong score tracking application







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