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Add REPL-completions for keyword arguments (#43536)
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Liozou authored Jul 22, 2022
1 parent 9bdaabd commit c5a63d8
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Showing 2 changed files with 429 additions and 73 deletions.
208 changes: 152 additions & 56 deletions stdlib/REPL/src/REPLCompletions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ struct DictCompletion <: Completion

struct KeywordArgumentCompletion <: Completion

# interface definition
function Base.getproperty(c::Completion, name::Symbol)
if name === :text
Expand All @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ function Base.getproperty(c::Completion, name::Symbol)
return getfield(c, :text)::String
elseif name === :key
return getfield(c, :key)::String
elseif name === :kwarg
return getfield(c, :kwarg)::String
return getfield(c, name)
Expand All @@ -100,6 +106,7 @@ _completion_text(c::MethodCompletion) = repr(c.method)
_completion_text(c::BslashCompletion) = c.bslash
_completion_text(c::ShellCompletion) = c.text
_completion_text(c::DictCompletion) = c.key
_completion_text(c::KeywordArgumentCompletion) = c.kwarg*'='

completion_text(c) = _completion_text(c)::String

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,22 +323,6 @@ function complete_expanduser(path::AbstractString, r)
return Completion[PathCompletion(expanded)], r, path != expanded

# Determines whether method_complete should be tried. It should only be done if
# the string endswiths ',' or '(' when disregarding whitespace_chars
function should_method_complete(s::AbstractString)
method_complete = false
for c in reverse(s)
if c in [',', '(', ';']
method_complete = true
elseif !(c in whitespace_chars)
method_complete = false

# Returns a range that includes the method name in front of the first non
# closed start brace from the end of the string.
function find_start_brace(s::AbstractString; c_start='(', c_end=')')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,50 +521,59 @@ end

# Method completion on function call expression that look like :(max(1))
function complete_methods(ex_org::Expr, context_module::Module=Main, shift::Bool=false)
out = Completion[]
function _complete_methods(ex_org::Expr, context_module::Module, shift::Bool)
funct, found = get_type(ex_org.args[1], context_module)::Tuple{Any,Bool}
!found && return out
!found && return 2, funct, [], Set{Symbol}()

args_ex, kwargs_ex = complete_methods_args(ex_org.args[2:end], ex_org, context_module, true, true)
push!(args_ex, Vararg{Any})
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, shift ? -2 : MAX_METHOD_COMPLETIONS)
args_ex, kwargs_ex, kwargs_flag = complete_methods_args(ex_org, context_module, true, true)
return kwargs_flag, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex

function complete_methods(ex_org::Expr, context_module::Module=Main, shift::Bool=false)
kwargs_flag, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex = _complete_methods(ex_org, context_module, shift)::Tuple{Int, Any, Vector{Any}, Set{Symbol}}
out = Completion[]
kwargs_flag == 2 && return out # one of the kwargs is invalid
kwargs_flag == 0 && push!(args_ex, Vararg{Any}) # allow more arguments if there is no semicolon
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, shift ? -2 : MAX_METHOD_COMPLETIONS, kwargs_flag == 1)
return out

function complete_any_methods(ex_org::Expr, callee_module::Module, context_module::Module, moreargs::Bool, shift::Bool)
out = Completion[]
args_ex, kwargs_ex = try
args_ex, kwargs_ex, kwargs_flag = try
# this may throw, since we set default_any to false
complete_methods_args(ex_org.args[2:end], ex_org, context_module, false, false)
complete_methods_args(ex_org, context_module, false, false)
catch ex
ex isa ArgumentError || rethrow()
return out
kwargs_flag == 2 && return out # one of the kwargs is invalid

# moreargs determines whether to accept more args, independently of the presence of a
# semicolon for the ".?(" syntax
moreargs && push!(args_ex, Vararg{Any})

seen = Base.IdSet()
for name in names(callee_module; all=true)
if !Base.isdeprecated(callee_module, name) && isdefined(callee_module, name)
if !Base.isdeprecated(callee_module, name) && isdefined(callee_module, name) && !startswith(string(name), '#')
func = getfield(callee_module, name)
if !isa(func, Module)
funct = Core.Typeof(func)
if !in(funct, seen)
push!(seen, funct)
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_ANY_METHOD_COMPLETIONS)
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_ANY_METHOD_COMPLETIONS, false)
elseif callee_module === Main && isa(func, Module)
callee_module2 = func
for name in names(callee_module2)
if !Base.isdeprecated(callee_module2, name) && isdefined(callee_module2, name)
if !Base.isdeprecated(callee_module2, name) && isdefined(callee_module2, name) && !startswith(string(name), '#')
func = getfield(callee_module, name)
if !isa(func, Module)
funct = Core.Typeof(func)
if !in(funct, seen)
push!(seen, funct)
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_ANY_METHOD_COMPLETIONS)
complete_methods!(out, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex, MAX_ANY_METHOD_COMPLETIONS, false)
Expand All @@ -595,32 +595,57 @@ function complete_any_methods(ex_org::Expr, callee_module::Module, context_modul
return out

