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Rewrite vectorized unary functions over SparseMatrixCSCs, leveraging …
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…higher order functions and multiple dispatch to displace eval. Fixes some apparent type instabilities.
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Sacha0 committed Jul 4, 2016
1 parent cafb0c8 commit aad8624
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 117 deletions.
216 changes: 99 additions & 117 deletions base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl
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## Unary arithmetic and boolean operators

macro _unary_op_nz2z_z2z(op,A,Tv,Ti)
nfilledA = nnz($A)
colptrB = Array{$Ti}($A.n+1)
rowvalB = Array{$Ti}(nfilledA)
nzvalB = Array{$Tv}(nfilledA)

nzvalA = $A.nzval
colptrA = $A.colptr
rowvalA = $A.rowval

k = 0 # number of additional zeros introduced by op(A)
@inbounds for i = 1 : $A.n
colptrB[i] = colptrA[i] - k
for j = colptrA[i] : colptrA[i+1]-1
opAj = $(op)(nzvalA[j])
if opAj == 0
k += 1
rowvalB[j - k] = rowvalA[j]
nzvalB[j - k] = opAj
colptrB[end] = $A.colptr[end] - k
deleteat!(rowvalB, colptrB[end]:nfilledA)
deleteat!(nzvalB, colptrB[end]:nfilledA)
return SparseMatrixCSC($A.m, $A.n, colptrB, rowvalB, nzvalB)
end) # quote

# Operations that may map nonzeros to zero, and zero to zero
# Result is sparse
for op in (:ceil, :floor, :trunc, :round,
:sin, :tan, :asin, :atan,
:sinh, :tanh, :asinh, :atanh,
:sinpi, :cosc,
:sind, :tand, :asind, :atand)
@eval begin
$(op){Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = @_unary_op_nz2z_z2z($op,A,Tv,Ti)
end # quote
end # macro

for op in (:real, :imag)
@eval begin
($op){Tv<:Complex,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = @_unary_op_nz2z_z2z($op,A,Tv.parameters[1],Ti)
end # quote
end # macro
real{Tv<:Number,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = copy(A)
imag{Tv<:Number,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = spzeros(Tv, Ti, A.m, A.n)

for op in (:ceil, :floor, :trunc, :round)
@eval begin
($op){T,Tv,Ti}(::Type{T},A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = @_unary_op_nz2z_z2z($op,A,T,Ti)
end # quote
end # macro

# Operations that map nonzeros to nonzeros, and zeros to zeros
# Result is sparse
for op in (:-, :log1p, :expm1)
@eval begin

function ($op)(A::SparseMatrixCSC)
B = similar(A)
nzvalB = B.nzval
nzvalA = A.nzval
@simd for i=1:length(nzvalB)
@inbounds nzvalB[i] = ($op)(nzvalA[i])
return B

Helper macro for the unary broadcast definitions below. Takes parent method `fp` and a set
of desired child methods `fcs`, and builds an expression defining each of the child methods
such that `fc(A::SparseMatrixCSC) = fp(fc, A)`.
macro _enumerate_childmethods(fp, fcs...)
fcexps = Expr(:block)
for fc in fcs
push!(fcexps.args, :( $(esc(fc))(A::SparseMatrixCSC) = $(esc(fp))($(esc(fc)), A) ) )
return fcexps

function abs{Tv<:Complex,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti})
T = Tv.parameters[1]
(T <: Integer) && (T = (T <: BigInt) ? BigFloat : Float64)
abs2{Tv<:Complex,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = @_unary_op_nz2z_z2z(abs2,A,Tv.parameters[1],Ti)
for op in (:abs, :abs2)
@eval begin
function ($op){Tv<:Number,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti})
B = similar(A)
nzvalB = B.nzval
nzvalA = A.nzval
@simd for i=1:length(nzvalB)
@inbounds nzvalB[i] = ($op)(nzvalA[i])
# Operations that map zeros to zeros and may map nonzeros to zeros, yielding a sparse matrix
Takes unary function `f` that maps zeros to zeros and may map nonzeros to zeros, and returns
a new `SparseMatrixCSC{TiA,TvB}` `B` generated by applying `f` to each nonzero entry in
`A` and retaining only the resulting nonzeros.
function _broadcast_unary_nz2z_z2z_T{TvA,TiA,TvB}(f::Function, A::SparseMatrixCSC{TvA,TiA}, ::Type{TvB})
Bcolptr = Array{TiA}(A.n + 1)
Browval = Array{TiA}(nnz(A))
Bnzval = Array{TvB}(nnz(A))
Bk = 1
@inbounds for j in 1:A.n
Bcolptr[j] = Bk
for Ak in nzrange(A, j)
x = f(A.nzval[Ak])
if x != 0
Browval[Bk] = A.rowval[Ak]
Bnzval[Bk] = x
Bk += 1
return B

Bcolptr[A.n + 1] = Bk
resize!(Browval, Bk - 1)

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KristofferC Jul 4, 2016


Do you know if there is a difference between resize and deleteat when they are both used to truncate an array? Will resizing a large array to a small one make the note unused memory available for the GC? Other places in the sparse code uses deleteat for this purpose so we should figure out which one is best and use it consistently.

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yuyichao Jul 4, 2016


Note of them released memory

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KristofferC Jul 4, 2016


Thanks, looking at the code for the two functions it is evident that resize is the better choice. We should probably change to that throughout the sparse code base.

