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Support execution of code from external abstract interpreters #52964

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@vchuravy vchuravy commented Jan 18, 2024

Currently external abstract interpreters are succesfully used to power analysis,
compilation for external targets like GPU, but there currently doesn't exist a
mechanism within Julia to execute the output of these abstract interpreters and
the community has developed various work-arounds.

  • Enzyme.jl uses GPUCompiler.jl + LLVM.jl to spin up it's own external JIT and
    uses ccall to call from Julia native to Enzyme controlled land. It furthermore
    needs to detect dynamic callsites and replaces them to functions controlled by Enzyme.
  • CassetteOverlay.jl uses the "cassette" transform to replace all calls f(args...)
    to calls to overdub(ctx, f, args...). While this has worked in Cassette.jl for a
    long time, it also leads to hard to read backtraces and overly relies on generated functions.

This PR is a combination of two ideas:

Concretly this PR introduces abstract type CompilerInstance end that allows for the creation of temporary AbstractInterpreter instances,
it then uses a new built-in call_within to switch between compiler instances, furthermore the compiler instance is also the owner of
the corresponding CodeInstances.

After that it is mostly and exercise of threading the compiler instance through in the right places.


  • Go through all uses of explicit jl_nothing as a owner token and use the correct one.
  • Expose the compiler instance to reflection methods
  • Add abstract interpreter support for call_within
  • Concrete evaluation will need to use call_within
  • Interpreter support? JuliaInterpreter.jl support? Cthulhu support?
  • Finalizers?

Example: Cassette style tracer

This PR doesn't do anything about how to work with the IR and write compiler plugins,
it also doesn't provide any hooks for compiler instances to modify the LLVM pipeline,
but a below is a prototype of a Cassette type tracer. Where we have a prehook
and a posthook function to execute over the callgraph.

const CC = Core.Compiler

import .CC: SSAValue, GlobalRef

struct Tracer <: CC.AbstractCompiler end
CC.abstract_interpreter(::Tracer, world::UInt) =
    TracerInterp(; world)

struct TracerInterp <: CC.AbstractInterpreter
    function TracerInterp(;
                world::UInt = Base.get_world_counter(),
                compiler::Tracer = Tracer(),
                inf_params::CC.InferenceParams = CC.InferenceParams(),
                opt_params::CC.OptimizationParams = CC.OptimizationParams(),
                inf_cache::Vector{CC.InferenceResult} = CC.InferenceResult[],
                code_cache::CC.InternalCodeCache = CC.InternalCodeCache(compiler))
        return new(world, inf_params, opt_params, inf_cache, code_cache, compiler)

CC.InferenceParams(interp::TracerInterp) = interp.inf_params
CC.OptimizationParams(interp::TracerInterp) = interp.opt_params
CC.get_world_counter(interp::TracerInterp) =
CC.get_inference_cache(interp::TracerInterp) = interp.inf_cache
CC.code_cache(interp::TracerInterp) = CC.WorldView(interp.code_cache, CC.WorldRange(
CC.cache_owner(interp::TracerInterp) = interp.compiler

import Core.Compiler: retrieve_code_info, maybe_validate_code
# Replace usage sited of `retrieve_code_info`, OptimizationState is one such, but in all interesting use-cases
# it is derived from an InferenceState. There is a third one in `typeinf_ext` in case the module forbids inference.
function CC.InferenceState(result::CC.InferenceResult, cache_mode::UInt8, interp::TracerInterp)
    world = CC.get_world_counter(interp)
    src = retrieve_code_info(result.linfo, world)
    src === nothing && return nothing
    maybe_validate_code(result.linfo, src, "lowered")
    src = transform(interp, result.linfo, src)
    maybe_validate_code(result.linfo, src, "transformed")
    return CC.InferenceState(result, src, cache_mode, interp)

