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reductions & broadcast: allow any dimension of size 1 (no specific in…
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timholy committed Jul 18, 2016
1 parent 00d92d6 commit 82b79ff
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Showing 5 changed files with 84 additions and 74 deletions.
94 changes: 52 additions & 42 deletions base/broadcast.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ _bcs1(a::Integer, b) = a == 1 ? b : (first(b) == 1 && last(b) == a ? b : throw(D
_bcs1(a, b::Integer) = _bcs1(b, a)
_bcs1(a, b) = _bcsm(b, a) ? b : (_bcsm(a, b) ? a : throw(DimensionMismatch("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size")))
# _bcsm tests whether the second index is consistent with the first
_bcsm(a, b) = a == b || (length(b) == 1 && first(b) == 1)
_bcsm(a, b) = a == b || length(b) == 1
_bcsm(a, b::Number) = b == 1
_bcsm(a::Number, b::Number) = a == b || b == 1

Expand All @@ -63,29 +63,36 @@ end

## Indexing manipulations

# newindex(I, keep) replaces a CartesianIndex `I` with something that
# newindex(I, keep, Idefault) replaces a CartesianIndex `I` with something that
# is appropriate for a particular broadcast array/scalar. `keep` is a
# NTuple{N,Bool}, where keep[d] == true means that one should preserve
# I[d]; if false, replace it with 1. In other words, this is
# equivalent to map((k,i)->k ? i : 1, keep, I.I) (but see #17126).
@inline newindex(I::CartesianIndex, ::Tuple{}) = 1 # for scalars
@inline newindex(I::CartesianIndex, indexmap) = CartesianIndex(_newindex(I.I, indexmap))
@inline _newindex(I, indexmap) =
(ifelse(indexmap[1], I[1], 1), _newindex(tail(I), tail(indexmap))...)
@inline _newindex(I, indexmap::Tuple{}) = () # truncate if indexmap is shorter than I

# newindexer(shape, A) generates `keep` (for use by `newindex` above)
# for a particular array `A`, given the broadcast_shape `shape`
# Equivalent to map(==, indices(A), shape) (but see #17126)
newindexer(shape, x::Number) = ()
# I[d]; if false, replace it with Idefault[d].
@inline newindex(I::CartesianIndex, keep, Idefault) = CartesianIndex(_newindex(I.I, keep, Idefault))
@inline _newindex(I, keep, Idefault) =
(ifelse(keep[1], I[1], Idefault[1]), _newindex(tail(I), tail(keep), tail(Idefault))...)
@inline _newindex(I, keep::Tuple{}, Idefault) = () # truncate if keep is shorter than I

# newindexer(shape, A) generates `keep` and `Idefault` (for use by
# `newindex` above) for a particular array `A`, given the
# broadcast_shape `shape`
# `keep` is equivalent to map(==, indices(A), shape) (but see #17126)
newindexer(shape, x::Number) = (), ()
@inline newindexer(shape, A) = newindexer(shape, indices(A))
@inline newindexer(shape, indsA::Tuple{}) = ()
@inline newindexer(shape, indsA::Tuple) =
(shape[1] == indsA[1], newindexer(tail(shape), tail(indsA))...)
@inline newindexer(shape, indsA::Tuple{}) = (), ()
@inline function newindexer(shape, indsA::Tuple)
ind1 = indsA[1]
keep, Idefault = newindexer(tail(shape), tail(indsA))
(shape[1] == ind1, keep...), (first(ind1), Idefault...)

# Equivalent to map(x->newindexer(shape, x), As) (but see #17126)
map_newindexer(shape, ::Tuple{}) = ()
@inline map_newindexer(shape, As) = (newindexer(shape, As[1]), map_newindexer(shape, tail(As))...)
map_newindexer(shape, ::Tuple{}) = (), ()
@inline function map_newindexer(shape, As)
A1 = As[1]
keeps, Idefaults = map_newindexer(shape, tail(As))
keep, Idefault = newindexer(shape, A1)
(keep, keeps...), (Idefault, Idefaults...)

