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nonsquare (underdetermined) LQ solves (#34350)
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* nonsquare (underdetermined) LQ solves

* fix NEWS item

* fix NEWS item

* narrow method signature to eliminate ambiguity

* fix docs -- under/overdetermined terms were swapped

* Update stdlib/LinearAlgebra/test/lq.jl

Co-Authored-By: Stefan Karpinski <>

Co-authored-by: Stefan Karpinski <>
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2 people authored and KristofferC committed Apr 11, 2020
1 parent e42c81b commit f7811ee
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Showing 3 changed files with 61 additions and 64 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Standard library changes
#### LinearAlgebra
* The BLAS submodule now supports the level-2 BLAS subroutine `hpmv!` ([#34211]).
* `normalize` now supports multidimensional arrays ([#34239])
* `lq` factorizations can now be used to compute the minimum-norm solution to under-determined systems ([#34350]).

#### Markdown

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45 changes: 23 additions & 22 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/lq.jl
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Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ orthogonal/unitary component via `S.Q`, such that `A ≈ S.L*S.Q`.
Iterating the decomposition produces the components `S.L` and `S.Q`.
The LQ decomposition is the QR decomposition of `transpose(A)`.
The LQ decomposition is the QR decomposition of `transpose(A)`, and it is useful
in order to compute the minimum-norm solution `lq(A) \\ b` to an underdetermined
system of equations (`A` has more columns than rows, but has full row rank).
# Examples
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,11 +176,13 @@ end

## Multiplication by LQ
lmul!(A::LQ, B::StridedVecOrMat) =
lmul!(LowerTriangular(A.L), lmul!(A.Q, B))
function lmul!(A::LQ, B::StridedVecOrMat)
lmul!(LowerTriangular(A.L), view(lmul!(A.Q, B), 1:size(A,1), axes(B,2)))
return B
function *(A::LQ{TA}, B::StridedVecOrMat{TB}) where {TA,TB}
TAB = promote_type(TA, TB)
lmul!(Factorization{TAB}(A), copy_oftype(B, TAB))
_cut_B(lmul!(Factorization{TAB}(A), copy_oftype(B, TAB)), 1:size(A,1))

## Multiplication by Q
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,36 +307,33 @@ _rightappdimmismatch(rowsorcols) =
"(the factorization's originating matrix's number of rows)")))

function (\)(A::LQ{TA}, b::StridedVector{Tb}) where {TA,Tb}
S = promote_type(TA,Tb)
m = checksquare(A)
m == length(b) || throw(DimensionMismatch("left hand side has $m rows, but right hand side has length $(length(b))"))
AA = Factorization{S}(A)
x = ldiv!(AA, copy_oftype(b, S))
return x
function (\)(A::LQ{TA},B::StridedMatrix{TB}) where {TA,TB}
function (\)(A::LQ{TA},B::StridedVecOrMat{TB}) where {TA,TB}
S = promote_type(TA,TB)
m = checksquare(A)
m == size(B,1) || throw(DimensionMismatch("left hand side has $m rows, but right hand side has $(size(B,1)) rows"))
m, n = size(A)
m n || throw(DimensionMismatch("LQ solver does not support overdetermined systems (more rows than columns)"))
m == size(B,1) || throw(DimensionMismatch("Both inputs should have the same number of rows"))
AA = Factorization{S}(A)
X = ldiv!(AA, copy_oftype(B, S))
return X
X = _zeros(S, B, n)
X[1:size(B, 1), :] = B
return ldiv!(AA, X)
# With a real lhs and complex rhs with the same precision, we can reinterpret
# the complex rhs as a real rhs with twice the number of columns
function (\)(F::LQ{T}, B::VecOrMat{Complex{T}}) where T<:BlasReal
c2r = reshape(copy(transpose(reinterpret(T, reshape(B, (1, length(B)))))), size(B, 1), 2*size(B, 2))
x = ldiv!(F, c2r)
return reshape(copy(reinterpret(Complex{T}, copy(transpose(reshape(x, div(length(x), 2), 2))))),
X = zeros(T, size(F,2), 2*size(B,2))
X[1:size(B,1), 1:size(B,2)] .= real.(B)
X[1:size(B,1), size(B,2)+1:size(X,2)] .= imag.(B)
ldiv!(F, X)
return reshape(copy(reinterpret(Complex{T}, copy(transpose(reshape(X, div(length(X), 2), 2))))),
isa(B, AbstractVector) ? (size(F,2),) : (size(F,2), size(B,2)))

function ldiv!(A::LQ{T}, B::StridedVecOrMat{T}) where T
lmul!(adjoint(A.Q), ldiv!(LowerTriangular(A.L),B))
return B
ldiv!(LowerTriangular(A.L), view(B, 1:size(A,1), axes(B,2)))
return lmul!(adjoint(A.Q), B)

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79 changes: 37 additions & 42 deletions stdlib/LinearAlgebra/test/lq.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,48 +5,42 @@ module TestLQ
using Test, LinearAlgebra, Random
using LinearAlgebra: BlasComplex, BlasFloat, BlasReal, rmul!, lmul!

n = 10

# Split n into 2 parts for tests needing two matrices
n1 = div(n, 2)
n2 = 2*n1
m = 10


areal = randn(n,n)/2
aimg = randn(n,n)/2
a2real = randn(n,n)/2
a2img = randn(n,n)/2
breal = randn(n,2)/2
bimg = randn(n,2)/2
asquare = randn(ComplexF64, m, m) / 2
awide = randn(ComplexF64, m, m+3) / 2
bcomplex = randn(ComplexF64, m, 2) / 2