# Cassette style early transform

# Allows for Cassette Pass transforms

function static_eval(mod, name)
    if Base.isbindingresolved(mod, name) && Base.isdefined(mod, name)
        return getfield(mod, name)
        return nothing

function prehook end
function posthook end

function transform(interp, mi, src)
    method = mi.def
    f = static_eval(method.module,
    ccall(:jl_, Cvoid, (Any,), mi)
    if f === Core._apply
        return src
    if f isa Core.Builtin
        error("Transforming builtin")
    # if f === prehook || f === posthook
    #     return src
    # end
    ci = copy(src)
    transform!(mi, ci)
    ci.ssavaluetypes = length(ci.code)
    # XXX we need to copy flags
    ci.ssaflags = [0x00 for _ in 1:length(ci.code)]
    # ccall(:jl_, Cvoid, (Any,), ci)
    return ci

function ir_element(x, code::Vector)
    while isa(x, Core.SSAValue)
        x = code[]
    return x

    is_ir_element(x, y, code::Vector)

Return `true` if `x === y` or if `x` is an `SSAValue` such that
`is_ir_element(code[], y, code)` is `true`.
See also: [`replace_match!`](@ref), [`insert_statements!`](@ref)
function is_ir_element(x, y, code::Vector)
    result = false
    while true # break by default
        if x === y #
            result = true
        elseif isa(x, Core.SSAValue)
            x = code[]
    return result

    insert_statements!(code::Vector, codelocs::Vector, stmtcount, newstmts)

For every statement `stmt` at position `i` in `code` for which `stmtcount(stmt, i)` returns
an `Int`, remove `stmt`, and in its place, insert the statements returned by
`newstmts(stmt, i)`. If `stmtcount(stmt, i)` returns `nothing`, leave `stmt` alone.

For every insertion, all downstream `SSAValue`s, label indices, etc. are incremented
appropriately according to number of inserted statements.

Proper usage of this function dictates that following properties hold true:

- `code` is expected to be a valid value for the `code` field of a `CodeInfo` object.
- `codelocs` is expected to be a valid value for the `codelocs` field of a `CodeInfo` object.
- `newstmts(stmt, i)` should return a `Vector` of valid IR statements.
- `stmtcount` and `newstmts` must obey `stmtcount(stmt, i) == length(newstmts(stmt, i))` if
    `isa(stmtcount(stmt, i), Int)`.

To gain a mental model for this function's behavior, consider the following scenario. Let's
say our `code` object contains several statements:
code = Any[oldstmt1, oldstmt2, oldstmt3, oldstmt4, oldstmt5, oldstmt6]
codelocs = Int[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Let's also say that for our `stmtcount` returns `2` for `stmtcount(oldstmt2, 2)`, returns `3`
for `stmtcount(oldstmt5, 5)`, and returns `nothing` for all other inputs. From this setup, we
can think of `code`/`codelocs` being modified in the following manner:
newstmts2 = newstmts(oldstmt2, 2)
newstmts5 = newstmts(oldstmt5, 5)
code = Any[oldstmt1,
           newstmts2[1], newstmts2[2],
           oldstmt3, oldstmt4,
           newstmts5[1], newstmts5[2], newstmts5[3],
codelocs = Int[1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6]

See also: [`replace_match!`](@ref), [`is_ir_element`](@ref)
function insert_statements!(code, codelocs, stmtcount, newstmts)
    ssachangemap = fill(0, length(code))
    labelchangemap = fill(0, length(code))
    worklist = Tuple{Int,Int}[]
    for i in 1:length(code)
        stmt = code[i]
        nstmts = stmtcount(stmt, i)
        if nstmts !== nothing
            addedstmts = nstmts - 1
            push!(worklist, (i, addedstmts))
            ssachangemap[i] = addedstmts
            if i < length(code)
                labelchangemap[i + 1] = addedstmts
    Core.Compiler.renumber_ir_elements!(code, ssachangemap, labelchangemap)
    for (i, addedstmts) in worklist
        i += ssachangemap[i] - addedstmts # correct the index for accumulated offsets
        stmts = newstmts(code[i], i)
        @assert length(stmts) == (addedstmts + 1)
        code[i] = stmts[end]
        for j in 1:(length(stmts) - 1) # insert in reverse to maintain the provided ordering
            insert!(code, i, stmts[end - j])
            insert!(codelocs, i, codelocs[i])

