- 🔭 I’m currently working on data structures & algorithms
- 🌱 I’m currently learning python & typescript
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source projects
- 💬 Ask me about my favorite react library
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him/His
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm always in the mood for food
Short Intro
I'm a full-stack developer based out of Fort Lauderdale, FL. I love working with new technology, currently I enjoy working with JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJS, and NodeJS while also learning more about Python, React Native and TypeScript.
Long Intro
I'm a full-stack developer & graphic designer with an interest in full-stack web development and applications.
I've spent the last 18 months studying full stack javascript development at Lambda School while working full time. In their immersive program for part-time students, I learned Frontend & Backend Javascript, Complex State Management, API Development, Databases, Data Structures & Algorithms, and Computer Science among other topics.
Before becoming a full-stack developer, I always had interests in technologies, gadgets, and art. I graduated from Broward College in 2012 located in South Florida with a degree in Digital Multimedia. That’s where I was first introduced to web programming more specifically Adobe CS5 Flash & Actionscript 3.0, along with graphic & web design, 3D & motion graphics, and video editing.
When I'm not coding or designing, I'm usually watching anime, playing video games, or working up a sweat at a nearby park/gym.
Being a Bootcamp grad and having previous experience with design, customer service, and multimedia technologies, I bring a unique combination of skills to the table. I'm looking for a full-stack development position at a company that believes these skillsets can be valuable to their team.
If that sounds like you, feel free to reach out to me - I'm always happy to chat.
![]() rick and morty app built with next.js & framer motion using the rick & morty wiki api |
![]() Image Gallery app with React, CSS Grid, React Router and styled-components |