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WIP: SparseArrays done
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mbauman committed Feb 7, 2018
1 parent 7099d66 commit b0fde3f
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Showing 6 changed files with 202 additions and 181 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions base/deprecated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -574,13 +574,14 @@ end

# issue #...: nonscalar indexed assignment of many values to many locations
function deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A::AbstractArray, X::AbstractArray, I...)
shape = Base.index_shape(I...)
J = to_indices(A, I)
shape = Base.index_shape(J...)
if shape == axes(X)
depwarn("using `A[I...] = X` to implicitly broadcast the elements of `X` to many locations in `A` is deprecated. Use `A[I...] .= X` to explicitly opt-in to broadcasting.", :setindex!)
A[I...] .= X
A[J...] .= X
depwarn("using `A[I...] = X` to implicitly broadcast the elements of `X` to many locations in `A` is deprecated. Use `A[I...] .= reshape(X, axes(view(A, I...)))` to explicitly opt-in to broadcasting.", :setindex!)
A[I...] .= reshape(X, shape)
A[J...] .= reshape(X, shape)
_unsafe_setindex!(::IndexStyle, A::AbstractArray, X::AbstractArray, I::Union{Real,AbstractArray}...) = deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, X, I...)
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions stdlib/SparseArrays/src/deprecated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -227,6 +227,17 @@ import Base: asyncmap
@deprecate dropzeros!(x, trim) dropzeros!(x, trim = trim)
@deprecate droptol!(A, tol, trim) droptol!(A, tol, trim = trim)

# Multi-value setindex broadcasting
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractArray, i::Colon) = Base.deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, x, i)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractArray, i::Colon, j::Colon) = Base.deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, x, i, j)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractArray, i::Colon, j::Union{Integer, AbstractVector}) = Base.deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, x, i, j)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractArray, i::Union{Integer, AbstractVector}, j::Colon) = Base.deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, x, i, j)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractArray, i::Integer, J::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) = Base.deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, x, i, J)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractArray, I::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, j::Integer) = Base.deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, x, I, j)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractArray, I::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, J::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) = Base.deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, x, I, J)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractArray, I::AbstractVector{<:Real}) = Base.deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, x, I)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractArray, I::AbstractMatrix{Bool}) = Base.deprecate_nonscalar_indexed_assignment!(A, x, I)

# END 0.7 deprecations

# BEGIN 1.0 deprecations
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321 changes: 165 additions & 156 deletions stdlib/SparseArrays/src/sparsematrix.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2327,19 +2327,16 @@ function setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, v::Tv, i::Ti, j::Ti) where Tv wher
return A

setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, v::AbstractMatrix, i::Integer, J::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) = setindex!(A, v, [i], J)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, v::AbstractMatrix, I::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, j::Integer) = setindex!(A, v, I, [j])

setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::Number, i::Integer, J::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) = setindex!(A, x, [i], J)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::Number, I::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, j::Integer) = setindex!(A, x, I, [j])
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, i::Integer, J::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) = setindex!(A, x, [i], J)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, I::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, j::Integer) = setindex!(A, x, I, [j])

# Colon translation
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, ::Colon) = setindex!(A, x, 1:length(A))
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, ::Colon, ::Colon) = setindex!(A, x, 1:size(A, 1), 1:size(A,2))
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, ::Colon, j::Union{Integer, AbstractVector}) = setindex!(A, x, 1:size(A, 1), j)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, i::Union{Integer, AbstractVector}, ::Colon) = setindex!(A, x, i, 1:size(A, 2))

function setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv}, x::Number,
function setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv}, x,
I::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, J::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) where Tv
if isempty(I) || isempty(J); return A; end
# lt=≤ to check for strict sorting
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2500,155 +2497,6 @@ function _spsetnz_setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv}, x::Tv,
return A

setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, S::Matrix, I::AbstractVector{T}, J::AbstractVector{T}) where {Tv,Ti,T<:Integer} =
setindex!(A, convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, S), I, J)

setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, v::AbstractVector, I::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, j::Integer) = setindex!(A, v, I, [j])
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, v::AbstractVector, i::Integer, J::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) = setindex!(A, v, [i], J)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, v::AbstractVector, I::AbstractVector{T}, J::AbstractVector{T}) where {T<:Integer} =
setindex!(A, reshape(v, length(I), length(J)), I, J)