function transform!(mi, src)
    stmtcount = (x, i) -> begin
        isassign = Base.Meta.isexpr(x, :(=))
        stmt = isassign ? x.args[2] : x
        if Base.Meta.isexpr(stmt, :call)
            return 4
        return nothing
    newstmts = (x, i) -> begin
        callstmt = Base.Meta.isexpr(x, :(=)) ? x.args[2] : x
        isapplycall = is_ir_element(callstmt.args[1], GlobalRef(Core, :_apply), src.code)
        isapplyiteratecall = is_ir_element(callstmt.args[1], GlobalRef(Core, :_apply_iterate), src.code)
        if isapplycall || isapplyiteratecall
            callf = callstmt.args[2]
            callargs = callstmt.args[3:end]
            stmts = Any[
                     GlobalRef(Core, :_call_within), nothing,
                     prehook, callf, callargs...),
                     GlobalRef(Core, :_call_within), nothing,
                     posthook, SSAValue(i + 1), callf, callargs...),
                Base.Meta.isexpr(x, :(=)) ? Expr(:(=), x.args[1], SSAValue(i + 1)) : SSAValue(i + 1)
            stmts = Any[
                Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Core, :_call_within), nothing, prehook, callstmt.args...),
                Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Core, :_call_within), nothing, posthook, SSAValue(i + 1), callstmt.args...),
                Base.Meta.isexpr(x, :(=)) ? Expr(:(=), x.args[1], SSAValue(i + 1)) : SSAValue(i + 1)
        return stmts
    insert_statements!(src.code, src.codelocs, stmtcount, newstmts)
    return nothing

# - anything called from prehook is still instrumented
#   - either we can stop instrumentation / or switch to native (high overhead)
# - Similar problem with invokelatest, we somehow got recursion
# - invokelatest trace sees prehook call -- do we double transform?
struct Call

# TODO: Handle task-safety
const call_tree = ScopedValue{Ref{Call}}()

function prehook(f, args...)
    parent = call_tree[][]
    current = Call(parent, f, args, Call[])
    push!(parent.children, current)
    call_tree[][] = current

function posthook(_, f, args...)
    current = call_tree[][]
    call_tree[][] = current.parent

function f()

function trace(f, args...)
    top = Call(nothing, f, args, Call[])
    @with call_tree => Ref(top) begin
        Base.invoke_within(Tracer(), f, args...)
    return top


@vchuravy vchuravy added speculative Whether the change will be implemented is speculative compiler:plugins labels Jan 18, 2024
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One thing I particularly enjoyed about Cassette was that composition is well defined. This proposal ignores composition, compiler instances don't form a stack and there is no expectation that the output of one is meant to be consumed by another.

For Cassette uninferred IR was a viable communication layer, but with compiler instances customization can occur along many levels and we run into the pipeline ordering problem. The hope would be that using compiler instance we could build an actual "compiler plugins" infrastructure that allows for the registration of passes/intrinsics and provides sensible composition, but that seems further away and I do think we need some experimentation with compiler customization first before we tackle that.

@vchuravy vchuravy force-pushed the vc/tagged_ci branch 2 times, most recently from 408391e to ef35f71 Compare February 7, 2024 21:33
Base automatically changed from vc/tagged_ci to master February 10, 2024 22:35
@vchuravy vchuravy force-pushed the vc/compiler_instance_v2 branch from 1726c2d to 2ce7b5e Compare February 11, 2024 21:34
@vchuravy vchuravy force-pushed the vc/compiler_instance_v2 branch from 887526f to e825798 Compare February 22, 2024 01:29
1. Introduced a task-local inherited (nee ScopedValue) compiler field
2. Allow compilation and execution of code generated by foreign abstract

