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nolta edited this page Sep 10, 2012
4 revisions
import Winston.*
x = linspace( 0, 3pi, 100 )
c = cos(x)
s = sin(x)
p = FramedPlot()
setattr(p, "title", "title!")
setattr(p, "xlabel", L"\Sigma x^2_i")
setattr(p, "ylabel", L"\Theta_i")
add(p, FillBetween(x, c, x, s) )
add(p, Curve(x, c, "color", "red") )
add(p, Curve(x, s, "color", "blue") )
file(p, "example1.png")
import Winston.*
p = FramedPlot()
setattr(p, "xrange", (0,100))
setattr(p, "yrange", (0,100))
setattr(p, "aspect_ratio", 1)
n = 21
x = linspace( 0, 100, n )
yA = 40 + 10randn(n)
yB = x + 5randn(n)
a = Points( x, yA, "type", "circle" )
setattr(a, "label", "a points")
b = Points( x, yB )
setattr(b, "label", "b points")
style(b, "type", "filled circle" )
s = Slope( 1, (0,0), "type", "dotted" )
setattr(s, "label", "slope")
l = Legend( .1, .9, {a,b,s} )
add( p, s, a, b, l )
file(p, "example2.png")
import Winston.*
x = linspace( 0, 3pi, 30)
y = sin(x)
p = FramedPlot()
setattr(p, "title", "Title")
setattr(p, "xlabel", "X axis")
setattr(p, "ylabel", "Y axis")
add( p, Histogram(y, 1) )
add( p, PlotLabel(.5, .5, "Histogram", "color", 0xcc0000) )
t1 = Table( 1, 2 )
t1[1,1] = p
t1[1,2] = p
t2 = Table( 2, 1 )
t2[1,1] = t1
t2[2,1] = p
file(t2, "example3.png")
import Winston.*
x = linspace(0., 2pi, 40)
s = sin(x)
c = cos(x)
inset = FramedPlot()
setattr(inset, "title", "inset")
setattr(inset.frame, "draw_ticks", false)
add( inset, Curve(x, s, "type", "dashed") )
p = FramedPlot()
setattr(p, "aspect_ratio", 1.)
setattr(p.frame, "tickdir", +1)
setattr(p.frame, "draw_spine", false)
add( p, SymmetricErrorBarsY(x, s, 0.2*ones(length(x))) )
add( p, Points(x, s, "color", "red") )
add( p, PlotInset((.6,.6), (.95,.95), inset) )
file(p, "example4.png")
import Winston.*
x = linspace( 0., 2pi, 30 )
y = sin(x)
a = FramedArray( 2, 2, "title", "title" )
setattr( a, "aspect_ratio", 0.75 )
setattr( a, "xlabel", "x label" )
setattr( a, "ylabel", "y label" )
setattr( a, "uniform_limits", true )
setattr( a, "cellspacing", 1. )
add( a, LineY(0, "type", "dot") )
add( a[1,1], Curve(x, .25*y) )
add( a[1,2], Curve(x, .50*y) )
add( a[2,1], Curve(x, .75*y) )
add( a[2,2], Curve(x, y) )
file(a, "example5.png")
import Winston.*
x = linspace( pi, 3pi, 60 )
c = cos(x)
s = sin(x)
p = FramedPlot()
setattr( p, "aspect_ratio", 1 )
setattr( p.frame1, "draw_grid", true )
setattr( p.frame1, "tickdir", 1 )
setattr( p.x1, "label", "bottom" )
setattr( p.x1, "subticks", 1 )
setattr( p.y1, "label", "left" )
setattr( p.y1, "draw_spine", false )
setattr( p.x2, "label", "top" )
setattr( p.x2, "range", (10,1000) )
setattr( p.x2, "log", true )
setattr( p.y2, "label", "right" )
setattr( p.y2, "draw_ticks", false )
setattr( p.y2, "ticklabels", [ "-1", "-1/2", "0", "1/2", "1" ] )
add( p, Curve(x, c, "type", "dash") )
add( p, Curve(x, s) )
file(p, "example6.png")