PySEAT is a testing automation tool. It automatically generates test cases for Python programs that use complex heap-allocated data structures.
This project reuses part of the interface with the Z3 SMT solver of an existing python symbolic execution engine called PEF: Python Error Finder
This tool is based on the following papers:
Generalized Symbolic Execution for Model Checking and Testing
Test Input Generation with Java PathFinder
A Peer Architecture for Lightweight Symbolic Execution
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Create the virtual environment on the project folder:
cd PySEAT/
python3 -m venv env
Activate the environment:
source env/bin/activate
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements
Done! If everything went well you are ready to use the tool.
To run the test examples (all tests should pass):
Generated tests are saved, for each structure, into a folder under the tests/
For example you can find the LinkedList tests on: PySEAT/tests/doublylinkedlist/
These tests are generated from the file
Let us run the tool on an implementation of Doubly Linked Lists (with bugs), that resides on test/should_fail/
We can run it using the script, by simply adding the -f
python -f
The program output looks as follows:
Generating instances of DoublyLinkedList...
Exploring insert_after...
#1 OK
#2 OK
#3 OK
#4 OK
#5 OK
#6 OK
#7 OK
#8 OK
#9 OK
#10 OK
#11 OK
#12 OK
#13 OK
#14 OK
#15 OK
#16 OK
#19 OK
#20 OK
#21 OK
Exploring find...
#2 OK
#3 OK
#4 OK
#5 OK
#6 OK
#8 OK
#9 OK
#10 OK
#11 OK
#13 OK
#14 OK
#15 OK
#17 OK
#18 OK
#20 OK
#21 OK
Exploring insert_at_front...
#1 OK
#2 OK
#3 OK
#4 OK
#5 OK
Exploring insert_at_back...
#5 OK
#6 OK
Exploring pop_front...
#5 OK
#6 OK
Exploring pop_back...
#1 OK
#2 OK
#3 OK
#4 OK
#6 OK
------------------ 66 Tests generated in 10.71s ------------------
49 passed
10 failed
5 exceptions
2 timeouts
Build time: 0.02s
File: /home/juan/Documents/PySEAT/tests/should_fail/doublylinkedlist/
As seen above, there are four possible states of an execution:
- OK: No errors were found. The test case is generated.
- FAIL: An error was found. The test case that produces the error is generated
- EXCEPTION: An exception was raised. the test that produces the exception is generated.
- TIMEOUT: The execution exceeded the allotted time. The test that produces the timeout is generated.
A generated test looks as follows:
def test_insert_after8():
None <- 1 -> <- 1 -> <- 0 -> None
End Self:
None <- 1 -> <- 1 -> <- 0 -> <- 0 -> None
# Input Creation
doublylinkedlist0 = DoublyLinkedList()
node1 = Node(0) = 1
node1.prev = None
node2 = Node(0) = 1
node3 = Node(0) = 0 = None
node3.prev = node2 = node3
node2.prev = node1 = node2
doublylinkedlist0.head = node1
doublylinkedlist0.tail = node3
# Repok check
assert doublylinkedlist0.repok()
# Method call
returnv = doublylinkedlist0.insert_after(0, 0)
# Repok check
assert doublylinkedlist0.repok()
# Assertions
assert returnv is None
assert == 1
assert doublylinkedlist0.head.prev is None
assert == 0
assert is None
assert == 1
assert == 0
And we can find all the tests on the same folder of our source code.
In this case: /tests/should_fail/
The test comment is created calling to the __repr__
method of the class and helps to see what the input, the return value, and the final state of self are. We can avoid the generation of this comment through specific arguments when running the module or by setting the argument in the config file as false (later on we will see how the config file works).
After the exploration, the program will call pytest to run the generated test suite and the test report will be shown:
Running generated tests...
..........F..F..F.F.F.F.F...FF..F.....F. [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
--- Failures description here ---
PySEAT uses the repok() method to generate all partially symbolic valid structures (with a limit in the amount of nodes). After, It performs symbolic execution on each method under test with these structures, exploring every program path and generating the corresponding test case that exercises that path.
Captures the representation invariant of the datatype. That is, it takes an instance of the structure, and checks that the assumed representation holds, returning true in such a case, and false if the representation invariant is broken.
For a deeper understanding of lazy initialization: Generalized Symbolic Execution for Model Checking and Testing
Two things are required by PySEAT to work:
- Annotated types.
- A repok method for the class (class invariant).
In order to perform symbolic execution, the target method should have the types of the arguments annotated with python annotations. Also, all the classes involved in that method execution should have its init method arguments and instance attributes annotated.
A method called "repok" is needed to generate the inputs.
