Oracle Database design and SQL
- The entire set of SQL statements using Oracle's DBMS
- Oracle's SQL *Plus commands.
- Logical and physical database schema for a business application requiring 12-18 tables including all necessary contraints to protect the integrity of the data
Identify all constraints required to maintain data integrity for a business application
Work effectively as a member of a team to analyse data requirements, prepare an Entity Relationship Diagram, normalize application user views and prepare a logical database schema for a business application requiring more than 12 tables
Identify use of necessary indexes, views and sequences for an application
Implement, maintain and retrieve data using an Oracle database for a complex business application
Use SQL's Data Definition Language statements of CREATE, ALTER and DROP to create, modify and drop database objects including tables, views, sequences and indexes with all constraints required to maintain data and referential integrity
Use SQL*Plus commands to efficiently create, edit and run SQL statements and to format SQL output
Use SQL's Data Manipulation Language statements of INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE to add, change and delete application data from tables
Use SQL's Transaction Control Language statements of COMMIT to make database changes permanent and ROLLBACK to undo database changes
Use SQL's Data Control Language statements of GRANT and REVOKE to permit and remove access to database objects
Use commands from SQL*Plus, Oracle's extension to the SQL language, to customize a session environment
Use iSQL*Plus to create and run SQL statements
Use SQL's SELECT statement to retrieve data required by an application, including use of single row and group functions, nested queries and correlated sub-queries