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fredrikekre committed Jan 10, 2018
1 parent 3912618 commit 916a7cd
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@

The **Compat** package is designed to ease interoperability between
older and newer versions of the [Julia
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,31 +49,8 @@ Please check the list below for the specific syntax you need.

Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:

* `@compat (a::B{T}){T}(c) = d` — the Julia 0.5-style call overload

* `@compat(get(io, s, false))`, with `s` equal to `:limit`, `:compact` or `:multiline`, to detect the corresponding print settings (performs useful work only on Julia 0.5, defaults to `false` otherwise)

* `@compat Nullable(value, hasvalue)` to handle the switch from the `Nullable` `:isnull` field to `:hasvalue` field ([#18510])

* `@compat x .= y` converts to an in-place assignment to `x` (via `broadcast!`) ([#17510]).
However, beware that `.=` in Julia 0.4 has the precedence of `==`, not of assignment `=`, so if the right-hand-side `y`
includes expressions with lower precedence than `==` you should enclose it in parentheses `x .= (y)` to ensure the
correct order of evaluation. Also, `x .+= y` converts to `x .= (x .+ y)`, and similarly for the other updating
assignment operators (`.*=` and so on).

* `@compat Array{<:Real}`, `@compat Array{>:Int}`, and similar uses of `<:T` (resp. `>:T`) to define a set of "covariant" (resp. "contravariant") parameterized types ([#20414]).
In 0.5, this only works for non-nested usages (e.g. you can't define `Array{<:Array{<:Real}}`).

* `@compat abstract type T end` and `@compat primitive type T 8 end`
to declare abstract and primitive types. [#20418]
This only works when `@compat` is applied directly on the declaration.

* `@compat A{T} = B{T}` or `@compat const A{T} = B{T}` to declare type alias with free
parameters. [#20500]. Use `const A = B{T}` or `const A = B` for type alias without free parameters (i.e. no type parameter on the left hand side).

* `@compat Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:MyArray}) = IndexLinear()` and `@compat Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:MyArray}) = IndexCartesian()` to define traits for abstract arrays, replacing the former `Base.linearindexing{T<:MyArray}(::Type{T}) = Base.LinearFast()` and `Base.linearindexing{T<:MyArray}(::Type{T}) = Base.LinearSlow()`, respectively.

* `Compat.collect(A)` returns an `Array`, no matter what indices the array `A` has. [#21257]
* `@compat finalizer(func, obj)` with the finalizer to run as the first argument
and the object to be finalized as the second ([#24605]).

* `@compat foo(::CartesianRange{N})` to replace the former
`foo(::CartesianRange{CartesianIndex{N}})` ([#20974]). Note that
Expand All @@ -81,10 +59,6 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:

## Module Aliases

* In 0.6, some 0.5 iterator functions have been moved to the `Base.Iterators`
module. Code can be written to work on both 0.5 and 0.6 by `import`ing or
`using` the `Compat.Iterators` module instead. ([#18839])

* `using Compat.Test`, `using Compat.SharedArrays`, `using Compat.Mmap`, and `using
Compat.DelimitedFiles` are provided on versions older than 0.7, where these are not yet
part of the standard library. ([#23931])
Expand All @@ -109,92 +83,29 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:

## New functions, macros, and methods

* `@views` takes an expression and converts all slices to views ([#20164]), while
`@view` ([#16564]) converts a single array reference to a view ([#20164]).

* `@__dot__` takes an expression and converts all assignments, function calls,
and operators to their broadcasting "dot-call" equivalents ([#20321]). In Julia 0.6, this
can be abbreviated `@.`, but that macro name does not parse in earlier Julia versions.
For this to work in older versions of Julia (prior to 0.5) that don't have dot calls,
you should instead use `@dotcompat`, which combines the `@__dot__` and `@compat` macros.