# A[I,J] = B
function setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, B::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, I::AbstractVector{T}, J::AbstractVector{T}) where {Tv,Ti,T<:Integer}
if size(B,1) != length(I) || size(B,2) != length(J)

issortedI = issorted(I)
issortedJ = issorted(J)

if !issortedI && !issortedJ
pI = sortperm(I); @inbounds I = I[pI]
pJ = sortperm(J); @inbounds J = J[pJ]
B = B[pI, pJ]
elseif !issortedI
pI = sortperm(I); @inbounds I = I[pI]
B = B[pI,:]
elseif !issortedJ
pJ = sortperm(J); @inbounds J = J[pJ]
B = B[:, pJ]

m, n = size(A)
mB, nB = size(B)

if (!isempty(I) && (I[1] < 1 || I[end] > m)) || (!isempty(J) && (J[1] < 1 || J[end] > n))
throw(BoundsError(A, (I, J)))

if isempty(I) || isempty(J)
return A

nI = length(I)
nJ = length(J)

colptrA = A.colptr; rowvalA = A.rowval; nzvalA = A.nzval
colptrB = B.colptr; rowvalB = B.rowval; nzvalB = B.nzval

nnzS = nnz(A) + nnz(B)

colptrS = copy(A.colptr)
rowvalS = copy(A.rowval)
nzvalS = copy(A.nzval)

resize!(rowvalA, nnzS)
resize!(nzvalA, nnzS)

colB = 1
asgn_col = J[colB]

I_asgn = falses(m)
I_asgn[I] = true

ptrS = 1

@inbounds for col = 1:n

# Copy column of A if it is not being assigned into
if colB > nJ || col != J[colB]
colptrA[col+1] = colptrA[col] + (colptrS[col+1]-colptrS[col])

for k = colptrS[col]:colptrS[col+1]-1
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowvalS[k]
nzvalA[ptrS] = nzvalS[k]
ptrS += 1

ptrA::Int = colptrS[col]
stopA::Int = colptrS[col+1]
ptrB::Int = colptrB[colB]
stopB::Int = colptrB[colB+1]

while ptrA < stopA && ptrB < stopB
rowA = rowvalS[ptrA]
rowB = I[rowvalB[ptrB]]
if rowA < rowB
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowA
nzvalA[ptrS] = I_asgn[rowA] ? zero(Tv) : nzvalS[ptrA]
ptrS += 1
ptrA += 1
elseif rowB < rowA
if nzvalB[ptrB] != zero(Tv)
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowB
nzvalA[ptrS] = nzvalB[ptrB]
ptrS += 1
ptrB += 1
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowB
nzvalA[ptrS] = nzvalB[ptrB]
ptrS += 1
ptrB += 1
ptrA += 1

while ptrA < stopA
rowA = rowvalS[ptrA]
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowA
nzvalA[ptrS] = I_asgn[rowA] ? zero(Tv) : nzvalS[ptrA]
ptrS += 1
ptrA += 1

while ptrB < stopB
rowB = I[rowvalB[ptrB]]
if nzvalB[ptrB] != zero(Tv)
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowB
nzvalA[ptrS] = nzvalB[ptrB]
ptrS += 1
ptrB += 1

colptrA[col+1] = ptrS
colB += 1

deleteat!(rowvalA, colptrA[end]:length(rowvalA))
deleteat!(nzvalA, colptrA[end]:length(nzvalA))