Let us see an instrumentation example of a DoublyLinkedList and its "insert_after" method that inserts a new node, with a certain key, after a given key on the doubly linked list.
class Node:
# Instance attributes annotations (will be treated as symbolic)
data: int
next: "Node"
prev: "Node"
# Init params should be annotated also
def __init__(self, data: int): = data = None
self.prev = None
class DoublyLinkedList:
# Instance attributes annotations (will be treated as symbolic)
head: "Node"
tail: "Node"
# Init params should be also annotated
def __init__(self): # You can omit the self annotation
self.head = None
self.tail = None
# Each method's parameter should be annotated
def insert_after(self, key: int, value: int): # Self annotation can be omitted
node = Node(value)
curr = self.head
while curr is not None and != key:
curr =
if curr is None:
print("Key not found")
if is None: = node
node.prev = curr
self.tail = node
next_node = = node
node.prev = curr = next_node
next_node.prev = node
def do_add(s, x):
length = len(s)
return len(s) != length
# A repok method should be supplied.
# returns True if the structure is a valid DoublyLinkedList, False otherwise.
def repok(self):
if self.head is None and self.tail is None:
return True
if self.head is None or self.tail is None:
return False
if self.head.prev is not None or is not None:
return False
visited = set()
current = self.head
next_node =
while next_node:
if next_node.prev is not current:
return False
if not self.do_add(visited, next_node):
return False
current = next_node
next_node =
if self.do_add(visited, self.tail):
return False
return True
With this instrumentation, the method "insert_after" can be successfully explored and tests will be generated. If inside of the method there were other function calls, there is no need to annotate them.
As it can be seen, the class invariant ("repOk" method) checks that the structure is acyclic. This is a very important property to check if this is an assumption on the structure, as a precondition of the analyzed method.
- int
- bool
Currently, PySEAT supports test generation only for instance methods that take as arguments the "self" (i.e. the user defined structure) as well as types int and bool. Other complex structures apart from self and other builtin data types are not supported yet.
The easiest way to run the program is modifying the default configuration file on
or creating a new configuration file and pass its path
as argument to the program.
The configuration file looks as follows:
max_nodes = 5
max_depth = 10
timeout = 5
coverage = false
mutation = false
quiet = false
run_tests = true
test_comments = false
blackbox = false
To add a program run, the user has to add a new section, and provide the following arguments:
- filepath: The path to the module to test.
- class_name: The name of the class to test.
- methods: The methods of the class to explore
You can add as many runs as you want. For example, with the following config file, the program
will run for DoublyLinkedList and CDLinkedList. They are inside the /tests
max_nodes = 5
max_depth = 10
timeout = 2
coverage = false
mutation = false
quiet = false
run_tests = true
test_comments = true
blackbox = false
[Doubly Linked List]
filepath = tests/doublylinkedlist/
class_name = DoublyLinkedList
methods = insert_after,remove,find,insert_at_back,insert_at_front,top_front,top_back,pop_front,pop_back
[Circular Doubly LinkedList]
filepath = tests/circulardoublylinkedlist/
class_name = CDLinkedList
methods = insert_after,insert_before,delete,append,prepend
One can also override any of the defaults on each run:
[Circular Doubly LinkedList]
filepath = tests/circulardoublylinkedlist/
class_name = CDLinkedList
methods = insert_after,insert_before,delete,append,prepend
max_nodes = 4
; Required Arguments:
; filepath: Path to module .py under test.
; class_name: Name of the class that contains the methods to test.
; methods Methods to test.
; Optional (has default values in DEFAULT section):
; max_nodes: Max amount of nodes that can create the method exploration.
; max_depth: Max depth of the exploration tree made by conditions evalutation.
; timeout: Max time to execute method exloration.
; coverage: Measure coverage of generated test suite.
; mutation: Measure mutation score of generated test suite.
; quiet: Quiet mode, less output
; run_tests: Run test with pytest after generation.
; test_comments: Make a comment with the structure representation on each test.
; blackbox Generates test inputs using the black-box strategy
To instruct PySEAT to run and read the configuration file located in /config.ini
, add the -c option:
python <path-to pyseat/> -c
Or provide a custom config.ini file:
python <path-to pyseat/> -c <path-to .ini file>
One can also execute it as a module:
python -m pyseat -c
To run the program with command line arguments:
python <path-to pyseat/> <> <class-name> -m <methods-names>
Tests generated would be on the same folder of the module under test, on a file called:
All Arguments in config file can also be supplied via the command line:
python <path-to pyseat/> -h
You can measure the coverage and the mutation score of the generated test suite by the arguments "coverage" and "mutation" respectively.
A command line report will be shown and a html-report will be be created on the same
folder as the source file. For coverage source-folder/htmlcov/index.html
. For mutation source-folder/mutscore/index.html
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details