A new primitive `call_within` is introduced that switches the compiler
instance. The compiler instance is used for cache-lookups, compilation
request, and dispatch.
@vchuravy vchuravy force-pushed the vc/compiler_instance_v2 branch from 0aaf405 to 4f16213 Compare March 21, 2024 19:35

# FIXME: Currently doesn't infer and ends in "Skipped call_within since compiler plugin not constant"
overlay(f, args...) = CustomMethodTables.overlay(CustomMT, f, args...)
@test_broken overlay(sin, 1.0) == cos(1.0) # Bug in inference, not using the method_table for initial lookup
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@vchuravy vchuravy Apr 24, 2024

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This is due to jl_lookup_generic not taking into account the custom method table.

Keno added a commit that referenced this pull request Nov 23, 2024
This is an alternative mechanism to #56650 that largely achieves
the same result, but by hooking into `invoke` rather than a generated
function. They are orthogonal mechanisms, and its possible we want both.
However, in #56650, both Jameson and Valentin were skeptical of the
generated function signature bottleneck. This PR is sort of a hybrid
of mechanism in #52964 and what I proposed in #56650 (comment).

In particular, this PR:

1. Extends `invoke` to support a CodeInstance in place of its usual
   `types` argument.

2. Adds a new `typeinf` optimized generic. The semantics of this optimized
   generic allow the compiler to instead call a companion `typeinf_edge`
   function, allowing a mid-inference interpreter switch (like #52964),
   without being forced through a concrete signature bottleneck. However,
   if calling `typeinf_edge` does not work (e.g. because the compiler
   version is mismatched), this still has well defined semantics, you
   just don't get inference support.

The additional benefit of the `typeinf` optimized generic is that it lets
custom cache owners tell the runtime how to "cure" code instances that
have lost their native code. Currently the runtime only knows how to
do that for `owner == nothing` CodeInstances (by re-running inference).
This extension is not implemented, but the idea is that the runtime would
be permitted to call the `typeinf` optimized generic on the dead
CodeInstance's `owner` and `def` fields to obtain a cured CodeInstance (or
a user-actionable error from the plugin).

This PR includes an implementation of `with_new_compiler` from #56650.
This PR includes just enough compiler support to make the compiler
optimize this to the same code that #56650 produced:

julia> @code_typed with_new_compiler(sin, 1.0)
1 ─      $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_get_tls_world_age), UInt64, svec(), 0, :(:ccall)))::UInt64
│   %2 =   builtin Core.getfield(args, 1)::Float64
│   %3 =    invoke sin(%2::Float64)::Float64
└──      return %3
) => Float64

However, the implementation here is extremely incomplete. I'm putting
it up only as a directional sketch to see if people prefer it over #56650.
If so, I would prepare a cleaned up version of this PR that has the
optimized generics as well as the curing support, but not the full
inference integration (which needs a fair bit more work).
Keno added a commit that referenced this pull request Nov 29, 2024
This is an alternative mechanism to #56650 that largely achieves
the same result, but by hooking into `invoke` rather than a generated
function. They are orthogonal mechanisms, and its possible we want both.
However, in #56650, both Jameson and Valentin were skeptical of the
generated function signature bottleneck. This PR is sort of a hybrid
of mechanism in #52964 and what I proposed in #56650 (comment).

In particular, this PR:

1. Extends `invoke` to support a CodeInstance in place of its usual
   `types` argument.

2. Adds a new `typeinf` optimized generic. The semantics of this optimized
   generic allow the compiler to instead call a companion `typeinf_edge`
   function, allowing a mid-inference interpreter switch (like #52964),
   without being forced through a concrete signature bottleneck. However,
   if calling `typeinf_edge` does not work (e.g. because the compiler
   version is mismatched), this still has well defined semantics, you
   just don't get inference support.