* [`normalize`]( and [`normalize!`](!), normalizes a vector with respect to the p-norm ([#13681])

* `redirect_stdout`, `redirect_stderr`, and `redirect_stdin` take an optional function as a first argument, `redirect_std*(f, stream)`, so that one may use `do` block syntax (as first available for Julia 0.6)

* `unsafe_get` returns the `:value` field of a `Nullable` object without any null-check and has a generic fallback for non-`Nullable` argument ([#18484])

* `isnull` has a generic fallback for non-`Nullable` argument

* `transcode` converts between UTF-xx string encodings in Julia 0.5 (as a lightweight
alternative to the LegacyStrings package) ([#17323])

* `` (typically used infix as `f ∘ g`) for function composition can be used in 0.5 and earlier ([#17155])

* `>:`, a supertype operator for symmetry with `issubtype` (`A >: B` is equivalent to `B <: A`), can be used in 0.5 and earlier ([#20407]).

* The method of `!` to negate functions (typically used as a unary operator, as in `!isinteger`) can be used in 0.5 and earlier ([#17155]).

* `iszero(x)` efficiently checks whether `x == zero(x)` (including arrays) can be used in 0.5 and earlier ([#19950]).

* `.&` and `.|` are short syntax for `broadcast(&, xs...)` and `broadcast(|, xs...)` (respectively) in Julia 0.6 (only supported on Julia 0.5 and above) ([#17623])

* `Compat.isapprox` with `nans` keyword argument ([#20022])

* `Compat.readline` with `chomp` keyword argument ([#20203])
* `Compat.invokelatest` supports keyword arguments on Julia version 0.6 ([#22646]).

* `take!` method for `Task`s since some functions now return `Channel`s instead of `Task`s ([#19841])
* `@__MODULE__` is aliased to `current_module()` for Julia version 0.6. Versions of `Base.binding_module`, `expand`, `macroexpand`, and `include_string` were added that accept a module as the first argument. ([#22064])

* The `isabstract`, `parameter_upper_bound`, `typename` reflection methods were added in Julia 0.6. This package re-exports these from the `Compat.TypeUtils` submodule. On earlier versions of julia, that module contains the same functions, but operating on the pre-0.6 type system representation.

* `broadcast` is supported on tuples of the same lengths on 0.5. ([#16986])

* `zeros` and `ones` support an interface the same as `similar` ([#19635])

* `convert` can convert between different `Set` types on 0.5 and below. ([#18727])

* `isassigned(::RefValue)` is supported on 0.5 and below. ([#18082])

* `unsafe_trunc(::Type{<:Integer}, ::Integer)` is supported on 0.5. ([#18629])

* `bswap` is supported for `Complex` arguments on 0.5 and below. ([#21346])

* `Compat.invokelatest` is equivalent to `Base.invokelatest` in Julia 0.6,
but works in Julia 0.5+, and allows you to guarantee that a function call
invokes the latest version of a function ([#19784]).

* `Compat.invokelatest` supports keywords ([#22646]).

* `Compat.StringVector` is supported on 0.5 and below. On 0.6 and later, it aliases `Base.StringVector`. This function allocates a `Vector{UInt8}` whose data can be made into a `String` in constant time; that is, without copying. On 0.5 and later, use `String(...)` with the vector allocated by `StringVector` as an argument to create a string without copying. Note that if 0.4 support is needed, `Compat.UTF8String(...)` should be used instead. ([#19449])

* `==(::Period, ::Period)` and `isless(::Period, ::Period)` is supported for 0.5 and below. Earlier versions of Julia only supported limited comparison methods between Periods which did not support comparing custom Period subtypes. ([#21378])

* `@__MODULE__` is aliased to `current_module()` for Julia versions 0.6 and below. Versions of `Base.binding_module`, `expand`, `macroexpand`, and `include_string` were added that accept a module as the first argument. ([#22064])

* `Cmd` elements can be accessed as if the `Cmd` were an array of strings for 0.6 and below ([#21197]).
* `Cmd` elements can be accessed as if the `Cmd` were an array of strings for 0.6 ([#21197]).

* `Val(x)` constructs `Val{x}()`. ([#22475])

* The `reshape` and `ntuple` APIs are extended to support `Val{x}()` arguments on 0.6 and below.
* The `reshape` and `ntuple` APIs are extended to support `Val{x}()` arguments on 0.6.