# For output BitArrays
const bitcache_chunks = 64 # this can be changed
Expand All @@ -96,16 +103,17 @@ dumpbitcache(Bc::Vector{UInt64}, bind::Int, C::Vector{Bool}) =

## Broadcasting core
# nargs encodes the number of As arguments (which matches the number
# of indexmaps). The first two type parameters are to ensure specialization.
@generated function _broadcast!{M,AT,nargs}(f, B::AbstractArray, indexmaps::M, As::AT, ::Type{Val{nargs}})
# of keeps). The first two type parameters are to ensure specialization.
@generated function _broadcast!{K,ID,AT,nargs}(f, B::AbstractArray, keeps::K, Idefaults::ID, As::AT, ::Type{Val{nargs}})
$(Expr(:meta, :noinline))
# destructure the indexmaps and As tuples
# destructure the keeps and As tuples
@nexprs $nargs i->(A_i = As[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(imap_i = indexmaps[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(keep_i = keeps[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(Idefault_i = Idefaults[i])
@simd for I in CartesianRange(indices(B))
# reverse-broadcast the indices
@nexprs $nargs i->(I_i = newindex(I, imap_i))
@nexprs $nargs i->(I_i = newindex(I, keep_i, Idefault_i))
# extract array values
@nexprs $nargs i->(@inbounds val_i = A_i[I_i])
# call the function and store the result
Expand All @@ -116,19 +124,20 @@ end

# For BitArray outputs, we cache the result in a "small" Vector{Bool},
# and then copy in chunks into the output
@generated function _broadcast!{M,AT,nargs}(f, B::BitArray, indexmaps::M, As::AT, ::Type{Val{nargs}})
@generated function _broadcast!{K,ID,AT,nargs}(f, B::BitArray, keeps::K, Idefaults::ID, As::AT, ::Type{Val{nargs}})
$(Expr(:meta, :noinline))
# destructure the indexmaps and As tuples
# destructure the keeps and As tuples
@nexprs $nargs i->(A_i = As[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(imap_i = indexmaps[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(keep_i = keeps[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(Idefault_i = Idefaults[i])
C = Vector{Bool}(bitcache_size)
Bc = B.chunks
ind = 1
cind = 1
@simd for I in CartesianRange(indices(B))
# reverse-broadcast the indices
@nexprs $nargs i->(I_i = newindex(I, imap_i))
@nexprs $nargs i->(I_i = newindex(I, keep_i, Idefault_i))
# extract array values
@nexprs $nargs i->(@inbounds val_i = A_i[I_i])
# call the function and store the result
Expand All @@ -150,23 +159,24 @@ end
@inline function broadcast!{nargs}(f, B::AbstractArray, As::Vararg{Any,nargs})
shape = indices(B)
check_broadcast_shape(shape, As...)
mapindex = map_newindexer(shape, As)
_broadcast!(f, B, mapindex, As, Val{nargs})
keeps, Idefaults = map_newindexer(shape, As)
_broadcast!(f, B, keeps, Idefaults, As, Val{nargs})

