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Improve similar for SparseMatrixCSC.
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Makes similar methods for SparseMatrixCSC more consistent both among themselves
and with similar methods for other types. Also fleshes those methods out in full.
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Sacha0 committed Oct 17, 2017
1 parent 26c7ecb commit 85fb550
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Showing 2 changed files with 120 additions and 29 deletions.
44 changes: 34 additions & 10 deletions base/sparse/sparsematrix.jl
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Expand Up @@ -313,17 +313,41 @@ function copy!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, B::SparseMatrixCSC)
return A

function similar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{Tv} = eltype(S)) where Tv
SparseMatrixCSC(S.m, S.n, copy(S.colptr), copy(S.rowval), Vector{Tv}(length(S.nzval)))
## similar
# parent method for similar that preserves stored-entry structure (for when new and old dims match)
function _sparsesimilar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{TvNew}, ::Type{TiNew}) where {TvNew,TiNew}
newcolptr = copy!(similar(S.colptr, TiNew), S.colptr)
newrowval = copy!(similar(S.rowval, TiNew), S.rowval)
return SparseMatrixCSC(S.m, S.n, newcolptr, newrowval, similar(S.nzval, TvNew))
# parent methods for similar that preserves only storage space (for when new and old dims differ)
_sparsesimilar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{TvNew}, ::Type{TiNew}, dims::Dims{2}) where {TvNew,TiNew} =
SparseMatrixCSC(dims..., ones(TiNew, last(dims)+1), similar(S.rowval, TiNew), similar(S.nzval, TvNew))
# parent method for similar that allocates an empty sparse vector (when new dims are single)
_sparsesimilar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{TvNew}, ::Type{TiNew}, dims::Dims{1}) where {TvNew,TiNew} =
SparseVector(dims..., similar(S.rowval, TiNew, 0), similar(S.nzval, TvNew, 0))
# The following methods hook into the AbstractArray similar hierarchy. The first method
# covers similar(A[, Tv]) calls, which preserve stored-entry structure, and the latter
# methods cover similar(A[, Tv], shape...) calls, which preserve storage space when the shape
# calls for a two-dimensional result.
similar(S::SparseMatrixCSC{<:Any,Ti}, ::Type{TvNew}) where {Ti,TvNew} = _sparsesimilar(S, TvNew, Ti)
similar(S::SparseMatrixCSC{<:Any,Ti}, ::Type{TvNew}, dims::Union{Dims{1},Dims{2}}) where {Ti,TvNew} =
_sparsesimilar(S, TvNew, Ti, dims)
# The following methods cover similar(A, Tv, Ti[, shape...]) calls, which specify the
# result's index type in addition to its entry type, and aren't covered by the hooks above.
# The calls without shape again preserve stored-entry structure, whereas those with shape
# preserve storage space when the shape calls for a two-dimensional result.
similar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{TvNew}, ::Type{TiNew}) where{TvNew,TiNew} =
_sparsesimilar(S, TvNew, TiNew)
similar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{TvNew}, ::Type{TiNew}, dims::Union{Dims{1},Dims{2}}) where {TvNew,TiNew} =
_sparsesimilar(S, TvNew, TiNew, dims)
similar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{TvNew}, ::Type{TiNew}, m::Integer) where {TvNew,TiNew} =
_sparsesimilar(S, TvNew, TiNew, (m,))
similar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{TvNew}, ::Type{TiNew}, m::Integer, n::Integer) where {TvNew,TiNew} =
_sparsesimilar(S, TvNew, TiNew, (m, n))

function similar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{Tv}, ::Type{Ti}) where {Tv,Ti}
new_colptr = copy!(similar(S.colptr, Ti), S.colptr)
new_rowval = copy!(similar(S.rowval, Ti), S.rowval)
new_nzval = copy!(similar(S.nzval, Tv), S.nzval)
SparseMatrixCSC(S.m, S.n, new_colptr, new_rowval, new_nzval)
@inline similar(S::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Type{Tv}, d::Dims) where {Tv} = spzeros(Tv, d...)

# convert'ing between SparseMatrixCSC types
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix{Tv}}, A::SparseMatrixCSC{Tv}) where {Tv} = A
Expand Down
105 changes: 86 additions & 19 deletions test/sparse/sparse.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1302,16 +1302,6 @@ end
@test_throws ArgumentError squeeze(A,(1, 1))

@testset "similar with type conversion" begin
local A = speye(5)
@test size(similar(A, Complex128, Int)) == (5, 5)
@test typeof(similar(A, Complex128, Int)) == SparseMatrixCSC{Complex128, Int}
@test size(similar(A, Complex128, Int8)) == (5, 5)
@test typeof(similar(A, Complex128, Int8)) == SparseMatrixCSC{Complex128, Int8}
@test similar(A, Complex128,(6, 6)) == spzeros(Complex128, 6, 6)
@test convert(Matrix, A) == Array(A)

