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Use A'A instead of [0 A;A' 0] in svds. The former can be much faster.…
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… The latter (#21701)

is only relevant when computing the small values and we don't support that.

This also fixes #16608.
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andreasnoack authored May 7, 2017
1 parent e257ef4 commit a6f1e96
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Showing 4 changed files with 206 additions and 179 deletions.
106 changes: 61 additions & 45 deletions base/linalg/arnoldi.jl
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Expand Up @@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ function _eigs(A, B;
T = eltype(A)
iscmplx = T <: Complex
isgeneral = B !== I
sym = issymmetric(A) && issymmetric(B) && !iscmplx
nevmax=sym ? n-1 : n-2
sym = !iscmplx && issymmetric(A) && issymmetric(B)
nevmax = sym ? n-1 : n-2
if nevmax <= 0
throw(ArgumentError("input matrix A is too small. Use eigfact instead."))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,29 +299,49 @@ end

## svds
### Restrict operator to BlasFloat because ARPACK only supports that. Loosen restriction
### when we switch to our own implementation
mutable struct SVDOperator{T<:BlasFloat,S} <: AbstractArray{T, 2}
struct SVDAugmented{T,S} <: AbstractArray{T, 2}
SVDOperator{T,S}(X::AbstractMatrix) where {T<:BlasFloat,S} = new(X, size(X, 1), size(X, 2))
SVDAugmented{T,S}(X::AbstractMatrix) where {T,S} = new(X)

function SVDOperator(A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
function SVDAugmented(A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
Tnew = typeof(zero(T)/sqrt(one(T)))
Anew = convert(AbstractMatrix{Tnew}, A)

function A_mul_B!(u::StridedVector{T}, s::SVDOperator{T}, v::StridedVector{T}) where T
a, b = s.m, length(v)
A_mul_B!(view(u,1:a), s.X, view(v,a+1:b)) # left singular vector
Ac_mul_B!(view(u,a+1:b), s.X, view(v,1:a)) # right singular vector
function A_mul_B!(y::StridedVector{T}, A::SVDAugmented{T}, x::StridedVector{T}) where T
m, mn = size(A.X, 1), length(x)
A_mul_B!( view(y, 1:m), A.X, view(x, m + 1:mn)) # left singular vector
Ac_mul_B!(view(y, m + 1:mn), A.X, view(x, 1:m)) # right singular vector
return y
size(s::SVDOperator) = s.m + s.n, s.m + s.n
issymmetric(s::SVDOperator) = true
size(A::SVDAugmented) = ((+)(size(A.X)...), (+)(size(A.X)...))
ishermitian(A::SVDAugmented) = true

struct AtA_or_AAt{T,S} <: AbstractArray{T, 2}

function AtA_or_AAt(A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
Tnew = typeof(zero(T)/sqrt(one(T)))
Anew = convert(AbstractMatrix{Tnew}, A)
AtA_or_AAt{Tnew,typeof(Anew)}(Anew, Vector{Tnew}(max(size(A)...)))

function A_mul_B!(y::StridedVector{T}, A::AtA_or_AAt{T}, x::StridedVector{T}) where T
if size(A.A, 1) >= size(A.A, 2)
A_mul_B!(A.buffer, A.A, x)
return Ac_mul_B!(y, A.A, A.buffer)
Ac_mul_B!(A.buffer, A.A, x)
return A_mul_B!(y, A.A, A.buffer)
size(A::AtA_or_AAt) = ntuple(i -> min(size(A.A)...), Val{2})
ishermitian(s::AtA_or_AAt) = true

svds(A::AbstractMatrix{<:BlasFloat}; kwargs...) = _svds(A; kwargs...)
svds(A::AbstractMatrix{BigFloat}; kwargs...) = throw(MethodError(svds, Any[A, kwargs...]))
Expand All @@ -331,7 +351,7 @@ function svds(A::AbstractMatrix{T}; kwargs...) where T