function complete_methods_args(funargs::Vector{Any}, ex_org::Expr, context_module::Module, default_any::Bool, allow_broadcasting::Bool)
function detect_invalid_kwarg!(kwargs_ex::Vector{Symbol}, @nospecialize(x), kwargs_flag::Int, possible_splat::Bool)
n = isexpr(x, :kw) ? x.args[1] : x
if n isa Symbol
push!(kwargs_ex, n)
return kwargs_flag
possible_splat && isexpr(x, :...) && return kwargs_flag
return 2 # The kwarg is invalid

function detect_args_kwargs(funargs::Vector{Any}, context_module::Module, default_any::Bool, broadcasting::Bool)
args_ex = Any[]
kwargs_ex = false
if allow_broadcasting && ex_org.head === :. && ex_org.args[2] isa Expr
# handle broadcasting, but only handle number of arguments instead of
# argument types
for _ in (ex_org.args[2]::Expr).args
push!(args_ex, Any)
for ex in funargs
if isexpr(ex, :parameters)
if !isempty(ex.args)
kwargs_ex = true
elseif isexpr(ex, :kw)
kwargs_ex = true
kwargs_ex = Symbol[]
kwargs_flag = 0
# kwargs_flag is:
# * 0 if there is no semicolon and no invalid kwarg
# * 1 if there is a semicolon and no invalid kwarg
# * 2 if there are two semicolons or more, or if some kwarg is invalid, which
# means that it is not of the form "bar=foo", "bar" or "bar..."
for i in (1+!broadcasting):length(funargs)
ex = funargs[i]
if isexpr(ex, :parameters)
kwargs_flag = ifelse(kwargs_flag == 0, 1, 2) # there should be at most one :parameters
for x in ex.args
kwargs_flag = detect_invalid_kwarg!(kwargs_ex, x, kwargs_flag, true)
elseif isexpr(ex, :kw)
kwargs_flag = detect_invalid_kwarg!(kwargs_ex, ex, kwargs_flag, false)
if broadcasting
# handle broadcasting, but only handle number of arguments instead of
# argument types
push!(args_ex, Any)
push!(args_ex, get_type(get_type(ex, context_module)..., default_any))
return args_ex, kwargs_ex
return args_ex, Set{Symbol}(kwargs_ex), kwargs_flag

function complete_methods!(out::Vector{Completion}, @nospecialize(funct), args_ex::Vector{Any}, kwargs_ex::Bool, max_method_completions::Int)
is_broadcasting_expr(ex::Expr) = ex.head === :. && isexpr(ex.args[2], :tuple)

function complete_methods_args(ex::Expr, context_module::Module, default_any::Bool, allow_broadcasting::Bool)
if allow_broadcasting && is_broadcasting_expr(ex)
return detect_args_kwargs((ex.args[2]::Expr).args, context_module, default_any, true)
return detect_args_kwargs(ex.args, context_module, default_any, false)

function complete_methods!(out::Vector{Completion}, @nospecialize(funct), args_ex::Vector{Any}, kwargs_ex::Set{Symbol}, max_method_completions::Int, exact_nargs::Bool)
# Input types and number of arguments
t_in = Tuple{funct, args_ex...}
m = Base._methods_by_ftype(t_in, nothing, max_method_completions, Base.get_world_counter(),
Expand All @@ -633,6 +658,7 @@ function complete_methods!(out::Vector{Completion}, @nospecialize(funct), args_e
# TODO: if kwargs_ex, filter out methods without kwargs?
push!(out, MethodCompletion(match.spec_types, match.method))
# TODO: filter out methods with wrong number of arguments if `exact_nargs` is set

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,6 +770,76 @@ end
return matches

# Identify an argument being completed in a method call. If the argument is empty, method
# suggestions will be provided instead of argument completions.
function identify_possible_method_completion(partial, last_idx)
fail = 0:-1, Expr(:nothing), 0:-1, 0

# First, check that the last punctuation is either ',', ';' or '('
idx_last_punct = something(findprev(x -> ispunct(x) && x != '_' && x != '!', partial, last_idx), 0)::Int
idx_last_punct == 0 && return fail
last_punct = partial[idx_last_punct]
last_punct == ',' || last_punct == ';' || last_punct == '(' || return fail