# helper functions to unambiguously recover explicit forms of an LQPackedQ
squareQ(Q::LinearAlgebra.LQPackedQ) = (n = size(Q.factors, 2); lmul!(Q, Matrix{eltype(Q)}(I, n, n)))
rectangularQ(Q::LinearAlgebra.LQPackedQ) = convert(Array, Q)

@testset for eltya in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64)
a = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n, n) : convert(Matrix{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex.(areal, aimg) : areal)
a2 = eltya == Int ? rand(1:7, n, n) : convert(Matrix{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? complex.(a2real, a2img) : a2real)
asym = a' + a # symmetric indefinite
apd = a' * a # symmetric positive-definite
@testset for eltya in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64), n in (m, size(awide, 2))
adata = m == n ? asquare : awide
a = convert(Matrix{eltya}, eltya <: Complex ? adata : real(adata))
ε = εa = eps(abs(float(one(eltya))))
n1 = n ÷ 2

α = rand(eltya)
= fill(α,1,1)
@test lq(α).L*lq(α).Q lq(aα).L*lq(aα).Q
@test abs(lq(α).Q[1,1]) one(eltya)

@testset for eltyb in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64, Int)
b = eltyb == Int ? rand(1:5, n, 2) : convert(Matrix{eltyb}, eltyb <: Complex ? complex.(breal, bimg) : breal)
b = eltyb == Int ? rand(1:5, m, 2) : convert(Matrix{eltyb}, eltyb <: Complex ? bcomplex : real(bcomplex))
εb = eps(abs(float(one(eltyb))))
ε = max(εa,εb)

α = rand(eltya)
= fill(α,1,1)
@test lq(α).L*lq(α).Q lq(aα).L*lq(aα).Q
@test abs(lq(α).Q[1,1]) one(eltya)
tab = promote_type(eltya,eltyb)

for i = 1:2
let a = i == 1 ? a : view(a, 1:n - 1, 1:n - 1), b = i == 1 ? b : view(b, 1:n - 1), n = i == 1 ? n : n - 1
@testset for isview in (false,true)
let a = isview ? view(a, 1:m - 1, 1:n - 1) : a, b = isview ? view(b, 1:m - 1) : b, m = m - isview, n = n - isview
lqa = lq(a)
x = lqa\b
l,q = lqa.L, lqa.Q
qra = qr(a)
qra = qr(a, Val(true))
@testset "Basic ops" begin
@test size(lqa,1) == size(a,1)
@test size(lqa,3) == 1
Expand All @@ -69,30 +63,31 @@ rectangularQ(Q::LinearAlgebra.LQPackedQ) = convert(Array, Q)
@test Matrix{eltya}(q) isa Matrix{eltya}
@testset "Binary ops" begin
@test a*(lqa\b) b atol=3000ε
@test lqa*b qra.Q*qra.R*b atol=3000ε
@test (sq = size(q.factors, 2); *(Matrix{eltyb}(I, sq, sq), adjoint(q))*squareQ(q)) Matrix(I, n, n) atol=5000ε
@test a*x b rtol=3000ε
@test x qra \ b rtol=3000ε
@test lqa*x a*x rtol=3000ε
@test (sq = size(q.factors, 2); *(Matrix{eltyb}(I, sq, sq), adjoint(q))*squareQ(q)) Matrix(I, n, n) rtol=5000ε
if eltya != Int
@test Matrix{eltyb}(I, n, n)*q convert(AbstractMatrix{tab},q)
@test q*b squareQ(q)*b atol=100ε
@test transpose(q)*b transpose(squareQ(q))*b atol=100ε
@test q'*b squareQ(q)'*b atol=100ε
@test a*q a*squareQ(q) atol=100ε
@test a*transpose(q) a*transpose(squareQ(q)) atol=100ε
@test a*q' a*squareQ(q)' atol=100ε
@test a'*q a'*squareQ(q) atol=100ε
@test a'*q' a'*squareQ(q)' atol=100ε
@test_throws DimensionMismatch q*b[1:n1 + 1]
@test_throws DimensionMismatch adjoint(q) * Matrix{eltya}(undef,n+2,n+2)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Matrix{eltyb}(undef,n+2,n+2)*q
@test q*x squareQ(q)*x rtol=100ε
@test transpose(q)*x transpose(squareQ(q))*x rtol=100ε
@test q'*x squareQ(q)'*x rtol=100ε
@test a*q a*squareQ(q) rtol=100ε
@test a*transpose(q) a*transpose(squareQ(q)) rtol=100ε
@test a*q' a*squareQ(q)' rtol=100ε
@test q*a' squareQ(q)*a' rtol=100ε
@test q'*a' squareQ(q)'*a' rtol=100ε
@test_throws DimensionMismatch q*x[1:n1 + 1]
@test_throws DimensionMismatch adjoint(q) * Matrix{eltya}(undef,m+2,m+2)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Matrix{eltyb}(undef,m+2,m+2)*q
if isa(a, DenseArray) && isa(b, DenseArray)
# use this to test 2nd branch in mult code
pad_a = vcat(I, a)
pad_b = hcat(I, b)
@test pad_a*q pad_a*squareQ(q) atol=100ε
@test transpose(q)*pad_b transpose(squareQ(q))*pad_b atol=100ε
@test q'*pad_b squareQ(q)'*pad_b atol=100ε
pad_x = hcat(I, x)
@test pad_a*q pad_a*squareQ(q) rtol=100ε
@test transpose(q)*pad_x transpose(squareQ(q))*pad_x rtol=100ε
@test q'*pad_x squareQ(q)'*pad_x rtol=100ε
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