svds(A; nsv=6, ritzvec=true, tol=0.0, maxiter=1000, ncv=2*nsv, u0=zeros((0,)), v0=zeros((0,))) -> (SVD([left_sv,] s, [right_sv,]), nconv, niter, nmult, resid)
svds(A; nsv=6, ritzvec=true, tol=0.0, maxiter=1000, ncv=2*nsv, v0=zeros((0,))) -> (SVD([left_sv,] s, [right_sv,]), nconv, niter, nmult, resid)
Computes the largest singular values `s` of `A` using implicitly restarted Lanczos
iterations derived from [`eigs`](@ref).
Expand All @@ -347,8 +367,7 @@ iterations derived from [`eigs`](@ref).
* `tol`: tolerance, see [`eigs`](@ref).
* `maxiter`: Maximum number of iterations, see [`eigs`](@ref). Default: 1000.
* `ncv`: Maximum size of the Krylov subspace, see [`eigs`](@ref) (there called `nev`). Default: `2*nsv`.
* `u0`: Initial guess for the first left Krylov vector. It may have length `m` (the first dimension of `A`), or 0.
* `v0`: Initial guess for the first right Krylov vector. It may have length `n` (the second dimension of `A`), or 0.
* `v0`: Initial guess for the first Krylov vector. It may have length `min(size(A)...)`, or 0.
Expand All @@ -375,48 +394,45 @@ julia> s[:S]
!!! note "Implementation"
`svds(A)` is formally equivalent to calling [`eigs`](@ref) to perform implicitly restarted
Lanczos tridiagonalization on the Hermitian matrix
``\\begin{pmatrix} 0 & A^\\prime \\\\ A & 0 \\end{pmatrix}``, whose eigenvalues are
plus and minus the singular values of ``A``.
Lanczos tridiagonalization on the Hermitian matrix ``A^\\prime A`` or ``AA^\\prime`` such
that the size is smallest.
svds(A; kwargs...) = _svds(A; kwargs...)
function _svds(X; nsv::Int = 6, ritzvec::Bool = true, tol::Float64 = 0.0, maxiter::Int = 1000, ncv::Int = 2*nsv, u0::Vector=zeros(eltype(X),(0,)), v0::Vector=zeros(eltype(X),(0,)))
function _svds(X; nsv::Int = 6, ritzvec::Bool = true, tol::Float64 = 0.0, maxiter::Int = 1000, ncv::Int = 2*nsv, v0::Vector=zeros(eltype(X),(0,)))
if nsv < 1
throw(ArgumentError("number of singular values (nsv) must be ≥ 1, got $nsv"))
if nsv > minimum(size(X))
throw(ArgumentError("number of singular values (nsv) must be ≤ $(minimum(size(X))), got $nsv"))
m,n = size(X)
m, n = size(X)
otype = eltype(X)
padv0 = zeros(eltype(X),(0,))
if length(v0) [0,n]
throw(DimensionMismatch("length of v0, the guess for the starting right Krylov vector, must be 0, or $n, got $(length(v0))"))
if length(u0) [0,m]
throw(DimensionMismatch("length of u0, the guess for the starting left Krylov vector, must be 0, or $m, got $(length(u0))"))
if length(v0) == n && length(u0) == m
padv0 = [u0; v0]
elseif length(v0) == n && length(u0) == 0
padv0 = [zeros(otype,m); v0]
elseif length(v0) == 0 && length(u0) == m
padv0 = [u0; zeros(otype,n) ]
ex = eigs(SVDOperator(X), I; ritzvec = ritzvec, nev = ncv, tol = tol, maxiter = maxiter, v0=padv0)
ind = [1:2:ncv;]
sval = abs.(ex[1][ind])
ex = eigs(AtA_or_AAt(X), I; which = :LM, ritzvec = ritzvec, nev = nsv, tol = tol, maxiter = maxiter, v0=v0)
# ind = [1:2:ncv;]
# sval = abs.(ex[1][ind])

svals = sqrt.(real.(ex[1]))
if ritzvec
# calculating singular vectors
left_sv = sqrt(2) * ex[2][ 1:size(X,1), ind ] .* sign.(ex[1][ind]')
right_sv = sqrt(2) * ex[2][ size(X,1)+1:end, ind ]
return (SVD(left_sv, sval, right_sv'), ex[3], ex[4], ex[5], ex[6])
# left_sv = sqrt(2) * ex[2][ 1:size(X,1), ind ] .* sign.(ex[1][ind]')
if size(X, 1) >= size(X, 2)
V = ex[2]
U = qr(scale!(X*V, inv.(svals)))[1]
U = ex[2]
V = qr(scale!(X'U, inv.(svals)))[1]

# right_sv = sqrt(2) * ex[2][ size(X,1)+1:end, ind ]
return (SVD(U, svals, V'), ex[3], ex[4], ex[5], ex[6])
#The sort is necessary to work around #10329
return (SVD(zeros(eltype(sval), n, 0),
sort!(sval, by=real, rev=true),
zeros(eltype(sval), 0, m)),
return (SVD(zeros(eltype(svals), n, 0),
zeros(eltype(svals), 0, m)),
ex[2], ex[3], ex[4], ex[5])
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/linalg/arpack.jl
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Expand Up @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ function eupd_wrapper(T, n::Integer, sym::Bool, cmplx::Bool, bmat::String,

p = sortperm(dmap(d), rev=true)
return ritzvec ? (d[p], v[1:n, p],iparam[5],iparam[3],iparam[9],resid) : (d,iparam[5],iparam[3],iparam[9],resid)
return ritzvec ? (d[p], v[1:n, p],iparam[5],iparam[3],iparam[9],resid) : (d[p],iparam[5],iparam[3],iparam[9],resid)
dr = Vector{T}(nev+1)
di = Vector{T}(nev+1)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions base/linalg/generic.jl
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Expand Up @@ -847,6 +847,8 @@ condition number, or componentwise relative condition number.
condskeel(A::AbstractMatrix, x::AbstractVector, p::Real=Inf) = norm(abs.(inv(A))*(abs.(A)*abs.(x)), p)

issymmetric(A::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}) = ishermitian(A)

issymmetric(A) -> Bool
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