The additional benefit of the `typeinf` optimized generic is that it lets
custom cache owners tell the runtime how to "cure" code instances that
have lost their native code. Currently the runtime only knows how to
do that for `owner == nothing` CodeInstances (by re-running inference).
This extension is not implemented, but the idea is that the runtime would
be permitted to call the `typeinf` optimized generic on the dead
CodeInstance's `owner` and `def` fields to obtain a cured CodeInstance (or
a user-actionable error from the plugin).

This PR includes an implementation of `with_new_compiler` from #56650.

That said, this PR does not yet include the compiler optimization that
implements the semantics of the optimized generic, which will be in a
follow up PR.
Keno added a commit that referenced this pull request Nov 29, 2024
This is an alternative mechanism to #56650 that largely achieves
the same result, but by hooking into `invoke` rather than a generated
function. They are orthogonal mechanisms, and its possible we want both.
However, in #56650, both Jameson and Valentin were skeptical of the
generated function signature bottleneck. This PR is sort of a hybrid
of mechanism in #52964 and what I proposed in #56650 (comment).

In particular, this PR:

1. Extends `invoke` to support a CodeInstance in place of its usual
   `types` argument.

2. Adds a new `typeinf` optimized generic. The semantics of this optimized
   generic allow the compiler to instead call a companion `typeinf_edge`
   function, allowing a mid-inference interpreter switch (like #52964),
   without being forced through a concrete signature bottleneck. However,
   if calling `typeinf_edge` does not work (e.g. because the compiler
   version is mismatched), this still has well defined semantics, you
   just don't get inference support.

The additional benefit of the `typeinf` optimized generic is that it lets
custom cache owners tell the runtime how to "cure" code instances that
have lost their native code. Currently the runtime only knows how to
do that for `owner == nothing` CodeInstances (by re-running inference).
This extension is not implemented, but the idea is that the runtime would
be permitted to call the `typeinf` optimized generic on the dead
CodeInstance's `owner` and `def` fields to obtain a cured CodeInstance (or
a user-actionable error from the plugin).

This PR includes an implementation of `with_new_compiler` from #56650.

That said, this PR does not yet include the compiler optimization that
implements the semantics of the optimized generic, which will be in a
follow up PR.
Keno added a commit that referenced this pull request Nov 29, 2024
This is an alternative mechanism to #56650 that largely achieves
the same result, but by hooking into `invoke` rather than a generated
function. They are orthogonal mechanisms, and its possible we want both.
However, in #56650, both Jameson and Valentin were skeptical of the
generated function signature bottleneck. This PR is sort of a hybrid
of mechanism in #52964 and what I proposed in #56650 (comment).

In particular, this PR:

1. Extends `invoke` to support a CodeInstance in place of its usual
   `types` argument.

2. Adds a new `typeinf` optimized generic. The semantics of this optimized
   generic allow the compiler to instead call a companion `typeinf_edge`
   function, allowing a mid-inference interpreter switch (like #52964),
   without being forced through a concrete signature bottleneck. However,
   if calling `typeinf_edge` does not work (e.g. because the compiler
   version is mismatched), this still has well defined semantics, you
   just don't get inference support.

The additional benefit of the `typeinf` optimized generic is that it lets
custom cache owners tell the runtime how to "cure" code instances that
have lost their native code. Currently the runtime only knows how to
do that for `owner == nothing` CodeInstances (by re-running inference).
This extension is not implemented, but the idea is that the runtime would
be permitted to call the `typeinf` optimized generic on the dead
CodeInstance's `owner` and `def` fields to obtain a cured CodeInstance (or
a user-actionable error from the plugin).

This PR includes an implementation of `with_new_compiler` from #56650.

That said, this PR does not yet include the compiler optimization that
implements the semantics of the optimized generic, which will be in a
follow up PR.
Keno added a commit that referenced this pull request Dec 3, 2024
This is an alternative mechanism to #56650 that largely achieves the
same result, but by hooking into `invoke` rather than a generated
function. They are orthogonal mechanisms, and its possible we want both.
However, in #56650, both Jameson and Valentin were skeptical of the
generated function signature bottleneck. This PR is sort of a hybrid of
mechanism in #52964 and what I proposed in
#56650 (comment).