@testset "float" begin
local A
A = sprand(Bool, 5, 5, 0.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1945,15 +1935,6 @@ end
" [2, 1] = 2.0\n [3, 2] = 3.0\n [4, 2] = 4.0\n [5, 3] = 5.0\n [6, 3] = 6.0")

@testset "similar aliasing" begin
a = sparse(rand(3,3) .+ 0.1)
b = similar(a, Float32, Int32)
c = similar(b, Float32, Int32)
Base.SparseArrays.dropstored!(b, 1, 1)
@test length(c.rowval) == 9
@test length(c.nzval) == 9

@testset "check buffers" for n in 1:3
local A
colptr = [1,2,3,4]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2035,3 +2016,89 @@ end
@test isfinite.(cov_sparse) == isfinite.(cov_dense)

@testset "similar should not alias the input sparse array" begin
a = sparse(rand(3,3) .+ 0.1)
b = similar(a, Float32, Int32)
c = similar(b, Float32, Int32)
Base.SparseArrays.dropstored!(b, 1, 1)
@test length(c.rowval) == 9
@test length(c.nzval) == 9

@testset "similar with type conversion" begin
local A = speye(5)
@test size(similar(A, Complex128, Int)) == (5, 5)
@test typeof(similar(A, Complex128, Int)) == SparseMatrixCSC{Complex128, Int}
@test size(similar(A, Complex128, Int8)) == (5, 5)
@test typeof(similar(A, Complex128, Int8)) == SparseMatrixCSC{Complex128, Int8}
@test similar(A, Complex128,(6, 6)) == spzeros(Complex128, 6, 6)
@test convert(Matrix, A) == Array(A) # lolwut, are you lost, test?

@testset "similar for SparseMatrixCSC" begin
A = speye(5)
# test similar without specifications (preserves stored-entry structure)
simA = similar(A)
@test typeof(simA) == typeof(A)
@test size(simA) == size(A)
@test simA.colptr == A.colptr
@test simA.rowval == A.rowval
@test length(simA.nzval) == length(A.nzval)
# test similar with entry type specification (preserves stored-entry structure)
simA = similar(A, Float32)
@test typeof(simA) == SparseMatrixCSC{Float32,eltype(A.colptr)}
@test size(simA) == size(A)
@test simA.colptr == A.colptr
@test simA.rowval == A.rowval
@test length(simA.nzval) == length(A.nzval)
# test similar with entry and index type specification (preserves stored-entry structure)
simA = similar(A, Float32, Int8)
@test typeof(simA) == SparseMatrixCSC{Float32,Int8}
@test size(simA) == size(A)
@test simA.colptr == A.colptr
@test simA.rowval == A.rowval
@test length(simA.nzval) == length(A.nzval)
# test similar with Dims{2} specification (preserves storage space only, not stored-entry structure)
simA = similar(A, (6,6))
@test typeof(simA) == typeof(A)
@test size(simA) == (6,6)
@test simA.colptr == ones(eltype(A.colptr), 6+1)
@test length(simA.rowval) == length(A.rowval)
@test length(simA.nzval) == length(A.nzval)
# test similar with entry type and Dims{2} specification (preserves storage space only)
simA = similar(A, Float32, (6,6))
@test typeof(simA) == SparseMatrixCSC{Float32,eltype(A.colptr)}
@test size(simA) == (6,6)
@test simA.colptr == ones(eltype(A.colptr), 6+1)
@test length(simA.rowval) == length(A.rowval)
@test length(simA.nzval) == length(A.nzval)
# test similar with entry type, index type, and Dims{2} specification (preserves storage space only)
simA = similar(A, Float32, Int8, (6,6))
@test typeof(simA) == SparseMatrixCSC{Float32, Int8}
@test size(simA) == (6,6)
@test simA.colptr == ones(eltype(A.colptr), 6+1)
@test length(simA.rowval) == length(A.rowval)
@test length(simA.nzval) == length(A.nzval)
# test similar with Dims{1} specification (preserves nothing)
simA = similar(A, (6,))
@test typeof(simA) == SparseVector{eltype(A.nzval),eltype(A.colptr)}
@test size(simA) == (6,)
@test length(simA.nzind) == 0
@test length(simA.nzval) == 0
# test similar with entry type and Dims{1} specification (preserves nothing)
simA = similar(A, Float32, (6,))
@test typeof(simA) == SparseVector{Float32,eltype(A.colptr)}
@test size(simA) == (6,)
@test length(simA.nzind) == 0
@test length(simA.nzval) == 0
# test similar with entry type, index type, and Dims{1} specification (preserves nothing)
simA = similar(A, Float32, Int8, (6,))
@test typeof(simA) == SparseVector{Float32,Int8}
@test size(simA) == (6,)
@test length(simA.nzind) == 0
@test length(simA.nzval) == 0
# test entry points to similar with entry type, index type, and non-Dims shape specification
@test similar(A, Float32, Int8, 6, 6) == similar(A, Float32, Int8, (6, 6))
@test similar(A, Float32, Int8, 6) == similar(A, Float32, Int8, (6,))

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