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yuyichao Jul 4, 2016


Assuming you only need to delete elements at the end, then resize! is certainly the right function to use.

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Sacha0 Jul 5, 2016

Author Member

Thanks, looking at the code for the two functions it is evident that resize is the better choice. We should probably change to that throughout the sparse code base.


Assuming you only need to delete elements at the end, then resize! is certainly the right function to use.

Agreed. Hence the change here :).

resize!(Bnzval, Bk - 1)
return SparseMatrixCSC(A.m, A.n, Bcolptr, Browval, Bnzval)
function _broadcast_unary_nz2z_z2z{Tv}(f::Function, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv})
_broadcast_unary_nz2z_z2z_T(f, A, Tv)
sin, sinh, sind, asin, asinh, asind,
tan, tanh, tand, atan, atanh, atand,
sinpi, cosc, ceil, floor, trunc, round)
real(A::SparseMatrixCSC) = copy(A)
imag{Tv,Ti}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}) = spzeros(Tv, Ti, A.m, A.n)
real{TTv}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Complex{TTv}}) = _broadcast_unary_nz2z_z2z_T(real, A, TTv)
imag{TTv}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Complex{TTv}}) = _broadcast_unary_nz2z_z2z_T(imag, A, TTv)
ceil{To}(::Type{To}, A::SparseMatrixCSC) = _broadcast_unary_nz2z_z2z_T(ceil, A, To)
floor{To}(::Type{To}, A::SparseMatrixCSC) = _broadcast_unary_nz2z_z2z_T(floor, A, To)
trunc{To}(::Type{To}, A::SparseMatrixCSC) = _broadcast_unary_nz2z_z2z_T(trunc, A, To)
round{To}(::Type{To}, A::SparseMatrixCSC) = _broadcast_unary_nz2z_z2z_T(round, A, To)

# Operations that map zeros to zeros and map nonzeros to nonzeros, yielding a sparse matrix
Takes unary function `f` that maps zeros to zeros and nonzeros to nonzeros, and returns a
new `SparseMatrixCSC{TiA,TvB}` `B` generated by applying `f` to each nonzero entry in `A`.
function _broadcast_unary_nz2nz_z2z_T{TvA,TiA,TvB}(f::Function, A::SparseMatrixCSC{TvA,TiA}, ::Type{TvB})
Bcolptr = Vector{TiA}(A.n + 1)
Browval = Vector{TiA}(nnz(A))
Bnzval = Vector{TvB}(nnz(A))
copy!(Bcolptr, 1, A.colptr, 1, A.n + 1)
copy!(Browval, 1, A.rowval, 1, nnz(A))
@inbounds @simd for k in 1:nnz(A)
Bnzval[k] = f(A.nzval[k])
return SparseMatrixCSC(A.m, A.n, Bcolptr, Browval, Bnzval)
function _broadcast_unary_nz2nz_z2z{Tv}(f::Function, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv})
_broadcast_unary_nz2nz_z2z_T(f, A, Tv)
log1p, expm1, abs, abs2, conj)
abs2{TTv}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Complex{TTv}}) = _broadcast_unary_nz2nz_z2z_T(abs2, A, TTv)
abs{TTv}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Complex{TTv}}) = _broadcast_unary_nz2nz_z2z_T(abs, A, TTv)
abs{TTv<:Integer}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Complex{TTv}}) = _broadcast_unary_nz2nz_z2z_T(abs, A, Float64)
abs{TTv<:BigInt}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Complex{TTv}}) = _broadcast_unary_nz2nz_z2z_T(abs, A, BigFloat)
function conj!(A::SparseMatrixCSC)
nzvalA = A.nzval
@simd for i=1:length(nzvalA)
@inbounds nzvalA[i] = conj(nzvalA[i])
@inbounds @simd for k in 1:nnz(A)
A.nzval[k] = conj(A.nzval[k])
return A

conj(A::SparseMatrixCSC) = conj!(copy(A))

# Operations that map nonzeros to nonzeros, and zeros to nonzeros
# Result is dense
for op in (:cos, :cosh, :acos, :sec, :csc, :cot, :acot, :sech,
:csch, :coth, :asech, :acsch, :cospi, :sinc, :cosd,
:cotd, :cscd, :secd, :acosd, :acotd, :log, :log2, :log10,
:exp, :exp2, :exp10)
@eval begin

function ($op){Tv}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv})
B = fill($(op)(zero(Tv)), size(A))
@inbounds for col = 1 : A.n
for j = A.colptr[col] : A.colptr[col+1]-1
row = A.rowval[j]
nz = A.nzval[j]
B[row,col] = $(op)(nz)
return B

# Operations that map both zeros and nonzeros to zeros, yielding a dense matrix
Takes unary function `f` that maps both zeros and nonzeros to nonzeros, and returns a new
`Matrix{TvB}` `B` effectively generated by applying `f` to every entry in `A`.
function _broadcast_unary_nz2nz_z2nz{Tv}(f::Function, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv})
B = fill(f(zero(Tv)), size(A))
@inbounds for j in 1:A.n
for k in nzrange(A, j)
i = A.rowval[k]
x = A.nzval[k]
B[i,j] = f(x)
return B
log, log2, log10, exp, exp2, exp10, sinc, cospi,
cos, cosh, cosd, acos, acosd,
cot, coth, cotd, acot, acotd,
sec, sech, secd, asech,
csc, csch, cscd, acsch)

## Broadcasting kernels specialized for returning a SparseMatrixCSC
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