In particular, this PR:

1. Extends `invoke` to support a CodeInstance in place of its usual
`types` argument.

2. Adds a new `typeinf` optimized generic. The semantics of this
optimized generic allow the compiler to instead call a companion
`typeinf_edge` function, allowing a mid-inference interpreter switch
(like #52964), without being forced through a concrete signature
bottleneck. However, if calling `typeinf_edge` does not work (e.g.
because the compiler version is mismatched), this still has well defined
semantics, you just don't get inference support.

The additional benefit of the `typeinf` optimized generic is that it
lets custom cache owners tell the runtime how to "cure" code instances
that have lost their native code. Currently the runtime only knows how
to do that for `owner == nothing` CodeInstances (by re-running
inference). This extension is not implemented, but the idea is that the
runtime would be permitted to call the `typeinf` optimized generic on
the dead CodeInstance's `owner` and `def` fields to obtain a cured
CodeInstance (or a user-actionable error from the plugin).

This PR includes an implementation of `with_new_compiler` from #56650.
This PR includes just enough compiler support to make the compiler
optimize this to the same code that #56650 produced:

julia> @code_typed with_new_compiler(sin, 1.0)
1 ─      $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_get_tls_world_age), UInt64, svec(), 0, :(:ccall)))::UInt64
│   %2 =   builtin Core.getfield(args, 1)::Float64
│   %3 =    invoke sin(%2::Float64)::Float64
└──      return %3
) => Float64

However, the implementation here is extremely incomplete. I'm putting it
up only as a directional sketch to see if people prefer it over #56650.
If so, I would prepare a cleaned up version of this PR that has the
optimized generics as well as the curing support, but not the full
inference integration (which needs a fair bit more work).
stevengj pushed a commit that referenced this pull request Jan 2, 2025
This is an alternative mechanism to #56650 that largely achieves the
same result, but by hooking into `invoke` rather than a generated
function. They are orthogonal mechanisms, and its possible we want both.
However, in #56650, both Jameson and Valentin were skeptical of the
generated function signature bottleneck. This PR is sort of a hybrid of
mechanism in #52964 and what I proposed in
#56650 (comment).

In particular, this PR:

1. Extends `invoke` to support a CodeInstance in place of its usual
`types` argument.

2. Adds a new `typeinf` optimized generic. The semantics of this
optimized generic allow the compiler to instead call a companion
`typeinf_edge` function, allowing a mid-inference interpreter switch
(like #52964), without being forced through a concrete signature
bottleneck. However, if calling `typeinf_edge` does not work (e.g.
because the compiler version is mismatched), this still has well defined
semantics, you just don't get inference support.

The additional benefit of the `typeinf` optimized generic is that it
lets custom cache owners tell the runtime how to "cure" code instances
that have lost their native code. Currently the runtime only knows how
to do that for `owner == nothing` CodeInstances (by re-running
inference). This extension is not implemented, but the idea is that the
runtime would be permitted to call the `typeinf` optimized generic on
the dead CodeInstance's `owner` and `def` fields to obtain a cured
CodeInstance (or a user-actionable error from the plugin).

This PR includes an implementation of `with_new_compiler` from #56650.
This PR includes just enough compiler support to make the compiler
optimize this to the same code that #56650 produced:

julia> @code_typed with_new_compiler(sin, 1.0)
1 ─      $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_get_tls_world_age), UInt64, svec(), 0, :(:ccall)))::UInt64
│   %2 =   builtin Core.getfield(args, 1)::Float64
│   %3 =    invoke sin(%2::Float64)::Float64
└──      return %3
) => Float64

However, the implementation here is extremely incomplete. I'm putting it
up only as a directional sketch to see if people prefer it over #56650.
If so, I would prepare a cleaned up version of this PR that has the
optimized generics as well as the curing support, but not the full
inference integration (which needs a fair bit more work).
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compiler:plugins speculative Whether the change will be implemented is speculative
None yet

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