# broadcast with computed element type

@generated function _broadcast!{M,AT,nargs}(f, B::AbstractArray, indexmaps::M, As::AT, ::Type{Val{nargs}}, iter, st, count)
@generated function _broadcast!{K,ID,AT,nargs}(f, B::AbstractArray, keeps::K, Idefaults::ID, As::AT, ::Type{Val{nargs}}, iter, st, count)
$(Expr(:meta, :noinline))
# destructure the indexmaps and As tuples
# destructure the keeps and As tuples
@nexprs $nargs i->(A_i = As[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(imap_i = indexmaps[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(keep_i = keeps[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(Idefault_i = Idefaults[i])
while !done(iter, st)
I, st = next(iter, st)
# reverse-broadcast the indices
@nexprs $nargs i->(I_i = newindex(I, imap_i))
@nexprs $nargs i->(I_i = newindex(I, keep_i, Idefault_i))
# extract array values
@nexprs $nargs i->(@inbounds val_i = A_i[I_i])
# call the function
Expand All @@ -182,7 +192,7 @@ end
new[II] = B[II]
new[I] = V
return _broadcast!(f, new, indexmaps, As, Val{nargs}, iter, st, count+1)
return _broadcast!(f, new, keeps, Idefaults, As, Val{nargs}, iter, st, count+1)
count += 1
Expand All @@ -197,13 +207,13 @@ function broadcast_t(f, ::Type{Any}, As...)
return similar(Array{Union{}}, shape)
nargs = length(As)
indexmaps = map_newindexer(shape, As)
keeps, Idefaults = map_newindexer(shape, As)
st = start(iter)
I, st = next(iter, st)
val = f([ As[i][newindex(I, indexmaps[i])] for i=1:nargs ]...)
val = f([ As[i][newindex(I, keeps[i], Idefaults[i])] for i=1:nargs ]...)
B = similar(Array{typeof(val)}, shape)
B[I] = val
return _broadcast!(f, B, indexmaps, As, Val{nargs}, iter, st, 1)
return _broadcast!(f, B, keeps, Idefaults, As, Val{nargs}, iter, st, 1)

@inline broadcast_t(f, T, As...) = broadcast!(f, similar(Array{T}, broadcast_shape(As...)), As...)
Expand All @@ -213,18 +223,18 @@ end
# alternate, more compact implementation; unfortunately slower.
# also the `collect` machinery doesn't yet support arbitrary index bases.
@generated function _broadcast{nargs}(f, indexmaps, As, ::Type{Val{nargs}}, iter)
@generated function _broadcast{nargs}(f, keeps, As, ::Type{Val{nargs}}, iter)
collect((@ncall $nargs f i->As[i][newindex(I, indexmaps[i])]) for I in iter)
collect((@ncall $nargs f i->As[i][newindex(I, keeps[i])]) for I in iter)
function broadcast(f, As...)
shape = broadcast_shape(As...)
iter = CartesianRange(shape)
indexmaps = map_newindexer(shape, As)
keeps, Idefaults = map_newindexer(shape, As)
naT = Val{nfields(As)}
_broadcast(f, indexmaps, As, naT, iter)
_broadcast(f, keeps, Idefaults, As, naT, iter)

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions base/multidimensional.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -244,6 +244,8 @@ end

### From abstractarray.jl: Internal multidimensional indexing definitions ###
getindex(x::Number, i::CartesianIndex{0}) = x

# These are not defined on directly on getindex to avoid
# ambiguities for AbstractArray subtypes. See the note in abstractarray.jl