# Then, check that `last_punct` is only followed by an identifier or nothing
before_last_word_start = something(findprev(in(non_identifier_chars), partial, last_idx), 0)
before_last_word_start == 0 && return fail
all(isspace, @view partial[nextind(partial, idx_last_punct):before_last_word_start]) || return fail

# Check that `last_punct` is either the last '(' or placed after a previous '('
frange, method_name_end = find_start_brace(@view partial[1:idx_last_punct])
method_name_end frange || return fail

# Strip the preceding ! operators, if any, and close the expression with a ')'
s = replace(partial[frange], r"\G\!+([^=\(]+)" => s"\1"; count=1) * ')'
ex = Meta.parse(s, raise=false, depwarn=false)
isa(ex, Expr) || return fail

# `wordrange` is the position of the last argument to complete
wordrange = nextind(partial, before_last_word_start):last_idx
return frange, ex, wordrange, method_name_end

# Provide completion for keyword arguments in function calls
function complete_keyword_argument(partial, last_idx, context_module)
frange, ex, wordrange, = identify_possible_method_completion(partial, last_idx)
fail = Completion[], 0:-1, frange
ex.head === :call || is_broadcasting_expr(ex) || return fail

kwargs_flag, funct, args_ex, kwargs_ex = _complete_methods(ex, context_module, true)::Tuple{Int, Any, Vector{Any}, Set{Symbol}}
kwargs_flag == 2 && return fail # one of the previous kwargs is invalid

methods = Completion[]
complete_methods!(methods, funct, Any[Vararg{Any}], kwargs_ex, -1, kwargs_flag == 1)
# TODO: use args_ex instead of Any[Vararg{Any}] and only provide kwarg completion for
# method calls compatible with the current arguments.

# For each method corresponding to the function call, provide completion suggestions
# for each keyword that starts like the last word and that is not already used
# previously in the expression. The corresponding suggestion is "kwname=".
# If the keyword corresponds to an existing name, also include "kwname" as a suggestion
# since the syntax "foo(; kwname)" is equivalent to "foo(; kwname=kwname)".
last_word = partial[wordrange] # the word to complete
kwargs = Set{String}()
for m in methods
possible_kwargs = Base.kwarg_decl(m.method)
current_kwarg_candidates = String[]
for _kw in possible_kwargs
kw = String(_kw)
if !endswith(kw, "...") && startswith(kw, last_word) && _kw kwargs_ex
push!(current_kwarg_candidates, kw)
union!(kwargs, current_kwarg_candidates)

suggestions = Completion[KeywordArgumentCompletion(kwarg) for kwarg in kwargs]
append!(suggestions, complete_symbol(last_word, Returns(true), context_module))

return sort!(suggestions, by=completion_text), wordrange

function project_deps_get_completion_candidates(pkgstarts::String, project_file::String)
loading_candidates = String[]
d = Base.parsed_toml(project_file)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -827,31 +923,31 @@ function completions(string::String, pos::Int, context_module::Module=Main, shif

# Make sure that only bslash_completions is working on strings
inc_tag === :string && return Completion[], 0:-1, false
if inc_tag === :other && should_method_complete(partial)
frange, method_name_end = find_start_brace(partial)
# strip preceding ! operator
s = replace(partial[frange], r"\!+([^=\(]+)" => s"\1")
ex = Meta.parse(s * ")", raise=false, depwarn=false)

if isa(ex, Expr)
if inc_tag === :other
frange, ex, wordrange, method_name_end = identify_possible_method_completion(partial, pos)
if last(frange) != -1 && all(isspace, @view partial[wordrange]) # no last argument to complete
if ex.head === :call
return complete_methods(ex, context_module, shift), first(frange):method_name_end, false
elseif ex.head === :. && ex.args[2] isa Expr && (ex.args[2]::Expr).head === :tuple
elseif is_broadcasting_expr(ex)
return complete_methods(ex, context_module, shift), first(frange):(method_name_end - 1), false
elseif inc_tag === :comment
return Completion[], 0:-1, false

# Check whether we can complete a keyword argument in a function call
kwarg_completion, wordrange = complete_keyword_argument(partial, pos, context_module)
isempty(wordrange) || return kwarg_completion, wordrange, !isempty(kwarg_completion)

dotpos = something(findprev(isequal('.'), string, pos), 0)
startpos = nextind(string, something(findprev(in(non_identifier_chars), string, pos), 0))
# strip preceding ! operator
if (m = match(r"^\!+", string[startpos:pos])) !== nothing
if (m = match(r"\G\!+", partial, startpos)) isa RegexMatch
startpos += length(m.match)

ffunc = (mod,x)->true
ffunc = Returns(true)
suggestions = Completion[]
comp_keywords = true
if afterusing(string, startpos)
Expand Down

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