Legofy is a python program that takes a static image or gif and makes it so that it looks as if it was built out of LEGO.

- Python
- Python modules: Pillow, click # pip will install these automatically if using
pip install legofy
- imagemagick # not needed but recommended
If you find a bug:
- Check in the open issues if the bug already exists.
- If the bug is not there, create a new issue with clear steps on how to reproduce it.
$ pip install legofy
or install from source
$ git clone
$ cd Legofy
$ python install
Wait! I don't know what any of this means? Use pip then, or if you really want to install from source have some help.
Usage: legofy [OPTIONS] IMAGE [OUTPUT]
Legofy an image!
--size INTEGER Number of bricks the longest side of the legofied image should have.
--dither / --no-dither Use dither algorithm to spread the color approximation error.
--palette [all|effects|mono|solid|transparent]
Palette to use based on real Lego colors.
--help Show this message and exit.
There are 3 palettes: solid (33 colors), transparent (14 colors) and effects (4 colors). You can use one of them or all the 3.
$ legofy --palette solid image.jpg
$ legofy --palette transparent image.jpg
$ legofy --palette effects image.jpg
$ legofy --palette all image.jpg
There is another one palette, mono, with only 2 colors (black and white...). It's just for test and fun...
- Download and install all requirements
- python from the official python website
- imagemagick from the official imagemagick website
- Download this project by using the download zip button on this page, or running
git clone
- If you downloaded a zip file, please unzip it
- Open a command line and navigate to the project folder
- Run
python install
while in the project folder - You can now use Legofy anywhere, see usage for more help
- JavaScript: Legofy