* `chol` and `chol!` for `UniformScalings` ([#22633]).

* `logdet` for `Number`s ([#22629]).

* `fieldcount` is equivalent to `nfields` for Julia versions 0.6 and below and is used to
* `fieldcount` is equivalent to `nfields` for Julia versions 0.6 and is used to
determine the number of fields in a data type ([#22350]).

* There are versions of `InexactError`, `DomainError`, and `OverflowError` that take the same arguments as introduced in Julia 0.7-DEV ([#20005], [#22751], [#22761]).

* `retry` for the more flexible `retry` method introduced in 0.6 which includes support for kwargs ([#19331], [#21419]).

* `Base.rtoldefault` how takes a third parameter `atol`.
* `Base.rtoldefault` now takes a third parameter `atol`.
The two argument form is deprecated in favor of the three arguments form with `atol=0`.

* The `corrected` optional argument of `cov` becomes a keyword argument.
Due to conflict with 0.5 deprecation,
`cov(::AbstractVector; corrected=)` and `cov(::AbstractVector, ::AbstractVector; corrected=)`
are only available on 0.6. ([#21709])
* The `corrected` optional argument of `cov` becomes a keyword argument ([#21709]).

* `equalto` constructs an `EqualTo` object that can be used as a predicate ([#23812]).

Expand All @@ -208,9 +119,6 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:

* `BitArray` constructors for `uninitialized` ([#24785]).

* `@compat finalizer(func, obj)` with the finalizer to run as the first argument and the object to be finalized
as the second ([#24605]).

* `IOContext` accepting key-value `Pair`s ([#23271]).

* `pairs` for iterating over key-value `Pair`s ([#22907]).
Expand All @@ -228,11 +136,6 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:

## Renaming

* `$` is now `xor` or `` ([#18977])

* `num` and `den` are now `numerator` and `denominator` ([#19246])

* `takebuf_array` is now a method of `take!`. `takebuf_string(io)` becomes `String(take!(io))` ([#19088])

* `is_apple`, `is_bsd`, `is_linux`, `is_unix`, and `is_windows` are now `Sys.isapple`, `Sys.isbsd`,
Expand All @@ -241,10 +144,10 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:

* `readstring` is replaced by methods of `read`. ([#22864])

`read(::IO, ::Type{String})`, `read(::AbstractString, ::Type{String})`,
and `read(::Cmd, ::Type{String})` are defined for 0.6 and below.
* `read(::IO, ::Type{String})`, `read(::AbstractString, ::Type{String})`,
and `read(::Cmd, ::Type{String})` are defined for 0.6.

* `Range` is now `AbstractRange` ([#23570])
* `Range` is now `AbstractRange` ([#23570]).

* `select`* functions (`select`, `select!`, `selectperm`, `selectperm!`) are renamed to
`partialsort`* (`partialsort`, `partialsort!`, `partialsortperm`, `partialsortperm!`) ([#23051])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,8 +182,6 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:

## New macros

* `@__DIR__` has been added ([#18380])

* `@vectorize_1arg` and `@vectorize_2arg` are deprecated on Julia 0.6 in favor
of the broadcast syntax ([#17302]). `Compat.@dep_vectorize_1arg` and
`Compat.@dep_vectorize_2arg` are provided so that packages can still provide
Expand All @@ -295,8 +196,6 @@ Currently, the `@compat` macro supports the following syntaxes:

## Other changes

* On versions of Julia that do not contain a Base.Threads module, Compat defines a Threads module containing a no-op `@threads` macro.

* The `Expr(:macrocall)` has an extra initial argument `__source__`, which can be tested for with `Compat.macros_have_sourceloc`.

## New types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,45 +251,11 @@ includes this fix. Find the minimum version from there.
* Now specify the correct minimum version for Compat in your REQUIRE file by
`Compat <version>`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,13 +293,14 @@ includes this fix. Find the minimum version from there.

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