return A

# Logical setindex!

setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::Matrix, I::Integer, J::AbstractVector{Bool}) = setindex!(A, sparse(x), I, findall(J))
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::Matrix, I::AbstractVector{Bool}, J::Integer) = setindex!(A, sparse(x), findall(I), J)
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::Matrix, I::AbstractVector{Bool}, J::AbstractVector{Bool}) = setindex!(A, sparse(x), findall(I), findall(J))
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::Matrix, I::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, J::AbstractVector{Bool}) = setindex!(A, sparse(x), I, findall(J))
setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::Matrix, I::AbstractVector{Bool}, J::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) = setindex!(A, sparse(x), findall(I),J)

setindex!(A::Matrix, x::SparseMatrixCSC, I::Integer, J::AbstractVector{Bool}) = setindex!(A, Array(x), I, findall(J))
setindex!(A::Matrix, x::SparseMatrixCSC, I::AbstractVector{Bool}, J::Integer) = setindex!(A, Array(x), findall(I), J)
setindex!(A::Matrix, x::SparseMatrixCSC, I::AbstractVector{Bool}, J::AbstractVector{Bool}) = setindex!(A, Array(x), findall(I), findall(J))
setindex!(A::Matrix, x::SparseMatrixCSC, I::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, J::AbstractVector{Bool}) = setindex!(A, Array(x), I, findall(J))
setindex!(A::Matrix, x::SparseMatrixCSC, I::AbstractVector{Bool}, J::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) = setindex!(A, Array(x), findall(I), J)

setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, I::AbstractVector{Bool}) = throw(BoundsError())
function setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, I::AbstractMatrix{Bool})
checkbounds(A, I)
n = sum(I)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2782,7 +2630,7 @@ function setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, I::AbstractVector{<:Real})

# copy from last position till current column
if (nadd > 0)
colptrB[(lastcol+1):col] = colptrA[(lastcol+1):col] .+ nadd
colptrB[(lastcol+1):col] .= colptrA[(lastcol+1):col] .+ nadd
copylen = r1 - aidx
if copylen > 0
copyto!(rowvalB, bidx, rowvalA, aidx, copylen)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2857,6 +2705,167 @@ function setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x, I::AbstractVector{<:Real})

# Multi-value indexed assignment A[...] .= B gets represented as `broadcast!(identity, view(A, ...), B)`
const _Idx = Union{Integer,AbstractVector{<:Integer}}
const CSCAssignmentView{I<:Union{Tuple{_Idx},Tuple{_Idx,_Idx}}} = SubArray{<:Any,<:Any,<:SparseMatrixCSC,I,false}
_getij(S::CSCAssignmentView{<:Tuple{AbstractVector,AbstractVector}}) = S.indices
_getij(S::CSCAssignmentView{<:Tuple{Integer,Integer}}) = (S.indices[1]:S.indices[1], S.indices[2]:S.indices[2])
_getij(S::CSCAssignmentView{<:Tuple{Integer,AbstractVector}}) = (S.indices[1]:S.indices[1], S.indices[2])
_getij(S::CSCAssignmentView{<:Tuple{AbstractVector,Integer}}) = (S.indices[1], S.indices[2]:S.indices[2])
function _getij(S::CSCAssignmentView{<:Tuple{Integer}})
v = CartesianIndices(S.parent)[S.indices[1]]
return (v.I[1]:v.I[1], v.I[2]:v.I[2])
function _getij(S::CSCAssignmentView{<:Tuple{AbstractArray{CartesianIndex{2}}}})
V = reinterpret(Int, S.indices[1])
return @views (V[1:2:end], V[2:2:end])
function _getij(S::CSCAssignmentView{<:Tuple{AbstractArray}})
V = reinterpret(Int, CartesianIndices(S.parent)[S.indices[1]])
return @views (V[1:2:end], V[2:2:end])

function broadcast!(::typeof(identity), V::CSCAssignmentView, B::SparseMatrixCSC)
A = V.parent
I, J = _getij(V)
return multivaluesetindex!(A, B, I, J)
# Historically, we've only supported specialized methods based upon the value for Matrix
# and Vector by converting them to SparseMatrixCSCs of the correct shape. This could be
# extended to any AbstractArray in the future.
broadcast!(::typeof(identity), V::CSCAssignmentView, B::Matrix) = broadcast!(identity, V, convert(SparseMatrixCSC, B))
function broadcast!(::typeof(identity), V::CSCAssignmentView, x::Vector)
A = V.parent
I, J, = _getij(V)
return multivaluesetindex!(A, convert(SparseMatrixCSC, reshape(x, length(I), length(J))), I, J)