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34 changes: 15 additions & 19 deletions base/reducedim.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,9 +166,6 @@ function check_reducedims(R, A)
Ri, Ai = indices(R, i), indices(A, i)
sRi, sAi = length(Ri), length(Ai)
if sRi == 1
if Ri != Ai
Ri == 1:1 || throw(DimensionMismatch("reduction along dimension $i must use indices 1:1; got $(convert(UnitRange, Ri)) for reducing $(convert(UnitRange, Ai))"))
if sAi > 1
if had_nonreduc
lsiz = 0 # to reduce along i, but some previous dimensions were non-reducing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,20 +196,21 @@ function _mapreducedim!{T,N}(f, op, R::AbstractArray, A::AbstractArray{T,N})
return R
indsAt, indsRt = safe_tail(indices(A)), safe_tail(indices(R)) # handle d=1 manually
imap = Broadcast.newindexer(indsAt, indsRt)
keep, Idefault = Broadcast.newindexer(indsAt, indsRt)
if reducedim1(R, A)
# keep the accumulator as a local variable when reducing along the first dimension
i1 = first(indices1(R))
@inbounds for IA in CartesianRange(indsAt)
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, imap)
r = R[1,IR]
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, keep, Idefault)
r = R[i1,IR]
@simd for i in indices(A, 1)
r = op(r, f(A[i, IA]))
R[1,IR] = r
R[i1,IR] = r
@inbounds for IA in CartesianRange(indsAt)
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, imap)
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, keep, Idefault)
@simd for i in indices(A, 1)
R[i,IR] = op(R[i,IR], f(A[i,IA]))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,13 +277,14 @@ function findminmax!{T,N}(f, Rval, Rind, A::AbstractArray{T,N})
# If we're reducing along dimension 1, for efficiency we can make use of a temporary.
# Otherwise, keep the result in Rval/Rind so that we traverse A in storage order.
indsAt, indsRt = safe_tail(indices(A)), safe_tail(indices(Rval))
imap = Broadcast.newindexer(indsAt, indsRt)
keep, Idefault = Broadcast.newindexer(indsAt, indsRt)
k = 0
if reducedim1(Rval, A)
i1 = first(indices1(Rval))
@inbounds for IA in CartesianRange(indsAt)
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, imap)
tmpRv = Rval[1,IR]
tmpRi = Rind[1,IR]
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, keep, Idefault)
tmpRv = Rval[i1,IR]
tmpRi = Rind[i1,IR]
for i in indices(A,1)
k += 1
tmpAv = A[i,IA]
Expand All @@ -294,12 +293,12 @@ function findminmax!{T,N}(f, Rval, Rind, A::AbstractArray{T,N})
tmpRi = k
Rval[1,IR] = tmpRv
Rind[1,IR] = tmpRi
Rval[i1,IR] = tmpRv
Rind[i1,IR] = tmpRi
@inbounds for IA in CartesianRange(indsAt)
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, imap)
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, keep, Idefault)
for i in indices(A, 1)
k += 1
tmpAv = A[i,IA]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,7 +357,4 @@ function findmax{T}(A::AbstractArray{T}, region)
zeros(Int, reduced_dims0(A, region)), A)

function reducedim1(R, A)
iR1 = indices(R, 1)
iR1 == 1:1 && iR1 != indices(A, 1)
reducedim1(R, A) = length(indices1(R)) == 1
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions base/statistics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,20 +107,21 @@ function centralize_sumabs2!{S,T,N}(R::AbstractArray{S}, A::AbstractArray{T,N},
return R
indsAt, indsRt = safe_tail(indices(A)), safe_tail(indices(R)) # handle d=1 manually
imap = Broadcast.newindexer(indsAt, indsRt)
keep, Idefault = Broadcast.newindexer(indsAt, indsRt)
if reducedim1(R, A)
i1 = first(indices1(R))
@inbounds for IA in CartesianRange(indsAt)
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, imap)
r = R[1,IR]
m = means[1,IR]
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, keep, Idefault)
r = R[i1,IR]
m = means[i1,IR]
@simd for i in indices(A, 1)
r += abs2(A[i,IA] - m)
R[1,IR] = r
R[i1,IR] = r
@inbounds for IA in CartesianRange(indsAt)
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, imap)
IR = Broadcast.newindex(IA, keep, Idefault)
@simd for i in indices(A, 1)
R[i,IR] += abs2(A[i,IA] - means[i,IR])
Expand Down
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions test/broadcast.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,13 +42,14 @@ check_broadcast_shape((-1:1, 6:9), (1, 6:9))
check_broadcast_shape((-1:1, 6:9), 1)

ci(x) = CartesianIndex(x)
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (true, true))) == ci((2,2))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (true, false))) == ci((2,1))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (false, true))) == ci((1,2))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (false, false))) == ci((1,1))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (true,))) == ci((2,))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (false,))) == ci((1,))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), ())) == 1
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (true, true), (-1,-1))) == ci((2,2))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (true, false), (-1,-1))) == ci((2,-1))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (false, true), (-1,-1))) == ci((-1,2))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (false, false), (-1,-1))) == ci((-1,-1))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (true,), (-1,-1))) == ci((2,))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (true,), (-1,))) == ci((2,))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (false,), (-1,))) == ci((-1,))
@test @inferred(newindex(ci((2,2)), (), ())) == ci(())


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