# A[I,J] .= B
function multivaluesetindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv}, B::SparseMatrixCSC, I::AbstractVector{T}, J::AbstractVector{T}) where {Tv,T<:Integer}
if size(B,1) != length(I) || size(B,2) != length(J)

issortedI = issorted(I)
issortedJ = issorted(J)

if !issortedI && !issortedJ
pI = sortperm(I); @inbounds I = I[pI]
pJ = sortperm(J); @inbounds J = J[pJ]
B = B[pI, pJ]
elseif !issortedI
pI = sortperm(I); @inbounds I = I[pI]
B = B[pI,:]
elseif !issortedJ
pJ = sortperm(J); @inbounds J = J[pJ]
B = B[:, pJ]

m, n = size(A)
mB, nB = size(B)

if (!isempty(I) && (I[1] < 1 || I[end] > m)) || (!isempty(J) && (J[1] < 1 || J[end] > n))
throw(BoundsError(A, (I, J)))

if isempty(I) || isempty(J)
return A

nI = length(I)
nJ = length(J)

colptrA = A.colptr; rowvalA = A.rowval; nzvalA = A.nzval
colptrB = B.colptr; rowvalB = B.rowval; nzvalB = B.nzval

nnzS = nnz(A) + nnz(B)

colptrS = copy(A.colptr)
rowvalS = copy(A.rowval)
nzvalS = copy(A.nzval)

resize!(rowvalA, nnzS)
resize!(nzvalA, nnzS)

colB = 1
asgn_col = J[colB]

I_asgn = falses(m)
I_asgn[I] = true

ptrS = 1

@inbounds for col = 1:n

# Copy column of A if it is not being assigned into
if colB > nJ || col != J[colB]
colptrA[col+1] = colptrA[col] + (colptrS[col+1]-colptrS[col])

for k = colptrS[col]:colptrS[col+1]-1
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowvalS[k]
nzvalA[ptrS] = nzvalS[k]
ptrS += 1

ptrA::Int = colptrS[col]
stopA::Int = colptrS[col+1]
ptrB::Int = colptrB[colB]
stopB::Int = colptrB[colB+1]

while ptrA < stopA && ptrB < stopB
rowA = rowvalS[ptrA]
rowB = I[rowvalB[ptrB]]
if rowA < rowB
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowA
nzvalA[ptrS] = I_asgn[rowA] ? zero(Tv) : nzvalS[ptrA]
ptrS += 1
ptrA += 1
elseif rowB < rowA
if nzvalB[ptrB] != zero(Tv)
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowB
nzvalA[ptrS] = nzvalB[ptrB]
ptrS += 1
ptrB += 1
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowB
nzvalA[ptrS] = nzvalB[ptrB]
ptrS += 1
ptrB += 1
ptrA += 1

while ptrA < stopA
rowA = rowvalS[ptrA]
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowA
nzvalA[ptrS] = I_asgn[rowA] ? zero(Tv) : nzvalS[ptrA]
ptrS += 1
ptrA += 1

while ptrB < stopB
rowB = I[rowvalB[ptrB]]
if nzvalB[ptrB] != zero(Tv)
rowvalA[ptrS] = rowB
nzvalA[ptrS] = nzvalB[ptrB]
ptrS += 1
ptrB += 1

colptrA[col+1] = ptrS
colB += 1

deleteat!(rowvalA, colptrA[end]:length(rowvalA))
deleteat!(nzvalA, colptrA[end]:length(nzvalA))

return A

## dropstored! methods
dropstored!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, i::Integer, j::Integer)
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